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Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Five Rituals

 Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!

Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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Shows: 421 - 441 of 500, Page: << < 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 > >>



  • Tantra At Tahoe - Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery

    Downloaded: 51 times | Size: 188 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    The Tantric Approach to Making Love For As Long As Your Partner Wants, While You Experience More Ecstasy Than You Ever Imagined Possible


  • 422
  • Frater U.D - Secrets of Western Sex Magic: Magical Energy & Gnostic Trance

    Downloaded: 51 times | Size: 223 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    Sex is a source of joy and pleasure--and a bountiful source of potent magical energy! Until recently, many of the techniques of Western sex magic were closely guarded secrets available only to initiates. Now you can learn how to unlock the powerful energies raised during the sex act and use them to manifest your deepest desires. During the sex act, your attention becomes focused into a "laser beam" of concentration for a moment. All great systems of magic teach the power of concentrated thought-sex magic is no exception. Sex magic's "secret" is that it is a tremendously potent way to direct consciously controlled sexual energy to accomplish material and personal goals. Secrets of Western Sex Magic describes the erotic secrets of sex magic--one of the oldest magical disciplines-in a frank, explicit, and non-judgmental style. Unlike other published sex magic manuals, which have a traditionally male orientation, this book equally addresses your unique magical needs and wants whether you're a male or female magi. You will learn physical, psychological, and magical exercises to develop skills in visualization, concentration, and psychic energy arousal and flow. This engaging exploration of the history and techniques of sex magic is suitable for both men and women, regardless of magical experience or sexual preference.

    Explore how sex magic differs from mystical sexual practices such as Tantra Make your own aphrodisiac teas and liqueurs Intensify and prolong orgasm to increase your sexual magis, the vital inner power released during sexual activity.

    Consecrate and charge sigils, amulets, and talismans using sexual energy Transfer sexual energy to heal or strengthen a partner Frater U.: D.: openly explores all aspects of sexual practice and preference-from the fundamentals of sex magic training to autoerotic, heteroerotic, homoerotic, group and so-called "deviant" practices--with a system of specific techniques to build your magis and broaden your magical and sexual horizons. You need not belong to any lodge or occult group to apply these esoteric secrets--you reap the benefits no matter what your level of magical experience!

  • 423
  • Lynden Clarke: Beyond The Book Of Shadows

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    This book has been written as a guide to some of the advanced techniques of ritual circle building within the overall tradition of modern Wicca. It is intended for anyone who is currently practising Witchcraft, of any form, who wishes to explore advanced techniques beyond his or her current style of ritual practice. This book has been entitled; 'Beyond the Book of Shadows' because it is a sincere attempt to explain and develop Wiccan ritual practice beyond where the 'Book of Shadows' left off; especially regarding the awareness of the energetic side of ritual. It is primarily focused on just two practices; the setting up of a magical circle and the invoking of Divine force into it. Together these form the two fundamentals of Wiccan magic ritual. The idea is that if these two practices are learnt correctly and done to the best of our ability, then everything else will fall into place and evolve quite naturally. What really goes on in a Wiccan circle (or indeed, in any ritual circle), on a magical level, is rarely written about. This book is an attempt to remedy this gap, by being a guide to conducting the fundamentals of ritual and an inspiration to the mystery of ritual. For when any ritual truly comes alive it enters into the other world and takes us with it. Wicca, for all its idiosyncrasies and differences has, at its heart, a pure diamond of divine mysteries. It is one of the very few mystery religions we still have with us today.

  • 424
  • [ recommended ] Anna Riva's Candle Burning Magic: A Spellbook of Rituals for Good and Evil

    Downloaded: 51 times | Size: 98 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    Spell Book of Rituals for Good and Evil. Candle burning is the most-used and most simple of the magical arts, and this book is chock full of any kind of candle burning spell one could want.

    From attracting love, luck, money or power to solving problems and learning secrets through dreams, its all here.

    This little volume contains 409 rituals to make things happen in your life.


  • 425
  • [ recommended ] Psycho Cybernetics: A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life by Maxwell Maltz

    Downloaded: 50 times | Size: 304 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    With over 30 millioncopies sold since its original publication in 1960,Psycho-Cybernetics has been used by athletes, entrepreneurs,college students, and many others, to achieve life-changinggoals--from losing weight to dramatically increasing theirincome--finding that success is not only possible but remarkablysimple. Now updated to include present-day anecdotes and currentpersonalities, The New Psycho-Cybernetics remains true to Dr.Maltz?s promise: "If you can remember, worry, or tie your shoe, youcan succeed with Psycho-Cybernetics!?

