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  • Techniques of Modern Shamanism vol. 1

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  • Magical Techniques of Tibet: Secret Practices Of Himalayan Magic

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    A great esoteric tradition developed in the Himalayan vastness of the Tibetan plateau. Over centuries of isolation, this unique culture investigated the mysteries of mind and magic to a degree never before attempted.

    Today, as Tibetan spirituality spreads across the world, the practices of Tibetan magic have scarcely been investigated by Western occulties. Magical Techniques of Tibet presents this body of techniques, based partly on Tibetan Buddhist practice and partly on shamanic Bon (the aboriginal religion of Tibet).

    Learn about authentic Tibetan magical practices, including: tumo, the ability to stave off the cold by stimulating the chakras and energy channels of the body; light trance states to recall past lives; manipulation of energies via sound, rhythm, chanting, and drumming; and the spiritual practice of dream yoga. The book brings the ancient magical techniques of Tibet to the magicians of the West.

  • [ recommended ] Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic - Basic Magic Home Study Course

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    Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic - Basic Magic Home Study Course

    Includes: Electronic Textbook and Workbook, Video Clips, and Audio Files [67 Lesson Texts - PDF, 31 Audio Classes - WMA, 70 Video Lessons - WMV]

    This 30-week beginner course covers the basics of magic, including practical and useful magical techniques that apply to everyday life. Magic can assist us in everything from getting rid of a pimple to manifesting a new car to stopping controlling people in our environment. The esoteric knowledge in this course is the foundational material of what has historically been taught in most mystery schools.

    The course is divided into three sections:

    - Direct handling of the four element energies air, fire, water and earth
    - Use of magical tools, including firebowl, wand, athame, chalice and plate
    - Use of the tarot deck, sonics, and basic spellwork

    The specific techniques taught in Basic Magic are precise and reliable, since magic is a precision science, and will empower you to:

    Attract what you want in relationships, prosperity, career and other areas

    Heal chronic and acute conditions on mental, physical and spiritual levels

    Directly change ingrained or deeply held beliefs

    Use rather than be controlled by thoughts, worry, doubt, anger, fear, anxiety, depression or stubbornness

    See the world and reality in a whole new way of beauty and balance

    Develop your goals and aims with clarity and strength

    Use and follow Universal Laws in all that you be and do

    This course retail elsewhere at $675.00

  • Techniques of Modern Shamanism vol. 2

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  • Techniques of Modern Shamanism vol. 3

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  • Jim DeKorne - Psychedelic Shamanism: The Cultivation, Preparation and Shamanic Use of Psychotropic Plants

    Downloaded: 48 times | Size: 265 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    Probably the single most useful, informative book ever written on the subject of shamanism and the spiritual use of plants. A Must Read for anyone who considers entheogens and psychedelics to be indispensable allies in their spiritual quest.

    A bona fide classic of psychedelic literature. It separates its subject into two parts: The Shamanic Hypothesis, and Psychedelic Catalysts. The first part focuses on experience; the second on the plants, their psychedelic chemicals, and how to grow and ingest them. The writing is calm, clear and vivid; and the various warnings and advice given should be taken very seriously indeed.

  • Michael Harner - The Way Of The Shaman: A Guide to Power and Healing

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    An intimate and practical guide to the art of shamanic healing and the technology of the sacred from the world's leading authority on shamanism.

    This classic on shamanism pioneered the modern shamanic renaissance. It is the foremost resource and reference on shamanism. Anthropologist Michael Harner provides the definitive handbook on practical shamanism – what it is, where it came from, how you can participate.

  • [ recommended ] Serge Kahili King - Advanced Shaman Training

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    Specific tools and techniques for further shamanic development. Learn of astral travel, median shifts, power animals, journeying and more in the unique Hawaiian system of the Adventurer. Hone your skills and become more adept at this powerful craft.

  • Shamanism FAQ

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  • Serge Kahili King - Hawaiian Shaman Training Workshop

    Downloaded: 23 times | Size: 566.8MB, 7 CD - 18 MP3 | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    The first comprehensive training session on CDs available to the serious student of Hawaiian shamanism. Recorded live. Bring the Huna wisdom to your home. Learn about the three selves, the four levels of the Hawaiian shamanic system, and techniques as only Serge King can present them. Learn ancient breathing exercises, telepathic techniques, dream interpretation, creative imagination, journeying, working with power animals, and more.

  • Shaman, Saiva and Sufi

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  • A Study in Shamanism

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  • The Active Side of Infinity by Carlos Castaneda

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    Completed shortly before anthropologist-shaman Castaneda's death in April 1998, this book serves as the fulfillment of a task his teacher, the Yaqui Indian sorcerer Don Juan Matus, gave him many years ago, when Castaneda was instructed to collect the significant events of his life. This was not, however, meant as a collection of major milestones in his physical existence but as a selective work describing the transcendent moments and meaningful insights that changed his life and brought him new understanding. Castaneda excels as a storyteller. Incidents both poignant and empowering form a solid thread through his shamanic development and ultimately total embrace of the world view of the Yaqui sorcerers. This basically autobiographical work is more personal than Castaneda's previous books, presenting a human portrait of a remote, mysterious figure. The supernatural occurrences defy explanation yet help to provide a fascinating look at a complex life.

  • Shamanism in Siberia

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  • Alberto Villoldo - Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas

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    Alberto Villolda has studied the shamanic healing techniques of the descendants of the Incas for more than 25 years.

    In this manual Villoldo explains the luminous energy field that he maintains surrounds living beings and shows how to use it in both healing and prevention of illness.

  • Remarks on Shamanism

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  • Ecstatic Religion - A Study of Shamanism and Spirit Possession

    Downloaded: 9 times | Size: 204 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • Serge Kahili King - Urban Shaman: A Handbook for Personal and Planetary Transformation Based on the Hawaiian Way of the Adventurer

    Downloaded: 8 times | Size: 129 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    A handbook for personal and planetary transformation. Includes a history of Hawaiian shamanism, a detailed discussion of the seven principles of Huna, and an abundance of shamanic healing techniques for use in the urban environment. You will learn how to

    * interpret and change your dreams

    * heal yourself, your relationships, and the environment

    * cast the shaman stones to know the unknown

    * design and perform powerful rituals

    * shapechange for healing and adventure

    * make vision quests to other realities without leaving town

  • How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas

    Downloaded: 4 times | Size: 250 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • Thomas A. DuBois - An Introduction to Shamanism

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    Shamans are professionals who make use of personal supernatural experiences as a resource for the wider community's physical and spiritual well-being. This book introduces the beliefs and rituals typical of shamanic traditions around the world and the techniques used by shamans including music, entheogens, material culture and verbal performance.

  • Harvey & Wallis - Historical Dictionary of Shamanism

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    Few religious traditions have generated such diversity and stirred imaginations as shamanism. In their engagements with other worlds, shamans have conversed with animals and ancestors and have been empowered with the knowledge to heal patients, advise hunters, and curse enemies. Still other shamans, aided by rhythmic music or powerful plant helpers, undertake journeys into different realities where their actions negotiate harmony between human and other than human communities. Once relegated to paintings on cave walls, today Shamanism can be seen in performances at rave clubs and psychotherapeutic clinics.

    The Historical Dictionary of Shamanism has the duel task of exploring the common ground of shamanic traditions and evaluating the diversity of both traditional indigenous communities and individual Western seekers. This is done in an introduction, a bibliography, a chronology, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries, which explore the consistent features of a variety of shamans, the purposes shamanism serves, the function and activities of the shaman, and the cultural contexts in which they make sense.

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    * These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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