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Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Five Rituals

 Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!

Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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  • [ recommended ] A Treatise on Elemental Magic: An Essay Concerning the Elements as the First Step in Hermetic Magic

    Downloaded: 117 times | Size: 54 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 128
  • Liber 777

    Downloaded: 117 times | Size: 65 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    A complete dictionary of Crowley's correspondences of magical element


  • 129
  • Daoist Magical Transformation Skills

    Downloaded: 117 times | Size: 288 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @750 credits

    This new book contains the esoteric theories and secret training of the following magical skills:
    Transformation Skills of Daoist Sorcery, Two Types of Magical Transformation Skill, The Magical Transformation of Man, Observing the Present Meditation, Psychometry, Clairaudience, Transferring Thoughts, Clairvoyance, Perceiving a Person’s Destiny, Seeing Spirits and Having Visions, Dream Magic, Dream Magic Training, Herbs Used To Induce Lucid Dreaming, Mind Magic, Illusionary Magic, Invisibility, Three Types of Invisibility Skills, Suspended Animation, Walking Through Walls, Soul Travel, Teleportation, Bilocation, Shape-Shifting Magic, Methods of Shape-Shifting, The Magical Transformation of External Things, Defense Magic, Healing Magic, Sex Magic, Materialization, Telekinesis, Contracting the Land, Constructing a River by Drawing a Line on the Ground, Wrapping Up The Heavens, Weather Magic, Divination Magic, Corpse Magic, Transferring a Soul, Stealing the Soul of a Coma Victim, Rituals Used In Corpse Magic In Order to Obtain a Spirit Helper, Energy, Spirit, and Soul Projection, Qi and Thought Projection, Shadow Magic Training,Three Types of Soul Projection, Five Phases of Soul Travel, Soul Projection Training, Imagination Techniques, Respiration Techniques, Mantra Sound Techniques, Advanced Soul Projection and Shape-Shifting Techniques, Communicating in the Spirit World, Encountering Spirit Beings, Stages of Spiritual Development, Introduction to Daoist Sex Magic, Three Stages of Relationship, Levels of Intimacy, Applications of Sex Magic, Using Sexual Magic for Energy Cultivation, Sexual Postures and Techniques, Sex Magic Rituals, Deity Magic and Sex Magic, Sex With An Succubus or Incubus, Sexual Encounters With Walk-Ins, Group Sex Magic, Blood Magic and Sex Magic, Blood Sacrifices and Group Sex Magic, Tonic Herbal Formulas, Aphrodisiacs, and Ancient Chinese Love Spells and Hexes.

  • 130
  • [ recommended ] The Secret Doctrine, Vol 1 Cosmogenesis

    Downloaded: 114 times | Size: 350 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    This massive study is an astonishing document. Blavatsky synthesizes science and spirituality into an exhilarating journey of spiritual awareness! These volumes of the Secret Doctrine (virtually impossible to find) completes the papers left by H. P. B. It is a complete course on Occultism! Nothing is left out. Almost 100 chapters. Partial contents: One Key to all Sacred Books; The ABC of Magic; Chaldean Oracles; The Book of Hermes; Three Ways Open to the Adept; Names are Symbols; Characters of the Bible; The Book of Enoch; Hermetic and Kabalistic Doctrines; Numbers and Magic; Occult Weapons; The Duty of the True Occultist; Two Eternal Principles; St. Paul the real founder of Christianity; Apollonius no Fiction; Biographies of Initiates; Kabalistic Readings of Gospels; Magic in Antioch; The Septenary Sephira; Seven Keys to all Allegories; The Mystery of the Sun; Magical Statutes; Masonry and Jesuits; Mysteries and Masonry; Egyptian Initiation; Root of Races; Celestial Wheels; Christian Star Worship; Defense of Astrology; The Seven Rays; Secret Books; Tibetan Prophecies; Swedenborg; Occult Secrecy; and much more! Blavatsky was an occult master. If you are a serious mystical student, you'll need this rare and illuminating book

