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Other Grimoires

  • Michael W. Ford - Liber HVHI: Magick of the Adversary

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    The awaited grimoire of the Luciferian Path is now published containing the infernal rites of the Qlippoth, an extensive ideological and magical system presenting a grounded and understandable form of working with the Qlippothic Tree of Da'ath and tunnels. The second part of the grimoire is based on the ritualistic inversions of the Avestantexts and the forbidden path of Predatory Spiritualism. LIBER HVHI contains the 22 spheres of the Infernal Qlippoth, the methods of filling and draining those "shells" and the Luciferian Rites ofthe Supper of Cain, symbolic of the first Satanist from the ancient Hebrew texts relating to the devouring process from a symbolic and ritualistic approach. The second half of Liber HVHIis the workings based on the demonology of the Avestan texts and ancient persian sorcery and predatory spirituality.

  • The Demonic Bible

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    by Magus Tsirk Susej, Antichrist,Servant and disciple of the Dark Lord, revealed to him by the spirit Azael, his Unholy Guardian Demon. This book contains rituals for Crossing the Gates of Hell and becoming one with theForces of Darkness. It also contains rituals for the invocation of hundreds of demons and Dark Gods. This may possibly be the most evil book written.

  • Goetia: Luciferian Edition

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    Darkness is always found within first. Your entire life has been found in either an embrace of shadow or a carefully forgotten endless banishing of it. The Luciferian Path instructs the student to awaken darkness, to manifest demons from the abyss of the Subconscious and master them - the end result being self-mastery and the transformation into a Luciferic Spirit.The Luciferian Goetia is a grimoire which presents the 72Spirits of Solomon as daemonic forces within the minditself, giving possibility to their anthropomorphic existence outside of humanity itself. The interpretation and experience is as unique as the Shemhamforasch itself. Herein is LEGION, the Book of Howling. Contains a different approach to the 72 Demons, Invocations and Evocations written by a Luciferian and a working methodology on summoning and controlling powerful forces.

  • De Vermis Mysteriis

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    Written in a prison in Prague by Ludwig Prinnin c1542, this terrible Tome has been known to contain knowledgethat would drive men to madness.

    Banned by Pope Pious V, but copies may still be found at the Starry Wisdom Church in Providence RhodeIsland, at the Huntington Library in California, and at Miskatonic University.

  • Chinese Taoist Sorcery: The Art of Getting Even

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    This is one of those rare times when a publisher is proud to present an interesting book to the public. The author is an expert in several fields of Chinese knowledge such as military strategy, the I Ching, metaphysics, and other branches of study still unknown in the West. Having had the opportunity to study with famous military and religious teachers in China, he wishes to share his knowledge with others.

  • Papal Magick by Simon

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    It is acknowledged Church doctrine that sorcery is the specific domain of the Devil. Yet occult tales are liberally sprinkled throughout the Old and New Testaments, from the spirit-invoking Witch of Endor to the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Throughout its 2,000 year history, the Church has spawned numerous mystical religious orders, like the Knights Templar, that may have been engaged in supernatural pursuits, while no fewer than three popes were believed to be involved in occult practices. Christian scriptures tell us that the occult is real, while Catholic priests are thought to have spiritual power over ghosts and evil entities. But if a priest can cast out demons during the rites of exorcism, does it not imply he has the ability to summon them as well? In this eye-opening, provocative work, leading occult scholar Simon examines the Church's unspoken relationship with forbidden magic by exploring the infamous seventeenth-century document considered by some to be the most demonic of all occult texts ?the Grimoire of Pope Honorius III?and illuminates the Vatican's darkest hidden corners.

  • The 6th and 7th books of Moses

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    Weimar Bible Alternate version. The Key of Solomon, save for a cultailed and incomplete copy published in France in the seventeeth century, has never yet been printed, but has for centuries remained in Manuscript form inaccessible to all but the few fortunate scholars to whom the innermost recesses of the great libraries were open. The fountain-head and storehouse of Qabalistic Magic, and the origin of much of the ceremonial magic of Midieval times, the "Key" has been valued by Occult writers as a work of the highest authority.

  • Heptameron

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    or Magical Elements of Peter de Abano. A detailed system ofinvocations for the Hours of the Day, the Seasons, and the Days ofthe Week.

