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Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Five Rituals

 Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!

Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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Shows: 232 - 252 of 500, Page: << < 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 24 > >>



  • [ recommended ] Yoga For Men Only

    Downloaded: 78 times | Size: 214 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    Yoga For Men Only by Frank R. Young, D.C. is without question the very best book on yoga ever written. That's a very strong statement but it's true. The reasons are actually quite simple - he has a narrow yet powerful focus.

    The first thing that Dr. Young does is make seemingly outlandish claims of what the practice of yoga can do for a man - that it can give a man vigorous life at any age. He discusses yoga secrets for self-mastery, self-protection, greater personal energy, powerful muscles, sex power, leadership, and youth. He combines yoga lore with chiropractic and what seems to be his own thoroughly unique, utterly efficient and surprisingly effective singular idea of bodybuilding that he calls yogametrics. I have read this book at least one hundred times since I purchased a first edition in 1969 and have practiced this brand of yoga ever since almost exclusively. It sings!

    Virtually everything I've tried from this book does indeed work. I've used it for over thirty years. I have even used his self-defense techniques to a great advantage - mainly because it was easy.

    I have read books on Kundalini or Raj, and Hatha yoga by many authors. These books usually diagram an asana - a yoga movement or position - along with a short explanation. These books expound the positive aspects of widening the openings of the body and stretching the muscles as a whole. Rarely will they speak of anything but stretching. I'm sorry but stretching will not work a muscle.

    To work a muscle a person must contract that muscle. Stretching is good for warming up and widening some of the openings in the body is a paramount issue, but not for serious muscle health. Once in a while these authors will get into meditation, mysticism, or a little bit of anatomy.

    Yoga For Men Only is the only book I know that even gives a definition of yoga! These yoga asanas help the mind tell the body what to do. Yoga means union. The union of the mind and body is the core of yoga. This book tells how to overcome hypertension, high blood pressure, and even wrinkles. Two years ago I got arrested because a Redwood City policewoman refused to believe that I was as old as my driver license stated - with yoga I erased my wrinkles. That is a true story.

    Other books merely touch on how yoga differs from isotonics, isometrics and calisthenics. This book wades into it. Dr. Young - that's his real name - has invented yogametrics. He uses yogametrics not only for muscle building but also for controlling the blood supply to the mysterious youth-giving (or with misuse, taking) endocrine gland system. Dr. Young treats the endocrine glands in a scientific yet ancient manner - from a health perspective.

    This book gives the most dynamic method for deep breathing ever devised by man. This doesn't get into the Kundalini breathing techniques or the variation that Edgar Cayce taught which opens the sevens seals, but it is practical and should be a must for any serious body builder. I used it to increase the girth of my chest by over three inches without gaining a pound in just six months with only half an hour a day.

    Yoga For Men Only is not just for men. I believe that the title is more for catching the prospective buyer's eye - it worked for me. This book spends no time on mysticism, or meditation. For those items read books on Edgar Cayce. They are the best. Cayce's books treat the endocrine glands not only from a health perspective but also from a mystical viewpoint. Dr. Young does not treat the endocrine glands as chakras like Cayce or the yoga mystics of old, but from a very practical viewpoint instead. The asanas that Dr. Young describes with respect to the endocrine glands have interesting details. They show the muscle combines which in turn stimulate the specific nerve ganglia that control the blood supply to a specific endocrine gland. It is awesome. I myself have invented a handful of asanas using his ideas. It is a shame that this book is out of print. It is magnificent.

  • 233
  • [ recommended ] The Silva Method - Ultramind ESP - CD3.MP3s

    Downloaded: 77 times | Size: 22.6MB | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits


  • 234
  • Sepher Raziel

    Downloaded: 77 times | Size: 10pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    TheBook of the Great Rezial. This is the famous magical Hebrewgrimoire text, sometime called The Sefer Razial or Raziel,  andaccording to Hebrew legend, the Sepher Raziel was presented toAdam in the Garden of Eden, given by the hand of God and deliveredby the angel Rezial. The myth suggests that this is the first bookever written, and of direct divine provenance.


  • 235
  • Rosie Crucian Secrets by John Dee

    Downloaded: 77 times | Size: 148 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    The Rosie Crucian Secrets exists only in one known copy, which is No. 6485 of the Harleian MSS. It purports to be a copy of a manuscript by Dr John Dee, the celebrated Elizabethan mathematician, physician, astrologer, magician and alchemist, and is credited to him in Cooper's Athenae Cantabrigiens is.


