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  • Jessie Wicker Bell - The Grimoire of Lady Sheba

    Downloaded: 45 times | Size: 243 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Lady Sheba inherited her practice of witchcraft from more than four generations of witches. Recognizing a profound need for a new understanding of the forces of nature, she elected to publish her grimoire, a personal magickal workbook copied by hand from the time of her initiation.
    The Power: Description of the rules and requirements for correct, effective use of witchcraft
    The Tools: How to make, consecrate and use magickal instruments
    The Language: Includes diagrams of the lost
    The ban script and Runic alphabet
    The Rituals: Complete instructions for performing rituals for every purpose
    The Recipes: The famous secret herbal lore of witchcraft, including ointments, teas, incense, perfumes and oils
    The Dances: Traditional square dances as well as magickal "witches' rounds"
    The Book of Shadows: The Holy Book of witchcraft
    The Eightfold Path: Describes the steps to magickal attainment.

  • Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham

    Downloaded: 11 times | Size: 153 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    When you draw a heart in the sand, call on the four winds for assistance, or ask the rain to wash away a bad habit, you are practicing earth magic. By working in harmony with nature, we can transform ourselves, our lives, and our world. This tried-and-true guide offers more than one hundred spells, rites, and simple rituals you can perform using the powerful energy of the earth.

  • The Temple of High Witchcraft: Ceremonies, Spheres and The Witches' Qabalah

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    Take your spiritual evolution to the next level by mastering the essentials of ceremonial magick. In this much-anticipated fourth volume of Christopher Penczak's award-winning series on witchcraft, he introduces the concepts of the Qabalah and the rituals of high magick, and explores the deeply interwoven relationship between these traditions and the Craft.

  • Witchcraft from the Inside: Origins of the Fastest Growing Religious Movement in America by Raymond Buckland

    Downloaded: 3 times | Size: 212 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • Black Witchcraft - The Foundation of Luciferian Path

    Downloaded: 73 times | Size: 11 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • Chumbley - Azoetia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft

    Downloaded: 35 times | Size: 200 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    Originally published by Xoanon in 1992, Azoetia or 'The Book of the Magical Quintessence'has become one of the most sought-after new magical works of our time and may be regarded as the foundation text of the Sabbatic Craft Tradition in its present phase of work. Azoetia is comprised of three main parts: an exposition of preliminary magico-aesthetic formulae with detailed descriptions of working tools; the fulltext of the Sabbatic Rituals of Ingress, Congress, and Egress; and an eleven-chaptered Grimoirium detailing the arcana and composite practices of the Sacred Alphabet - the twenty-two lettered code of sorcerous principles underlying the practical spectrum of the Arte Magical. The entire work intends the retification of traditional British cunning-craft praxis according to the spiritual vision and artistry of a contemporary initiate.

  • Draja Mickaharic - Magical Practice: Applying Magical Training To Your Daily Life

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    Mickaharic includes instructions on spells for attracting a job, a lover, or money; making devices to magnetize oils and potions for increased potency; making magnetic magic wands; using magnets with sigils and seals; making a Mesmer board for vibrational healing; constructing a device for distant/covert communication; working with energy rods; and aura cleansing with magnets.

  • [ recommended ] Draja Mickaharic - A Century of Spells

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    Written as a practical introduction to natural magic, this workbook serves as a practical reference for the practicing magician. It contains over 100 useful spells from a wide variety of magical traditions from all over the world.

    The clear, complete instructions detail how to make and work with water spells, baths, sprinkles, incense, oils, and herbs. Also included are spoken spells, and written spells passed down to and developed by the author.A Century of Spells dabbles and mixes well Southern Hoodoo, Santeria, Christian Magic, and Caribbean Magic.

    This book is filled with wise wisdom on how to create excellent and powerful ritual incense such as High Spirit Incense, Meditation Incense, and House blessing Incense, it also gives you good instructions on how to fumigate, "smudge" with incense. The Herb section is just a quick basic intro to herbalism, and some of the herbs used in Hoodoo Magic such as Solomon's Seal, Snakeroot, and Poke root to name a few.

  • [ recommended ] Taylor Ellwood - Manifesting Prosperity: A Wealth Magic Anthology

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    Manifesting Prosperity: A Wealth Magic Anthology features essays on how to manifest a successful relationship with wealth and prosperity. If you're tired of being "the poor pagan", check out the essays on both practical and magical techniques to help you stop living hand to mouth-without taking advantage of others. With essays by notable magicians such as Jozef Karika, Andrieh Vitimus, Nick Farrell, Kenaz Filan, Psyche, and many more.

    Manifesting Prosperity offers a variety of perspectives on wealth magic and how to make it work in your life! In this book you will learn about: How to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to change your attitude about wealth How to approach wealth from a place of abundance instead of a place of poverty Create sigils out of the money in your wallet How to create a collage to attract wealth into your life The wealth magician's allies and how to work with them And much more. We can't guarantee you'll get rich quick, but we can offer you a unique combination of ideas for manifesting a prosperous life!

