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Hermetic Journal

  • Journal Number 12

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    Alchemy and Qabalah - Hans Nintzel
    Rasayana : The Natha School of Alchemy - Lokanatha
    Jane Leade's Revelation of Revelations - Adam McLean
    A Kabbalistic-Alchemical Altarpiece - Adam McLean
    Muller's Process
    Hermetic Meditation No 11
    Heinrich Khunrath - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No. 12

  • Journal Number 13

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    An Interview with Arturo Schwarz
    Splendor Solis - Adam McLean
    The Confessio of Heinrich Khunrath
    A Lullist Alchemical Illustration - Adam McLean
    The Reversed Lord's Prayer - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No 13
    Advances in Physical Alchemy -
    Modern Taoist Transmutations - Mobius Rex
    Archibald Cockren: Modern Alchemist - Patricia Tahil
    Hermetic Meditation No. 12
    Meyrink's Der Golem: A Study in Alchemical Transformation - D. M. Cooley

  • Journal Number 14

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    Alchemical Principles in Agriculture: An Outline - Adam McLean
    Man and His Souls - Nicolas N. Tereshchenko
    A Key to the Letters of the Q.B.L - Violet Smyth
    The Aurora Consurgens - Simon Seligman
    Jacob Boehme - Adam McLean
    De Cabala Alchymica or The Alchemical Tree of Life - Rafal T. Prinke
    Working with Practical Alchemy No. 1
    Alchemical Mandala No. 14

  • Journal Number 15

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    The Mutus Liber - Adam McLean
    Spagyric Medicine Revived - Paul Baines
    Michael Sendivogius - Adept or Imposter - Rafal T. Prinke
    Planning the Apocalypse - Michael Jones
    Alchemical Mandala No. 15
    Historical Note Concerning the Emerald Tablet
    Working with Practical Alchemy No. 2

  • Journal Number 16

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    Four Basic Patterns of Indian and Western Alchemical Thought - Arturo Schwarz
    Johannes Trithemius - Adam McLean
    Dr Rudd's Treatise - Some New Insights Into the Enochian System
    Rosicrucian Aphorisms and Process from a Manuscript of Sigismund Bacstrom
    Working With Practical Alchemy No. 3
    Alchemical Mandala No. 16

  • Journal Number 17

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    Light on the Castle Path - Deirdre Green
    Dew and Dew Ponds - Paul Baines
    The Mythology of the Qabalah - P. Harrill James
    The Brave Old World of Alchemy - Patricia Tahil
    Robert Fludd's Great Treatise of Rosicrucian Science - Adam McLean
    Working with Practical Alchemy No. 4
    Alchemical Mandala No. 17

  • Journal Number 18

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    The Teaching of Gurdjieff - Nicolas N. Tereshchenko
    Alchemical Mandala No. 18
    An Hermetic Interpretation of the Tarot - Adam McLean
    The Alchemical Tarot - Rafal T. Prinke
    The Myth of the Fall and Goethe's Fairy Tale - Adam McLean
    Working with Practical Alchemy No. 5

  • Journal Number 19

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    Was Jacob Boehme a Paracelsian? - Russell H. Hvolbek
    Alchemical Mandala No 19
    The Naometria of Simon Studion - Adam McLean
    Fundamental Physics: Recapitulation of the Archetypes of the Ancient Alchemists - Adam McLean
    The Triple Goddess - Adam McLean
    Working with Practical Alchemy No. 6

  • Journal Number 20

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    Freher's Mystical Emblems - Adam McLean
    The Metaphysical Implications of Quantum Theory - Adam McLean
    An Early Rosicrucian Text : Cabala: Mirror of Art and Nature - Translated by Gisela Kirberg
    Alchemical Mandala No. 20
    The Cosmological Structure of the Zohar - Paul Krzok
    Messenger of the Rosy Cross - Adam McLean
    Working With Practical Alchemy No. 7

  • Journal Number 21

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    The Retrieval of Alchemy - Elemire Zolla
    The Balance of Gold and Silver - Michael Jones
    An Hermetic Origin of the Tarot Cards? A Consideration of the Tarocchi of Mantegna - Adam McLean
    The Second Little World - Andrew Mouldey
    An Alchemical Gate in Rome - Adam McLean
    The School of Gerona : Restoring an Ancient Kabbalistic Centre in Spain - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No. 21
    A Look at Alchemical Transmutation from the Viewpoint of Fundamental Physics - Adam McLean