  • 236
  • Michael W. Ford - The Book of the Witch Moon: A Grimoire of Luciferian Witchcraft, Vampyrism and Chaos Sorcery

    Downloaded: 77 times | Size: 146 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    The forbidden works of Chaos, Vampiric and Luciferian Sorcery. Containing a grimoire outlining the dark feminine current of HECATE, the book outlines the practice of Satanic or Luciferian Witchcraft from a Cunning craft viewpoint. Witch Moon explores ritual and dream Lycanthropy, Chaos Sorcery and Luciferian Ritual practice. The foundation of Book of the Witch Moon is in the darksome practice of Vampirism and Predatory Spirituality. The Nine Angles and the Trapezoid workings, inspired by Anton LaVey and presented around the cult of Daeva-Yasna, the persian demon-sorcery of Yatuk Dinoih.

  • 237
  • Sepher Sephiroth

    Downloaded: 77 times | Size: 33 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    A dictionary of Hebrew words arranged according to numerical value. An encyclopedia of the Qabalah, a map of the universe, enabling man to attain perfect understandin


  • 238
  • Clark - Sacred Magic of Egypt

    Downloaded: 77 times | Size: 404 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    In The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt, Rosemary Clark presents a comprehensive guide to a modern practice of ancient Egyptian theurgy. Included are daily rituals, annual ceremonies, and the founding of a temple tradition for either the sole practitioner or a gathering of celebrants. The dimensions of Sacred Science-esoteric architecture, cosmic resonance, and magical practice-are outlined in detail and demonstrated in a program for practical, everyday use. Authentic and richly detailed, this guidebook also:

    - Presents beautiful rituals patterned on ancient Egyptian texts for modern initiates
    - Serves as an excellent reference on many aspects of the Egyptian mysteries that have not been accessible elsewhere
    - Contains a complete repertoire of ancient hymns, litanies, spells, and ceremonies that allows for reading in the ancient tongue

    Enter the timeless realm of Egyptian sacred ritual. Experience for yourself the ultimate realization of ancient Egyptian spirituality-the assumption of divine knowledge and grace.

  • 239
  • The Book of Power

    Downloaded: 76 times | Size: 17 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Middle Eastern magical tradition. OriginallyTranscribed by Idres Shah


  • 240
  • The Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Water

    Downloaded: 76 times | Size: 2 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


  • 241
  • [ recommended ] Hoodoo Conjuration Witchcraft & Rootwork Vol 2

    Downloaded: 76 times | Size: 933 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Harry Middleton Hyatt was a minister who collected folklore and spells throughout the American South from the 1950s through the 1970s. His wife, Alma, typed up all Harry’s notes and they were assembled into the five volume set called Hoodoo, Conjuration, Witchcraft and Rootwork.  These volumes are much more than a collection of spells and hoodoo tales.  They are a remarkable snap shot of African American culture, captured by a an unassuming minister who greatly loved the folks he spoke to and who was willing to travel, at his own expense, to speak with them about their lives, their stories and their histories.

    "Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork" (HCWR) is a 5-volume, 4766-page collection of folkloric material gathered by Hyatt in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia between 1936 and 1940. Supplementary interviews were conducted in Florida in 1970.

    The "Hoodoo" collection consists of 13,458 separate magic spells and folkloric beliefs, plus lengthy interviews with professional root doctors, conjures, and hoodoos. All but one of Hyatt's 1600 informants were African-Americans, but several narrations by European-Americans (collected for his earlier book, "Folklore From Adams County, Illinois") were also included

    The collection of volumes were produced in five different print runs.  The earliest book was the titled Folklore from Adams County, IL (FACI) and it featured many snippets of stories, spells and magical incantations from all kinds of people. Hyatt was exploring his hobby and talked to African Americans as well as Europeans. Hyatt appeared to be cataloging stories from everyone he could locate within a specific area. There are two volumes in this little collection - if you can call over 10,000 entries little! The first edition was printed in 1935, followed by a second edition in 1965. Both of these copies are rarely offered on the public market today and are virtually nonexistent outside of a library or private collection.

  • 242
  • The Book of Thoth (Aleister Crowley)

    Downloaded: 75 times | Size: 130 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 243
  • Magical Techniques of Tibet: Secret Practices Of Himalayan Magic

    Downloaded: 75 times | Size: 207 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    A great esoteric tradition developed in the Himalayan vastness of the Tibetan plateau. Over centuries of isolation, this unique culture investigated the mysteries of mind and magic to a degree never before attempted.