  • Stephen Skinner - David Rankine - A Collection Of Magical Secrets

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    A Collection of Magical Secrets Taken from Peter de Abano, Cornelius Agrippa and from other Famous Occult Philosophers and A Treatise Of Mixed Cabalah Which comprises the Angelic Art Taken From Hebrew Sages Translated from Wellcome MS4669 by Paul Harry Barron from the original French manuscript dated 1796 With Introduction by Stephen Skinner & David Rankine This book bridges the worlds of learned magic and village cunning, providing rare and previously unavailable material from the late eighteenth century. It comprises two parts, A Collection of Magickal Secrets and A Treatise of Mixed Cabalah, both of which contain unique and exciting magical material, that were previously bound together in a French manuscript with The Clavicule of Solomon and The Universal Treatise of the Keys of Solomon. These are reproduced along with The Keys of Rabbi Solomon, in the most significant grimoire publication of modern times, The Veritable Key of Solomon by Stephen Skinner & David Rankine. A Collection of Magical Secrets contains a collection of charms, ranging from the very simple to the complex. There are charms for healing, winning in love and gambling, gaining familiar spirits, regaining stolen or lost property, instructions for the creation of magic rings for controlling spirits, and a rare angelic conjuration of a Prince of the Thumb. A wide range of sympathetic magick techniques such as dreaming, poppets, using bread, herbs and sieves, are utilised to ensure the success of the charms. A Treatise of Mixed Cabalah contains four parts, three of which fit together to develop a greater knowledge of the practical Qabalah. This includes a ritual sequence of prayers and actions for increasing knowledge, practical instructions for the construction, consecration and use of wax pentacles for absent healing, a technique for angelic dream incubation and a system of divination with 112 possible answers.

  • Book of The Treasure of Alexander

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    Book of the Treasure of Alexander - Talismans (18 pages) The Book of the Treasure of Alexander, attributed to Alexander the Great and his tutor, the philosopher Aristotle, is a medieval Hermetic text of alchemy, astrology and astrological magic. This is the first complete English translation of this key text, originally written in Arabic, which explains a wide variety of practical applications of occult virtue and the hidden powers of Nature. Originally written in Arabic, our text was translated into Portuguese from a critical edition of three Arabic texts and then translated by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold into English. I then extensively edited the text in order to make sure the astrology and astrological magic was accurate and usable. Despite being attributed to Alexander and Aristotle, Hermes Trismegistus and Balinus, our usual suspects when it comes to hermetica, pop up all over the place. This is a classic work of Arabic Hermeticism, with lots of links to Picatrix, but lots of new material, I've never seen either in Picatrix or other works.

  • The Sacred Magic of the Angels by David Goddard

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    This book teaches the wonders and secrets of true Angelic Magic. No matter what challenges you may face - health, love, wealth or security. This book gives you tried-and-tested methods for invoking the holy Angels to help you with the hardships of life.

    The book, Sacred Magic of the Angels includes the traditional angelic rulerships; whether it is healing, employment, creativity, or love. Certain angels have been appointed to help us overcome hardship and become fulfilled.

    The Sacred Magic of the Angels teaches how to authentically call upon these appointed Angels. How to recognise that your requests have been heard. And the time frame during which the desired result could occur.

  • The Book of Dagon

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    Cursed Writings of Assyrian Priest

  • The Red Book of Appin Translated by Scarabaeus

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    Black magic and demonolatry from the collection of Joseph Appin. The Red Book of Appin is a name many occultists may have heard but few would know much about.

    Folklore claims the book was stolen from the Devil as a trick by a young shepherd on whom Satan had set his sights. Montague Summers in his History of Witchcraft and Demonology relates that the book “contained a large number of magic runes and incantations for the cure of cattle diseases, the increase of flocks and the fertility of fields” and (in common with many books of magic) its simple possession conferred upon the owner certain preternatural powers. By Summers’ time the book had already been missing for at least 100 years.

  • The Satanic Rituals - Anton LaVey

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    Pages of hidden literature, Rituals, Enchantments, Talisman, Beverages, Magic Formulas, Secrets, Invocations, Pacts, Stamps and other forms of Black Arts

  • Papyri Graecae Magicae

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    The Greek Magical Papyri (Latin Papyri Graecae Magicae, abbreviated PGM) is the name given by scholars to a body of papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt, which each contain a number of magical spells, formulae, hymns and rituals.

    The materials in the papyri date from the 2nd century BC to the 5th century AD. The manuscripts came to light through the antiquities trade, from the 18th century onwards.