  • Journal Number 22

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    A Look at The Bahir - Paul Krzok
    The Inner Geometry of Alchemical Emblems - Adam McLean
    Pathworking and Inner Journeys - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No. 22
    Passages to the Otherworld - Deirdre Green
    Edward Kelley - Adam McLean
    Otto, Eliade, Jung and the Sacrality of Matter - Andrew Mouldey

  • Journal Number 23

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    1484-1984 500th Anniversary of the Building of the Vault of Christian Rosenkreutz - Adam McLean
    The Magical "Art" - Robert Ellaby
    Charity of Light: A Zoroastrian Re-Reading of the Grail Romances - Elemire Zolla
    Alchemical Mandala No 23
    Quantum Consciousness - Adam McLean

  • Journal Number 24

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    Microcosmic Reflections - Andrew Mouldey
    The Kundalini Enigma - Lokanath Maharaj
    The Ripley Scroll - Adam McLean
    The Phoenix and Cinderella - Wolfe van Brussell
    An Esotericist Looks at Cosmology - Adam McLean
    Meditation : Balancing our Inner World - Adam McLean

  • Journal Number 25

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    The Symbolism of the Rosicrucian Vault - Dr. Deirdre Green
    Early Symbolism of the Rosy Cross : Searching for a Link with Tradition - Rafal T. Prinke
    The Fourth Rosicrucian Manifesto ? The Mirror of Wisdom of Theophilus Schweighardt
    Computers and Occultism - Lokanath Maharaj
    Alchemical Mandala No. 24

  • Journal Number 26

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    Obituary for Frater Albertus
    Homo Quadratus - Andrew Mouldey
    Hermetic Allegory No. 1
    The Search for a Sound Philosophical Basis for Esotericism - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No. 25
    The Alchemical Emblems of Mylius - Adam McLean
    A Glimpse of a Western Lineage

  • Journal Number 27

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    A Door will Open for Europe - Marcel Messing
    Alchemical Mandala Number 26
    Spiritual Cosmology in Modern Science - Adam McLean
    Hermetic Allegory Number 2

  • Journal Number 28

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    Obituary for Israel Regardie
    Hermetic Art: Gnostic Alchemy of the Imagination - A.C. Evans
    Meditation on the Name of God - Gavin S. Bennett
    Through a Glass, Darkly - Pete Ludbey
    The Wroclaw Codex of the Magical Calendar - Rafal T. Prinke
    Emblematic Meditation - Adam McLean

  • Journal Number 29

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    A Context for Michael Maier's Atalanta Fugiens - Joscelyn Godwin
    Number in the Philosophy of the Hermetic Magus John Dee 1527-1608 - Chris Pickering
    The Magical Aphorisms of Eugenius - Thomas Vaughan
    Alchemical Mandala Number 27
    The Kabbalistic Diagrams of Knorr von Rosenroth
    The Lemegetton Revealed - Kevin Wilby
    Hermetic Allegory Number 3

  • Journal Number 30

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    Lampado Trado: From the Fama Fraternitatis to the Golden Dawn - Rafal T. Prinke
    Enochian Chess: A Magickal Vehicle for the Twenty First Century - Steve Nichols
    The Four Angelic Tablets - Christian Wilby
    The Ritual of the Hieroglyphic Monad - Thomas R. Hall III
    Common Ground - Rab Wilkie
    The Dream of Poliphilus : A Source for the Allegory of the Chymical Wedding - Adam McLean

  • Journal Number 31

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    The Seven Palaces in Early Jewish Mysticism - Dr Deirdre Green
    The Alchemical Vessel as Symbol of the Soul - Adam McLean
    A Method of Photographing Etheric Energy Without the need of Special Operator Properties - Michael Watson
    Alchemical Mandala Number 28

  • Journal Number 32

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    Gnostic Magic and Jacob Boehme - Harald Sundt III
    The Scryers of John Dee - Chris Pickering
    The Equinoxes and Solstices : An Interpretation Part I : The Summer Solstice - Graham Knight
    Etheric Emblems - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No. 29
    Saint-Yves d'Alveydre and the Agarthian Connection: Part 1 - Joscelyn Godwin
    The Origins of the Western Tradition in the Ancient World - Stephen Ronan



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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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