  • 426
  • Vatsyayana - The Kama Sutra

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    The Art of Making Love. A book as immortal as the act itself. The Kama Sutra is a frank and rapturous meditation on human bodies and the pleasures they can give each other. From aphrodisiacs to special touches, from orgasm-delaying techniques to the endless varieties of kisses, The Kama Sutra is a wellspring of erotic knowledge and inspiration.


  • 427
  • Golden Dawn Audios 4: The Middle Pillar

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    The second CD contains:
    1. The Middle Pillar Ritual with Instructions
    2. Psalm 23
    3. The Middle Pillar Ritual without Instructions
    4. Closing Prayers & Meditatio


  • 428
  • Wang - The Secret Temple

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    A classic treatise on the occult written in consultation with thelate Israel Regardie. This small book contains all that isrequired to produce a symbolically accurate temple and a full setof instruments for use in the rituals of the Hermetic Order of theGolden Dawn. Full color photographs of the temple and of theinstruments, as well as the precise hieroglyphs appear in thiswork. Instructions are given for the construction of the altar,pillars, Enochian tablets, Rose Cross Lamen, wands, etc. Thedifficult sigils have been worked out completely by the author.

  • 429
  • Hebrew Letter Workbook

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    The purpose of this booklet is to help all students who want to learn how to draw, and recognize the Hebrew letters. The various shapes of the letters are easily reproduced using modem calligraphy pens. These instructions presume students are familiar with various types of graph paper and edged pens. Some students may be aware of other styles of drawing the letters. These particular examples were used for clarity and ease. When this booklet refers to "families of letters," it is not alluding to the divisions familiar to students of Qabalah: the 3 mother, 7 double, and 12 simple letters. The groupings used are based on similarity and relation of shape. Much confusion and error frustrate beginning students because of slight but very important differences in appearance. Experience with this particular organization of the letters has helped many students, allowing them to draw nearly perfect letters in a very short period of time.

  • 430
  • Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (LIRP)

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  • 431
  • Meditation - The Science of Awareness

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  • 432
  • Poke Runyon - Dark Mirror of Magick

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    On January 3rd, 2001, documentary writer/producer Wayne Darwen brought a professional T.V. news crew into the inner sanctum of The Order of the Temple of Astarte to record a remarkable phenomenon: the summoning of the ancient spirit Vassago. Early in February an edited version of Vassago's mysterious Prophecy was broadcast by the Los Angeles affiliate of a National T.V. Network, confirming that the spirit had predicted a major news event: only 13 days after the ritual had been audio-visually recorded, President Laurent Kabila of the Congo was assassinated! In this video version we show you the entire operation in sequence, exactly as it happened with no rehearsals and no retakes. Wayne Darwen also interviews the Magister Thabion (Poke Runyon) and the mystic seer Frater Solomon. Their unrehearsed answers to his probing questions leave no doubt as to the philosophical depth and spiritual power of Solomon's ancient Magick even in this modern age. This is an entirely new and original production. In "The Magick of Solomon" video we dramatically reenacted magical rituals for instructive purposes, whereas "Dark Mirror of Magick" is the record of an actual magical operation of historical significance. We believe that this remarkable documentary will be studied and commented on for years to come.

  • 433
  • Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery: The Ultimate Ecstatic Solution To Premature Ejaculation

    Downloaded: 50 times | Size: 188 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    The Tantric Approach to Making Love For As Long As Your Partner Wants, While You Experience More Ecstasy Than You Ever Imagined Possibl


  • 434
  • [ recommended ] Lou Paget - How to Giver Her Absolute Pleasure: Totally Explicit Techniques Every Woman Wants Her Man to Know

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    "Women are like golf courses," writes sex educator Lou Paget. "Even though you may have played a course a hundred times, chances are your approach shot rarely lands in the same place on the green." How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure was written for men who want to please women. Much of the book focuses on foreplay (Paget comments that we need to rename it) designed to "excite both her mind and her body." The author offers a variety of strategies for romancing and relaxing a woman and making her feel comfortable. If you don't, she claims, "nothing you can do can rev her engine". Then she describes ways of "kissing her, touching her, and teasing her." Paget includes "a topographical guide" of a woman's body, starting with the sensual areas of the head and face and moving down. She describes ways to massage, caress, lick, kiss, and otherwise excite all these regions. She also discusses lubricants ("slippery, slidy, marvelous stuff"), condoms, manual stimulation, "the art of tongue," sex toys, and a variety of positions (clearly illustrated) for everything you might do. The book is in no way formulaic--in fact, Paget continually stresses that some women love having a particular body part touched in a certain way, while others can't stand it. Whether you're a novice or consider yourself sexually sophisticated, you'll learn plenty from Paget