    Today, as Tibetan spirituality spreads across the world, the practices of Tibetan magic have scarcely been investigated by Western occulties. Magical Techniques of Tibet presents this body of techniques, based partly on Tibetan Buddhist practice and partly on shamanic Bon (the aboriginal religion of Tibet).

    Learn about authentic Tibetan magical practices, including: tumo, the ability to stave off the cold by stimulating the chakras and energy channels of the body; light trance states to recall past lives; manipulation of energies via sound, rhythm, chanting, and drumming; and the spiritual practice of dream yoga. The book brings the ancient magical techniques of Tibet to the magicians of the West.

  • 244
  • Grimoirium Imperium or The Book of the Old Spirits

    Downloaded: 74 times | Size: 41 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    The book of the Law and Practices of the Sleeping Dead Learned by Dr.John Dee from the works of Abd Al-Hazred.


  • 245
  • Penis of Steel - A Guide To Supercharged Sexual Performance

    Downloaded: 74 times | Size: 63 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    In this manual you will learn about your penis, you will learn how to make it harder, longer and thicker and even more important as many women will attest, How To Use It! I will show you how to banish premature ejaculation forever. You will learn the most ancient and the latest techniques for you to gain true mastery of your penis. Before long you will have the sexual prowess of a porno stud


  • 246
  • Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece

    Downloaded: 74 times | Size: 67 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Rare, remarkable, and imbued with thought provoking concepts on esoteric mysticism. A must have for the serious occultist.


  • 247
  • [ recommended ] Hoodoo Conjuration Witchcraft & Rootwork Vol 3

    Downloaded: 74 times | Size: 966 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Harry Middleton Hyatt was a minister who collected folklore and spells throughout the American South from the 1950s through the 1970s. His wife, Alma, typed up all Harry’s notes and they were assembled into the five volume set called Hoodoo, Conjuration, Witchcraft and Rootwork.  These volumes are much more than a collection of spells and hoodoo tales.  They are a remarkable snap shot of African American culture, captured by a an unassuming minister who greatly loved the folks he spoke to and who was willing to travel, at his own expense, to speak with them about their lives, their stories and their histories.

    "Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork" (HCWR) is a 5-volume, 4766-page collection of folkloric material gathered by Hyatt in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia between 1936 and 1940. Supplementary interviews were conducted in Florida in 1970.

    The "Hoodoo" collection consists of 13,458 separate magic spells and folkloric beliefs, plus lengthy interviews with professional root doctors, conjures, and hoodoos. All but one of Hyatt's 1600 informants were African-Americans, but several narrations by European-Americans (collected for his earlier book, "Folklore From Adams County, Illinois") were also included

    The collection of volumes were produced in five different print runs.  The earliest book was the titled Folklore from Adams County, IL (FACI) and it featured many snippets of stories, spells and magical incantations from all kinds of people. Hyatt was exploring his hobby and talked to African Americans as well as Europeans. Hyatt appeared to be cataloging stories from everyone he could locate within a specific area. There are two volumes in this little collection - if you can call over 10,000 entries little! The first edition was printed in 1935, followed by a second edition in 1965. Both of these copies are rarely offered on the public market today and are virtually nonexistent outside of a library or private collection.

  • 248
  • Black Witchcraft - The Foundation of Luciferian Path

    Downloaded: 73 times | Size: 11 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 249
  • What is the Sexual ChiKong

    Downloaded: 73 times | Size: 4 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    how to practice the Sexual ChiKong for men and wome


  • 250
  • The Book of the Black Serpent

    Downloaded: 73 times | Size: 18 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


  • 251
  • Donald Tyson - Sexual Alchemy: Magical Intercourse with Spirits

    Downloaded: 73 times | Size: 348 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Erotic unions with spirits have occurred throughout history, but the methods have been suppressed and lost, save for references and fragments in ancient alchemical and magical texts.

    This book presents a magical system for initiating sexual unions with spirit beings and using the energy released from these unions for self-empowerment and personal transformation.

    It offers to show the reader: magical sexual practices and a sexual spiritual union to surpass the pleasures of physical sex; rituals to encourage the movement of Kundalini energy; magical uses for sexual fluids; techniques for creating a homunculus - an artificial human.

  • 252
  • Anna Riva - Magic with Incense and Powders

    Downloaded: 73 times | Size: 128 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    This book will provide a much-needed guide to many occult incenses and powders being used today and the various methods of employing them to gain one's objectives.

    Within these pages you will find over 850 rituals for almost that many different objectives.

    Included are about 250 incenses and over 300 powders, with an index for locating the various subjects which interest you. There are magical procedures here for love, protection, resisting evil, increasing wealth, staying out of jail, and easing pain.

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