A type of quartz
known as chalcedony with banded patterns of color. To it has been
attributed powers of protection, victory, attracting love,
promoting fertility in crops, turning away lightning or evil
spirits, finding buried treasure, curing insomnia, and giving
pleasant dreams. Agate is said to reverse the energy flow of any
chakra, thus removing blockages and illness. It gives strength to
mind and body, increases balance and is useful when sudden bursts
of energy are needed.
Moss Agate or Tree Agate
This variety of agate is usually white with black, brown, red
or green moss or treelike inclusions. The Greek Orpheus said that
to wear moss agate was to receive divine favor. To it is
attributed powers of eloquence and persuasion, fertility, eternal
life. It is associated with Taurus and Venus, and also Gemini.
Moss agate is one of the most powerful healing stones. It protects
and enhances the aura and aids in opening the "third eye." Useful
for meditation, scrying, astral travel, and speaking with spirit
guides. Well-suited for spells of wealth, happiness, long life,
and to find friends.
Not a mineral, but fossilized tree sap, Amber is not readily
employed in our wands because it is hard to find in round shapes
and is very fragile. A good substitute, from the standpoint of
appearance is Honey Calcite (see below).
Purple or lilac, in most cases, amethyst is traditionally given
the power to avert intoxication. It is said to protect against
evil sorcery and bring success and good luck. A powerful healing
crystal, it calms mental disorders, pruifies the blood, and
balances all chakras. It is associated with the third eye,
clairvoyance, prescience, and the ablity to cut through illusions.
Amethyst is especially suited to spells of transmutation and
Green type of quartz, sometimes called Indian Jade, it is a
fortuitous stone used to release anxieties and inspire positive
attitudes, good health, and independence. Linked strongly to
Elemental Earth, it gives balance and calm. It is protective and
can bring good luck in gambling, enhances creative visualization,
writing, art, and music. Attracts prosperity and love, and
unexpected adventures or incidents.
Green with red flecks like blood, this is a form of chalcedony,
an opaque green jasper. Its old name was Heliotrope, signifying
the turning of the sun. It is said to link the root and heart
chakras, stimulating kundalini. It guards one against deceptions
and preserves health. It creates prosperity and abundance, and
strengthens self-confidence. Also can lengthen life, give fame,
and invisibility, remove obstacles, control spirits, cause storms,
and help in court cases.
A soft stone, easily scratched, but lustrous in green, pink,
and many other colors, including the beautiful amber "Honey"
calcite. The famous Carara marble of Italy is composed of calcite.
It helps clear negative energies from the environment and the
body, intensifies clarity, attracts love.
Orange or reddish form of chalcedony, related to sard,
bloodstone, and moss agate. Traditionally used to protect against
the "evil eye," carnelian is said to fulfil all desires. It speeds
all manifestations, revitalizes and aligns the physical and
spiritual bodies, strengthens concentration, increases the sense
of self-worth, brings career success, and balances creative and
organizational abilities.
Clear, pale yellow variety of quartz which can be used in
rounded forms for reservoir stones and in crystal form as wand
points. A highly solar stone, ruled by the constellation Scorpio,
it is used as a talisman against intoxication, evil thoughts,
overindulgence, snakes, plagues, and epidemics. It is useful for
aligning one's ego with one's Higher Self, and for giving clarity
of thought. Citrine has the power to strengthen one's ability to
deal with difficult karma and opens channels of intuition. It may
increase one's motivation, and creative energy. Finally, it is a
good stone for spells of prosperity.
More soft and breakable than quartz, sometimes clear, sometimes
with brownish, golden, or bluish stripes, flourite is connected to
Pisces and Capricorn, and grounds excessive energy, mental,
emotional, or nervous. A powerfulhealing stone for all chakras,
good for cleansing the aura, flourite also aids communication with
fairies and nature spirits. It enhances the understanding of
abstract concepts, meditation, and study in general. It is an
all-purpose amplifier of etheric energies.
A dark iron-gray stone with a metallic luster, which exhibits a
blood-red color when powdered. Sacred to Mars, hematite has been
worn togain favorable hearings or judgments, to win petitions
before those in authority, and to protect warriors. Associated
with Aries and Aquarius, it energizes the etheric body and gives
optimism, will, and courage. It repels negativity and gives
strength to the physical and astral bodies.
Best known as apple green, Jade can also be white, pink,
yellow, black, gray, or brown. There are actually two different
kinds of stone called jade: jadeite and nephrite. Associated with
Aries, Gemini, and Libra, jade strengthens the heart, kidneys, and
immune system. It increases fertility, balances the emotions,
dispels negativity, and gives courage and wisdom. Green jade is
famous for producing vivid and accurate dreams.
