General Candle Magick

1. One of the simplest of magical arts which comes under the heading of natural magic is candle burning. It is simple because it employs little ritual and few ceremonial artifacts. The theatrical props of candle magic can be purchased at any department store and its rituals can be practiced in any sitting room or bedroom. Candle magick is perhaps the simplest, most effective form of magick. The act of anointing, lighting and burning really gets the practitioner into the mood, and thus attunes himself to the magickal act being performed.

2. Most of us have performed our first act of candle magic by the time we are two years old. Blowing out the tiny candles on our first birthday cake and making a wish is pure magic. This childhood custom is based on the three magical principals of concentration, will power and visualization. In simple terms, the child who wants his wish to come true has to concentrate (blow out the candles), visualize the end result (make a wish) and hope that it will come true( will power).

3 The size and shape of the candles you use is unimportant, although highly decorative, extra large, or unusually shaped candles will not be suitable as these may create distractions when the magician wants to concentrate on the important work in hand. Most magicians prefer to use candles of standard or uniform size if possible. Those which are sold in different colors for domestic use are ideal.

4. The candles you use for any type of magical use should be virgin, that is unused. Under no circumstances use a candle which has already adorned a dinner table or been used as a bedroom candle or night- light. There is a very good occult reason for not using anything but virgin materials in magic. Vibrations picked up by secondhand materials or equipment may disturb your workings and negate their effectiveness. Note: some say waste not want not... but if you must use second hand wax or candles .. cleanse/purify them first.

5. Some magicians who are artistically inclined prefer to make their own candles for ritual and magical use. This is a very practical exercise because not only does it impregnate the candle with your own personal vibrations, but the mere act of making your own candle is magically potent. Specialist shops sell candle wax and moulds together with wicks, perfumes, and other equipment.

6. The hot wax is heated until liquid and then poured into the mould through which a suitably sized wick has already been threaded. The wax is then left to cool and once is this has occured the mould is removed , leaving a perfectly formed candle. Special oil-soluble dyes and perfumes can be added to the wax before the cooling process is complete to provide suitable colors and scents for a particular magical ritual. Craft shops which sell candlemaking supplies can also provide do-it-yourself books explaining the technicalities of the art to the beginner.

7. Once you have purchased or made your ritual candle it has to be oiled/annointed or 'dressed' with an essential oil before burning. The purpose of dressing the candle is to establish a psychic link between it and the magician through a primal sensory experience. By physically touching the candle during the dressing proceedure, you are charging it with our own personal vibrations and also concentrating the desire of your magical act into the wax. The candle is becoming an extension of the magician's mental power and life energy.

8. When you dress a candle for magical use, imagine that it is a psychic magnet with a North and a South pole. To Bring Energies In ..Rub the oil into the candle beginning at the top or North end and work downwards to the half-way point. Always brush in the same direction downwards. This process is then repeated by beginning at the bottome or south end and working up to the middle. To Send Energies Out .. Rub from the Middle to the Top or North end and from the Middle to the Bottom.

9. The best type of oils to use for dressing candles are natural ones which can be obtained quite easily. Some occult suppliers will provide candle magic oils with exotic names. If the magician does not want to use these, he can select suitable oils or perfumes from his own sources. The oils soluble perfumes sold by craft shops for inclusion in candles can be recommended.

Below is a list of some of the Oils used for annointing candles.
Patchouli - for money or sexual desires Rose - love, peace, sexual desire, enhance beauty Geranium - protection Myrrh - healing, meditation, enhance spirituality Basil - happiness, peace, money, stimulating the conscious mind Juniper - healing, protection, purification Clove - courage, protection Jasmine- the moon, love, psychic awareness, peace, spirituality, sexuality

10. The candles you use can be colored in accordance with the following magical uses: (also noted above) This is one version of candle colors. If the colors do NOT feel right to you, change them to meet your needs.