  • [ recommended ] Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic - Basic Magic Home Study Course

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    Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic - Basic Magic Home Study Course

    Includes: Electronic Textbook and Workbook, Video Clips, and Audio Files [67 Lesson Texts - PDF, 31 Audio Classes - WMA, 70 Video Lessons - WMV]

    This 30-week beginner course covers the basics of magic, including practical and useful magical techniques that apply to everyday life. Magic can assist us in everything from getting rid of a pimple to manifesting a new car to stopping controlling people in our environment. The esoteric knowledge in this course is the foundational material of what has historically been taught in most mystery schools.

    The course is divided into three sections:

    - Direct handling of the four element energies air, fire, water and earth
    - Use of magical tools, including firebowl, wand, athame, chalice and plate
    - Use of the tarot deck, sonics, and basic spellwork

    The specific techniques taught in Basic Magic are precise and reliable, since magic is a precision science, and will empower you to:

    Attract what you want in relationships, prosperity, career and other areas

    Heal chronic and acute conditions on mental, physical and spiritual levels

    Directly change ingrained or deeply held beliefs

    Use rather than be controlled by thoughts, worry, doubt, anger, fear, anxiety, depression or stubbornness

    See the world and reality in a whole new way of beauty and balance

    Develop your goals and aims with clarity and strength

    Use and follow Universal Laws in all that you be and do

    This course retail elsewhere at $675.00

  • Pamela J. Ball - Natural Magic: Spells, Enchantments and Self- Development

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    Before there was formal religion there was magic, and to this day there are people who purport to perform ‘miracles’ with the aid of magical powers derived from nature or the spirit realm. These powers are still out there to be tapped into by us. All you need is the knowledge and know-how contained in Natural Magic.

  • Raymond Buckland - Practical Color Magick

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    The ultimate sourcebook for the psychic influences that colour our physical lives. Here, you can find full instructions on how to meditate more effectively, stimulate the chakras, and unfold ESP. Let colour's subtle influence lend a new spark to your rituals. Enhance crystal-gazing with specific hues. Perform colour healing, balance your personal energies, and learn to use colour in divination.

  • Konstantinos - Gothic Grimoire

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    As the rest of the world goes to sleep, the nightkind - those who prefer to explore the mysteries of the night - prepare for their rites. Whether you are new to the practice of nocturnal magick, or a seasoned dark mystic, this companion to the popular Nocturnal Witchcraft is sure to bring new levels of power to your nights.

    Expand your connection to the dark ether and the unseen world with this collection of techniques and rituals taken directly from the author's personal magickal notebooks. Explore the Nocturnicon - a collection of rites designed to overcome the unique obstacles that appear in the life of the nightkind.

    Commune with the Dark Gods and Goddesses of the Night with nocturnal rituals for the sabbats. Examine advanced astral workings, including astral travel, working with thoughtforms, and banishing unwanted energies and entities. Connect with the positive side of the darkness within and without as you learn.

  • Nocturnal Witchcraft: Magick After Dark by Konstantinos

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    Embrace the Powers of Night

    Perhaps you are one of the nightkind, one who prefers the mysteries of the dark to the hectic energies of the day. If you are such a child of night, you know that darkness is not "evil." However, many modern witches have overlooked the importance and power of the dark in a quest to distance themselves from negative stereotypes.

    Nocturnal Witchcraft presents techniques for working with nocturnal and lunar energies and the ancient gods and goddesses of the darkness--the symbolic realm of shadow, illusion, death and rebirth, and the mysteries of the unknown.

    For those who prefer to practice magick after dark, this comprehensive book shows you how to:

    * Cast a Nocturnal circle
    * Invoke the Dark Gods and Goddesses
    * Read minds
    * Discover secrets by skrying the night
    * Open the gates to the Underworld
    * Cast spells through the dark ether

    Whether you're new to the Craft or are a practicing witch looking for an alternative point of view, Nocturnal Witchcraft is your guide to the secrets of the night.

  • Brian P.Levack - Witchcraft Sourcebook

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    This fascinating collection of documents illustrates the development of ideas about witchcraft from ancient times to the twentieth century. Many of the sources come from the period between 1400 and 1750, when more than 100,000 people – mainly women – were prosecuted for witchcraft in Europe and colonial America. Including trial records, demonological treatises and sermons, literary texts, narratives of demonic possession, and artistic depiction of witches, the documents reveal how contemporaries from various periods have perceived alleged witches and their activities. Brian P. Levack shows how notions of witchcraft have changed over time. He looks at the connection between gender and witchcraft and the nature of the witch's perceived power.