A variety of chalcedony that is massive and fine-grained, it
may take many colors, but is often red. When combined with
hematite, it is called jaspillite. Bloodstone is a variety of
jasper. Good for weatherworking, especially brining rain, and for
curing snakebite. Healing for stomach ailments, jasper balances
all chakras, stabilizes energy, and protects from negativity,
drives away evil spirits, hallucinations, and nightmares, and is
generally a grounding stone. It builds up steady energy for long
periods of time.
Lapis Lazuli
Not a single mineral but a magical combination of dark blue
lazurite, hauynite, sodalite, diopside, white streaks of calcite,
and specks of gold pyrite. Sacred to the Egyptian goddess Isis and
associated with the throat chakra, it is useful for removing
painful memories from the astral body or aura. Lapis lazuli is
ruled by the planet Jupiter and is a stone of good fortune. It
helps release tension and anxiety, increases mental clarity,
creativity, and clairvoyane, helps overcome depression and aids
communication with spirit guides.
Relatively soft, dark green stone with swirls and stripes of
lighter green, malachite's color comes from copper. Reputed to
confer the ability to understand animal languages, it is also
valued as a protective stone, revitalizing to the body and mind.
It repels evil spirits, inspires tolerance and flexibility, opens
communication, and stabilizes energy. It is an excellent stone for
creating through magical manifestation, strengthening the
intuition and the power of transformation. Malachite acts as a
psychic mirror, amplifying the energy one projects into it and
drawing one into other worlds in meditation.
A type of chalcedony similar to agate, except that it has
straight rather than curved bands of color. Sacred to Saturn and
Earth, onyx balances male and female polarities, gives spiritual
inspiration, helps face past life problems and transformational
challenges. It protects against black magic, evil spirits, and
aids communication with spirits. White onyx expands the
imagination, while black onyx deflects negative energy.
Quartz Crystal
Perhaps the most generally powerful magical amplifier, quartz
crystals are the most common stones for wand points. When rounded,
however, they also make excellent reservoir stones. In fact
amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, and aventurine all belong to the
quartz family, but so-called Rock Crystal is colorless and
transparent. It generates an electric charge when heated or placed
under strain. Crystal balls are, of course, used for scrying, and
ceremonial magicians have long used quartz points on their wands
as magical amplifiers and aids to concentration. Ruled by the
Moon, quartz crystal is excellent for meditation and communication
with spirit guides, telepathy, clairvoyance, and visualization.
Rose Quartz
Pink quartz is called the "love stone" and aids in healing the
emotions. It aids in the development of compassion and love and
reduces stress and anxiety. Enhances creativity and
self-conficence through connection to the True Self. Connected
specifically to the heart chakra.
Smoky Quartz
Grayish brown quartz
which aids in discrimination, aids meditation by grounding and
centering. It breaks up blocks and negativity, strengthens dream
awareness, and aids contact with nature spirits. Very dark smoky
quartz, called morion or cairngorm, is connected to the root
chakra and helps transform dreams into reality. It is often a much
more powerful magical stone than clear quartz.
Rutilated Quartz
Clear quartz containing thin threads of gold or titanium or
asbestos, sometimes called "Venus hair" or "Thetis hair" stones.
The rutiles are said to augment the transmission poer and energy
of the quartz. Associated with Gemini and Taurus, it enhances life
energy, increases clairvoyance, transmutes negative energy, aids
in communication with one's Higher Self, and increases the
efficacy of magick. It is especially enchanting when light falls
through the rutile needles in the stone.
Tourmalinated Quartz
Clear quartz with inclusions of black tourmaline, it is
considered to have double the power of clear crystal. Sometimes
associated with Libra, it balances all extremes and is a powerful
grounding and protective stone.
A pink or rose stone with thin veins or patches of gray or
black, it is a good stress-reducer, calming the mind, and
enhancing energy levels of both body and mind. It has the property
of deterring unwanted interruptions on the physical or astral
planes. Aids in keeping one's temper and reaching one's maximum
Striking green stone with light and dark hues and white or
black speckles, relatively soft, associated with Scorpio,
serpentine increases wisdom and self-restraint. It is said to
protect against venom and has many of the same properties as green
jade (see above).
A variety of chalcedony or qurtz with silky chatoyancy, yellow
and golden brown stripes. Associates with Capricorn and Leo,
tiger's-eye is a powerful protective stone, balancing emotions,
and giving clear insight. It grounds and centers the user and
strengthens the magical will. It also brings good luck and aids in
seeing the truth. Especially good for protection against the Dark
A massive stone, not a crystal, turquoise is suitable for a
wand reservoir. Sky blue and sacred to the Egyptian goddess
Hathor, it is a powerful stone for weatherworking, protection, and
prosperity. It has the power to build bridges between worlds, and
is a stone of knowledge and seeking.
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