11. If you wanted to use candle magic for healing, you would select a red candle to burn; To pass an exam, burn a yellow candle; To gain esoteric knowledge burn a blue candle; or for material gain burn a purple one. It is obvious these colors relate to the signs of the zodiac and the planetary forces.

12. The simples form of candle magic is to write down the objective/purpose of your ritual on a virgin piece of paper. You can use color paper which matches the candle. Write your petition on the paper using a magical alphabet, such as theban, enochian, malachain,etc. As you write down what you want to accomplish through candle magic-- a new job, healing for a friend, a change of residence, a new love affair, etc.-- visualize your dream coming true. Visualize the circumstances under which you might be offered a new job, imagine your employer telling you that your salary has been increased or cinjure up a vision of your perfect love partner.

13. When you have completed writing down your petition, carefully fold up the paper in a deliberately slow fashion. Place the end of the folded paper in the candle flame and set light to it. As you do this concentrate once more on what you want from life.

14. When you have completed your ritual, allow the candle to have completely burned away. You do not need to stay with the candle after the ritual, but make sure that is is safe and that red-hot wax will not cause damage or fire. Never re-use a candle which has been lit in any magical ritual. IT should only be used in that ritual and then allowed to burn away or be disposed of afterwards.

15. If you are conducting a magical ritual which involves two people (e.g. an absent healing for a person some distance away) then the second person can be symbollically represented during the ritual by another candle. /all you need to do is find out the subject's birth date and burn the appropriate candle color for that zodiacal sign.


If you want to gain something (friendship, money, job, intelligence) do your magick during the WAXING MOON (when the moon is getting full)

If you want to lose something (bad habits, negative energy) do your magick during the WANING MOON (when the moon is getting small)

The FULL MOON is a good time for magick of all kinds, for the full moon brings great power to all magick.

The NEW MOON is useful for starting new ventures.


Scrying is a term used to mean "divining" or "seeing into the future". You would use this spell as you read the Tarot, or cast the Runes or whatever your tool is. This spell should ease your journey.

For some candle magic is their first choice of spells, and as such they observe and work with the flame a lot.. Candle magic teacher's emphasize that we are responsible for our spells AND part of that responsibility is the flame. However, sometimes the flame goes out because the spell isn't meant to be. Maybe you worded the spell incorrectly and your angels are blowing the candle out.

One woman who did a candle spell changed her mind mid way into it . She moved the candle from her altar and left it on a windowsill. Teachers recommended apologizing to the universe and just blowing it out. Or keeping it on the alter and work/meditate with it to change the focus of the spell and turn the spell to your real intentions. Sometimes it is by doing the spell that our minds are freed up to our Real intentions or path.

If a flame is low, sometimes you need to to use a knife or a pencil to poke a hole in the side of the candle for the wax to run down. If you are using a glass container you can pour off some of the wax, although your first priority is to keep the flame alive and pouring off causes concerns that the flame will go out. In a glass container, you might want to poke a hole down the side of the candle with a pencil and drain off some wax that way.
Sometimes it's a question of meditating with a candle and asking the flame to burn higher.
This is a good exercise anyway in terms of seeing your impact in the universe. {take a candle and light it and ask the flame to burn high then burn low. (Do not do this in a draft) you will see how amazingly quickly you can manifest your intentions in the universe with this exercise.} And sometimes just letting the candle BE is the best answer. It may feel like a test of patience but trust that the universe is working with you.
7 day candles have been known to burn out blazingly in 4 days (a badly written love spell) or slowed their burning lasting for up to 11 days (a healing candle and the man needed the flow of energy) It is said by some that when a candle flame splits it is the God or Goddess or one of your spirits trying to talk to you. If you watch it long enough you get an idea of what they want to tell you or they are just letting you know they are there to help with what you are doing.

CANDLE BURN A speedy, clean burn means things will go well with the spell or blessing and that one will most likely get what one wishes for. If a glass encased candle burns and leaves no marks on the glass, that is best. If a free-standing candle leaves little or no residue, that is best.