  • 435
  • Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness

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    Sex matters to us all. The Osho approach to sex begins with an understanding of how important love is in our lives, while at the same time acknowledges that the journey into love cannot exclude our innate biological energies. With this perspective, it becomes clear that the tendency for religions, and for society in general, to associate sex with sin and morality has been a great misfortune. Sex Matters begins by deconstructing the layers of sexual repression that the condemnation of sex has inflicted on human. Throughout Sex Matters - in response to questions about everything from jealousy to premature ejaculation, the role of intimacy and the differences between men and women - Osho proposes a vision that embraces sex as a fundamental gift from nature. We learn how orgasm offers a glimpse of timelessness, thoughtlessness, and pure awareness -- biology's way of pointing toward the consciousness that helps us to understand ourselves. Finally, we are presented with a clear choice: a repressed sexuality that leads to pornography, perversion, and a stunted humanity or a playful, respectful, and relaxed innocence that supports us in becoming fulfilled and whole, as nature intended

  • 436
  • [ recommended ] Telecult Power: The Amazing New Way to Psychic and Occult Wonders by Reese P. Dubin

    Downloaded: 50 times | Size: 226 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    In these thrilling pages, you'll discover how to hear the thoughts of others...
    how to see through walls and doors...
    how to hypnotize in ten seconds flat...
    how to broadcast silent commands that must be obeyed...
    how to have a do-it-yourself seance...
    how beings from the next dimension can help you, and much... much more.


  • 437
  • Al.Toukhi - Red Magick

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    Infamous Egyptian sorcerer al-Toukhi wrote more than 30 books on magick, astrology, geomancy, and spirit evocation. Red Magick was one of the last titles he composed before his death. He compiled many power-house methods of sorcery from the archives of his manuscript collection and from the manuscripts preserved in Egyptian libraries. Red Magick is a book for sorcerers looking for results at all costs. In its pages, scholars and researchers will find compelling insights into Djinn-based sorcery. Practitioners of witchcraft, sorcery, practical magic, voodoo, and other spell-based arts can find inspiration and techniques to take them to the next level of causing reality to conform to their will. Red Magick takes its name from the Red King of the Jinn and focuses on works of sexual arousal and domination and works of destruction and conquering all obstacles in one's path. Use at your own discretion.

  • 438
  • Praxis Magica Fausti

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    The Magical Elements of Doctor John Faust


  • 439
  • A Secret Women Know But Men Don't

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  • 440
  • [ recommended ] How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success inRelationships by Leil Lowndes

    Downloaded: 49 times | Size: 364 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    What is that magic quality makes some peopleinstantly loved and respected? Everyone wants to be theirfriend (or, if single, their lover!) In business, they riseswiftly to the top of the corporate ladder. What is their"Midas touch?" What it boils down to is a more skillful way ofdealing with people. The author has spent her career teachingpeople how to communicate for success. In her book How to Talkto Anyone (Contemporary Books, October 2003) Lowndes offers 92easy and effective sure-fire success techniques-- she takesthe reader from first meeting all the way up to sophisticatedtechniques used by the big winners in life. In thisinformation-packed book you?ll find: -9 ways to make adynamite first impression, -14 ways to master small talk, "bigtalk," and body language, -14 ways to walk and talk like a VIPor celebrity, -6 ways to sound like an insider in any crowd,-7 ways to establish deep subliminal rapport with anyone, -9ways to feed someone's ego (and know when NOT to!), -11 waysto make your phone a powerful communications tool, -15 ways towork a party like a politician works a room, -7 ways to talkwith tigers and not get eaten alive! In her trademarkentertaining and straight-shooting style, Leil gives thetechniques catchy names so you'll remember them when youreally need them, including: "Rubberneck the Room," "Be aCopyclass," "Come Hither Hands," ?Bare Their Hot Button,? ?TheGreat Scorecard in the Sky," and "Play the Tombstone Game,?for big success in your social life, romance, and business.

  • 441
  • An Approach To TheOperation Of The Arbatel Of Magic

    Downloaded: 49 times | Size: 4 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


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