To begin
this, I don�t quite consider myself any one thing. I borrow from
many traditions and practices, and some of the ideas of chaos
magick have fairly recently become some of these. But I�ve noticed
that many who (really, not bullshittingly) follow any type of
magickal path have an artistic nature. I designed this to work
with that idea in mind.
Begin figuring out what your servitor will look like, feel like,
what personality it will have. Begin sketches that loosely convey
these ideas, and try at this point to vaguely begin imbuing it
with a spark of life. No definition yet, it�s still much too
early. The light gnosis or meditative state that comes from
focusing on drawing should suffice for this concentration. This
step occurred completely by accident for me; I began with
something that I had thought up a long time ago for a story I had
been writing, but had never really forgotten. I think the power of
the idea made it somehow different than the things I usually draw.
From these sketches, your creation should start a growth and
evolution of it�s own. Think of the embryo slowly developing
eyespots, a head and torso, protolimbs, then limbs. Keep drawing
more and more detailed versions of your creation. Plan a final
piece, one to be executed in your medium of choice. I used
acrylics. Again, try to make the steps of how you work with your
art, work with the Art. If you start your stuff with an
underpainting, have this establish the piece as different and
magickally oriented, where your overpainting is when you breathe
life into the servitor. Give it a function, a purpose, deepen the
personality, think about what strengths and weaknesses it will
have. (No one being can be invincible. Inherently certain
strengths create weaknesses.)
Once you finish the final piece, the thoughtform of your servitor
should be hanging around, waiting for the final step. Reach gnosis
through the easiest method for you, and sever the tie that makes
it a thoughtform, while feeding it a jumpstarting burst of energy.
Like the doctor cutting the umbilical cord and administering the
spanking to start breathing, to continue my earlier metaphor. Give
it a name in this process or soon after. Describe to it it�s
purpose and respectfully have it undertake such. Feed it energy
once in a while, and give it attention, not to sound cheesy. If
only to remind it of its purpose and to give it strength. When it
is no longer required, it can be told so and set free, or if it is
inherently dangerous as is, reabsorbed into the self.