  • The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook

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    The term "voodoo hoodoo" is used by Louisiana locals to describe the unique variety of Creole Voodoo found in New Orleans. In this book, you will find a plethora of authentic Voodoo and hoodoo rituals for love, justice, gambling luck, luck in court, prosperity, health, crossing, hexes, curse removal, and much more. The author has stripped the shroud of secrecy that has always surrounded Voodoo, and provides detailed instructions on everything from making gris-gris, magickal oils, talismans, and powders, to casting hexes. Denise Alvarado was born and raised in the Voodoo and hoodoo rich culture of New Orleans. She has studied mysticism and practiced Creole Voodoo and indigenous healing traditions for over three decades. She is a cultural anthropologist, psychologist, writer, artist, spiritual adviser, and cultural consultant.

  • Michael W. Ford - The Book of the Witch Moon: A Grimoire of Luciferian Witchcraft, Vampyrism and Chaos Sorcery

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    The forbidden works of Chaos, Vampiric and Luciferian Sorcery. Containing a grimoire outlining the dark feminine current of HECATE, the book outlines the practice of Satanic or Luciferian Witchcraft from a Cunning craft viewpoint. Witch Moon explores ritual and dream Lycanthropy, Chaos Sorcery and Luciferian Ritual practice. The foundation of Book of the Witch Moon is in the darksome practice of Vampirism and Predatory Spirituality. The Nine Angles and the Trapezoid workings, inspired by Anton LaVey and presented around the cult of Daeva-Yasna, the persian demon-sorcery of Yatuk Dinoih.

  • Schulke - Viridarium Umbris: The Pleasure Garden of Shadow

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    Which treats of the Secret Knowledge of Trees and Herbs, Deliver'dby the Fallen Angels unto Man. An extensive grimorium of Wortcunning, or herb-magic, thePleasure-Garden treats of the secret knowledge of trees and herbsas delivered by the Fallen Angels unto mankind. The book'sprincipal concerns are the sorcery and gnosis of the Greenwood, asarising from the varied luminaries of the Eternal Gardens of theArte Magical. As a grimoire of Spiritual Botany, the Book is aHortus Conclusus of text and image intended for the indwelling ofthese plant-spirits. The work encompasses magical practices,formulae, and mystical exegesis, all treating the respectivearcana of Nature-Spirits and the powers of individual plants. Muchof the magical foci are on devotion, purity, humility, silence,solitude, and the hieros-gamos of wortcunner and plant as atutelary relationship, in conjunction with the Mysteries of Cain,first tiller of the soil. The whole is intended as a textualreification of the Green Arts within the context of the SabbaticCraft Tradition, and within the greater ambit of Brythonicplantlore and folk magic

  • Schulke - Ars Philtron: Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of thePotion and its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical

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    This important work treats extensively of Wortcunning and Sabbatic-alchemicalgnosis as manifested through the medium of potion-making. Its texttreats of the eight principal Sabbatic-alchemic philtre types,their pharmacoepia and formulation. Evocations to aspects of theSabbatic Guardians Lilith and Cain are also given to empower therevelation and reification of the Philtre Arcana. This work waspublished in 2001 in a limited edition of 144 copies, hand-boundin earthen-hued cloth with burgundy end-papers, and signed by theauthor (original price ?40 per copy). Each copy of the book isunique, containing a full-colour frontispiece of one of a seriesof 24 paintings of the Sabbatic-Alchemic Temple, backed with oneof six evocations to Cain or Lilith. This work has now sold outcompletely. Second-hand prices are presently ?200+.

  • [ recommended ] De Nigromancia by Roger Bacon

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    De Nigromancia, or, Concerning the Black Art, is a Latin manuscript attributed to Roger Bacon, first appearing some time in the 16th century. The text is concerned with Goetic summonings, especially of wraiths. Goetia is the common name for that branch of Ceremonial Magic that deals with the conjuration of infernal spirits or demons. Rare manuscript.

  • Chumbley - Azoetia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft

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    Originally published by Xoanon in 1992, Azoetia or 'The Book of the Magical Quintessence'has become one of the most sought-after new magical works of our time and may be regarded as the foundation text of the Sabbatic Craft Tradition in its present phase of work. Azoetia is comprised of three main parts: an exposition of preliminary magico-aesthetic formulae with detailed descriptions of working tools; the fulltext of the Sabbatic Rituals of Ingress, Congress, and Egress; and an eleven-chaptered Grimoirium detailing the arcana and composite practices of the Sacred Alphabet - the twenty-two lettered code of sorcerous principles underlying the practical spectrum of the Arte Magical. The entire work intends the retification of traditional British cunning-craft praxis according to the spiritual vision and artistry of a contemporary initiate.


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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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