Herbal Codes - Or, you don't need to kill a black cat


Many grimoires and books of magick use animals and their parts as codes for herbs. Here are a number of them:


Adder's Tongue: Dogstooth Violet; Plantain
Ass's Foot: Coltsfoot


Bat's Wing : Holly Leaf
Bat's Wool : Moss
Bird's Eye: Germander, Speedwell
Blood: Elder sap or another tree sap
Blood from a Head: Lupine
Blood of an Eye: Tamarisk, Gall
Blood of Ares: Purslane
Blood of a Goose: Mulberry tree's sap
Blood of Hephaistos: Wormwood
Blood of Hestia: Chamomile
Blood from a Shoulder: Bear's Breeches
Bloody Fingers: Foxglove
Blue Jay: Bay laurel
Bone of an Ibis: Buckthorn
Brains: Cherry tree gum [this phrase usually designates any fruit tree gum]
Bull's Blood or Seed of Horus: Horehound
Bull's Foot: Coltsfoot
Bear's Foot: Lady's Mantle


Calf's Snout: Snapdragon
Cat: Catnip
Cat's Foot: Canada Snake Root and/or Ground Ivy
Capon's Tail: Valerian.
Clot: Great Mullein
Corpse Candles: Mullein
Cuddy's Lungs: Great Mullein
Crow Foot: Cranesbill, wild geranium, buttercup


Devil's Dung: Asafoetida
Dog: Couch grass
Dragon's Blood: Resin of Draco palm
Dragon's Scales: Bistort leaves
Dog's Mouth: Snapdragon
Dog's Tongue: Hounds Tongue
Dove's Foot: Wild Geranium


Eagle: Wild Garlic
Ear of an Ass: Comfrey
Ears of a Goat: St. John's Wort
Englishman's Foot: Common Plantain
Eye of Christ: Germander, speedwell
Eye of the Day: Common daisy
Eye of the Star: Horehound
Eyes: Inner part of a blossom; Aster, Daisy, Eyebright


Fat from a Head: Spurge
Fingers: Cinquefoil
Five Fingers: Cinquefoil
Foot: Leaf
Frog: Cinquefoil
Frog's Foot: Bulbous buttercup
From the Belly: Earth-apple
From the Foot: Houseleek
From the Loins: Chamomile


Graveyard Dust: Mullein
Goat's Foot: Ash Weed
God's Hair: Hart's Tongue Fern
Gosling Wing: Goosegrass
Great Ox-eye: Ox-eye daisy
Guts: The roots and stalk of a plant


Hair: Dried stringy herbs; ripe male fern
Hair of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed
Hair of Venus: Maidenhair fern
Hare's Beard: Great mullein
Hawk: Hawkweed
Hawk's Heart: Wormwood seed
Head: Flower of a plant
Heart: Walnut
Heart: A bud, seed, or nut
Hind's Tongue: Hart's Tongue Fern
Horse Tongue: Hart's Tongue Fern
Horse Hoof: Coltsfoot


Jacob's Staff: Great Mullein
Jupiter's Staff: Great Mullein


King's Crown: Black Haw
Kronos' Blood: Cedar


Lamb: Lettuce
Lamb's Ears: Betony
Leg: Leaf
Lion's Hair: Tongue of a Turnip [i.e., the leaves of the taproot]
Lion's Tooth: Dandelion aka Priest's Crown


Man's Bile: Turnip sap


Nightingale: Hops


Paw: Leaf
Pig's Tail: Leopard's Bane
Privates: Seed


Ram's Head: American Valerian
Red Cockscomb: Amaranth
Rat: Valerian


Seed of Horus: Horehound
Semen of Ammon: Houseleek
Semen of Helios: White Hellebore
Semen of Herakles: Mustard-rocket
Semen of Hermes: Dill
Semen of Hephaistos: Fleabane
Semen of Ares: Clover
Skin of Man: Fern
Skull: Skullcap Mushroom
Snake: Bistort
Sparrow's Tongue: Knotweed
Shepherd's Heart: Shepherd's Purse
Swine's Snout: Dandelion leaves


Tail: Stem
Teeth: Pine Cones
Titan's Blood: Wild Lettuce
Toad: Toadflax; Sage
Toe: Leaf
Tongue: Petal
Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Juice


Unicorn's Horn: False Unicorn Root; True Unicorn Root
Urine: Dandelion


Weasel: Rue
Weasel Snout: Yellow Dead Nettles/Yellow Archangel
White Man's Foot: Common Plantain
Wing: Leaf
Wolf Claw: Club Moss
Wolf Foot: Bugle Weed
Wolf's Milk: Euphorbia
Woodpecker: Peony
Worms: Thin Roots


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