If a free-standing candle runs and melts a lot while burning, one may observe the flow of wax for signs. For instance, if one is burning a bride-and-groom type candle for love, and the woman's wax runs all over the man's, then the woman desires the man more than he desires her -- or if one is burning a green money candle and the wax melts and runs down onto the monetary offering, then the spell is "eager to work" and the candle is "blessing the money." Some people try to influence the way melting wax runs; they do this as part of the spell-work, to increase the likelihood that things will go the way they want. Others prefer to let nature take its course and to watch running wax for signs, without interfering at all.

When a free-standing candle burns down to a puddle of wax, most workers will examine the shape of the wax; they may see something of importance there; the shape may suggest an outcome regarding the matter at hand. For instance, a heart-shaped wax puddle is a good significator if one is burning a red candle for a love spell -- and a coffin-shaped wax puddle is a good significator if one if burning a black devil candle against an enemy. Wax puddles come in all kinds of shapes; most candle-magicians treat them like tea-leaves when they look at them.

A dirty, black, sooty burn (especially one that messes up a glass- encased candle) means things are going to go hard -- the spell may not work, the blessing may fail, the person is in deeper stress or trouble than you thought. If the work is being done against an enemy and the enemy's candle burns sooty and dirty, then it is likely that the enemy is fighting your influences.

If a glass-encased candle burns half clean and half dirty or if a free-standing candle lets out a lot of smoke but then burns clean at the end, that means there is hidden trouble with the person, or someone is working against your wishes. Things will not go well at first, but with repeated work you may get them to go better.

If a candle tips over and flames up into a fire hazard, or if it goes out before completely burning, those are very bad signs. Someone is working against the practitioner.
When a candle burns up very fast the work will go well but it may not last long. If one lights candles for several people and one burns faster than the others, then that person is most affected by the work, but the worker's influence may not last long.

In European-American traditions, many people bury candle wax and other ritual remains after a spell is cast. Burial toward the appropriate quarter of the compass is considered a thoughtful way to go about this. Some neo-pagans dispose of ritual or spell remains in a bonfire or fireplace.

In African-American hoodoo candle magic spells the disposal of left- over materials follows other patterns, usually dependent upon the type of spell. If the intention of the spell is good and it involves matters around one's own home, like blessing, love-drawing, money-drawing, or home protection, one can wrap the materials in a cloth or paper packet and bury them in the yard. It is important to never bury remains from negative spells in one's own yard.

If the intention of the spell is not centered on matters close to home, or if one does not have a suitable yard, one can wrap the materials in a cloth or paper packet and throw them in running water over the left shoulder and walk away.

Alternatively, one can take the materials to a crossroads -- any place where two roads cross -- and throw the packet into the center of the crossroads over the left shoulder and walk away. The crossroads is also the preferred place to throw bath-water before beginning a spell; it is often used for throwing out the remains of candle wax if the spell does not personally involve the practitioner or if the spell is negative or influence-removing.

If the intention of the spell is specifically to get someone to leave town or leave one alone, one can divide the materials (e.g. 9 needles used in a spell and 9 pieces of wax from a candle) into 9 packets and add Hot Foot Powder (or Drive Away Powder) to each packet. One starts at a crossroads near to where the person lives and throws out the first packet. Then one travels in a direction away from the enemy's home, toward where one wants them to go, and drops a packet at each crossroads one passes until all the packets are gone. In the country this might carry one several miles. In the city it would only be 9 blocks, so city folks only count major intersections (with a light) when they do this, or they may count freeway interchanges to get some distance worked up between the packets.

If the intention of the spell is seriously, irreparably harmful (like causing another person grave illness), especially if it contains graveyard dirt or goofer dust, one can dispose of the material in a graveyard. The wax and other remnants are placed in a miniature coffin, buried, and marked by a miniature headstone with the enemy's name on it. When setting such a spell to rest, many workers also sprinkle a mixture of sulphur powder and salt around the grave, then walk home and don't look back.


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