  • Carl Nagel - The Handbook of Black Witchcraft

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    Black Magic Spells and Rituals

  • Angel Zialor - The Green Grimoire

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    Grimoire of money magic and spells

  • Raymond Buckland - Buckland's Book for Spirit Communications

    Downloaded: 18 times | Size: 262 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Buckland's Book of Spirit Communications is for anyone who wishes to communicate with spirits, as well as for the less adventurous who simply want to satisfy their curiosity about the subject. Explore the nature of the physical body and learn how to prepare yourself to become a medium. Experience for yourself the trance state, clairvoyance, psychometry, table tipping, levitation, talking boards, automatic writing, spiritual photography, spiritual healing, distant healing, channeling, and development circles. Also learn how to avoid spiritual fraud.

  • Candle Magic: A Coveted Collection of Spells, Rituals, and Magical Paradigms by Phillip Cooper

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    For centuries people have used candles to light their homes and brighten their lives. They have been used in churches, temples, and religious ceremonies all over the world to warm and awaken the hearts of those seeking union with spirit. Candle energy is magical energy, probably the simplest, most direct and effective magic you can work. Candle Magic has everything you need to begin your exploration into the fascinating world of flame and wax. Using Cooper's techniques for training your mind and working with the energy of candles, you can change your life and help others.

    Cooper firmly believes that you must learn a few basic techniques and begin some inner work before you can effectively practice magic. He teaches the power of visualization, explains how to choose candles, and describes planetary correspondences so you can harness the correct energy for any endeavor. Also explained are the basics of creating candle rituals, making and working with incense, using image wax and anointing oils, and the importance of color correspondences.

    The magical use of candle energy can brighten your attitudes, help focus your attention, provide abundance, help you with healing, and draw more love into your life.

  • Al G Manning - Helping Yourself With White Witchcraft

    Downloaded: 12 times | Size: 131 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    Let The Power Of White Witchcraft Enrich Your Life!

    The powerful truths of ancient rituals, translated into modern,plain-English, are waiting within this book- waiting yo serve you- and to put money, love, power, beauty and security within your reach.

    In Helping Yourself with White Witchcraft noted author Al G Manning shows you how to attract and harness occult forces to enrich your own lives and the lives of others. Every step is fully explained- from how to best use a variety of rituals, invocations, and chants to bring about the results you want to just what to do to develop creative imagination, utilize meditation, and generate the full power of constructive will.

  • Liber Falxifer Vol I: The Book of the Left-Handed Reaper

    Downloaded: 32 times | Size: 212 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Liber Falxifer is the long awaited book that reveals the secret teachings of the Necrosophic Cult within the Current 218. This book of the Scythe-Bearer provides a solid theoretical, historical and mythical foundation for the Cult of the Left-Handed Reaper, and offers clear instruction for ritual practice connected to both the folk-magical tradition, as well as the more sinister, hidden line of traditional witchcraft connected to the Cult of the Skeletal Lord of the Bloody Scythe. The basis for the various forms of magic presented in Liber Falxifer is a dark form of telestic fetishism steeped in the forbidden and concealed traditions of both necromantia and necromageia, as practiced within the many clandestine magical paths connected to the Lord of All Graves.

    The grimoire is broken out into two parts, the first of which is a discussion of the relevant aspects of the exoteric Latin American Cult of the Lord of Death. Topics offer insight into the origins of the Cult and the different forms of the open and closed Cults of the Master, the various altar setups and their significance, the specific traditional offerings given to the Lord of Death, the empowered talismans and fetishes used within magical practice, the different methods of consecration, traditional spells and rituals for magical protection, revitalization and malediction, and a curse to bring death to one's foes.

    The second part of Liber Falxifer focuses entirely on the more esoteric aspects of the Hidden Cult of Death, first noting that its essence is partially expressed through some of the same symbolism used within the folk-magical practice, but then taking matters much deeper into the darkness of the mysteries of the Sinistral Death, presenting not only an esoteric crossing between the two cults, but a complete system of practical Necrosophic Sorcery. Amongst the topics discussed are the pagan roots of the Master of Death, His true identity as it is understood within the Templum Falcis Cruentis, His many names of power and various aspects and manifestations, the Formula of Calling and Invocation to the Lord of the Scythe, the esoteric ritual for the ensouling of the altar statues of the Left-Handed Harvester, the workings with the altars used within the esoteric line of practice, the many different talismanic symbols, sorcerous insignia and the Key Sigils of Death, the buying of soil from the dead, the mysteries of Death's fell garden, the creation of fetish-skulls and the many different ways that they can be employed within the Necrosophic practice, the magic of tobacco and the secret tincture of its great daemonic shade, the Rosaries of Death and their construction, the Altar of the Dead and the veneration of the shades of the True and Secret Ancestry, the Sigil of Resurrection and instructions for the creation of a Spirit Box used to house the shadow of the dead, the Sceptre of the Shadow of Death and its creation and consecration, and much more.


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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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Mastering Divination: Omniscience

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