  • 131
  • Enochian Tablet of Fire

    Downloaded: 114 times | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


  • 132
  • The Supreme Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (SBRP)

    Downloaded: 113 times | Size: 3 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


  • 133
  • [ recommended ] Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power

    Downloaded: 112 times | Size: 476 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Amoral,cunning, ruthless, and instructive, this piercing workdistills three thousand years of the history of power in toforty-eight well explicated laws. As attention--grabbing inits design as it is in its content, this bold volume outlinesthe laws of power in their unvarnished essence, synthesizingthe philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun-tzu, Carl von Clausewitz,and other great thinkers. Some laws teach the need forprudence ("Law 1: Never Outshine the Master"), the virtue ofstealth ("Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions"), and many demandthe total absence of mercy ("Law 15: Crush Your EnemyTotally"), but like it or not, all have applications in reallife. Illustrated through the tactics of Queen Elizabeth I,Henry Kissinger, P. T. Barnum, and other famous figures whohave wielded--or been victimized by--power, these laws willfascinate any reader interested in gaining, observing, ordefending against ultimate control.

  • 134
  • Enochian Magic for Beginners by Donald Tyson

    Downloaded: 111 times | Size: 384 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    While Enochian Magic for Beginners focuses on bringing theintimidating subject of Enochian magic within the reach of thenovice, the book grants its subject much more than superficialtreatment. Western ceremonial magician and author Donald Tysongives a comprehensive address on the history of and a solidfoundation for actually working with this fascinating system ofmagic. What sets Tyson's treatment apart is his examination of theoriginal system in its entirety, as it was given to John Dee andEdward Kelley in the late 1500s by the same angels who revealedthe wisdom to Enoch in Old Testament times. This is not the sameform of Enochian magic practiced by Golden Dawn members, whichTyson maintains is only a fragment of the original. The author'slucid connection of the mechanics of Enochian magic with itsoriginal philosophical and spiritual significance in EnochianMagic for Beginners answers the questions of the uninitiated whilestill being of importance to the adept.

  • 135
  • The Book of Dagon

    Downloaded: 111 times | Size: 29 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Cursed Writings of Assyrian Priest


  • 136
  • Curses by Christine Mintree

    Downloaded: 111 times | Size: 15 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    The information in this booklet was intended for the curious only. If you decide to cast any curse from this booklet, you do so alone and of your own free will. You are solely responsible and take responsibility for any and all Karma resulting from your actions


  • 137
  • [ recommended ] Theron Dumont - The Power of Concentration

    Downloaded: 111 times | Size: 97 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    A course of lessons intended to teach the reader how to concentrate, with the belief that the person who is able to concentrate can better utilize constructive thoughts and shut out the destructive ones. Through concentrated thought power you can make yourself whatever you please. By thought you can greatly increase your efficiency and strength. You are surrounded by all kinds of thoughts, some good, others bad, and you are sure to absorb some of the latter if you do not build up a positive mental attitude. Lessons include: Concentration Finds the Way; The Self-Mastery, Self-Direction Power of Concentration; How to Gain What You Want Through Concentration; Concentration; the Silent Force that Produces Results in All Business; How Concentrated Thought Links All Humanity Together; The Training of the Will to Do; The Concentrated Mental Demand; Concentration Gives Mental Poise; Concentration Can Overcome Bad Habits; Business Results Gained Through Concentration; Concentrate on Courage; Concentrate on Wealth; You Can Concentrate, But Will You?; Art of Concentration with Practical Exercise; Concentrate So You Will Not Forget; How Concentration Can Fulfill Your Desire; Ideals Develop by Concentration; Mental Control Through Creation; Concentrated Will Development; Concentration Reviewed.

  • 138
  • The Book of Eris

    Downloaded: 110 times | Size: 129 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


  • 139
  • The Secret Rituals of the OTO

    Downloaded: 110 times | Size: 153 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Francis King's (1973) infamous, much sought-after and obscenely priced compilation of Crowley OTO rituals and Sex Magick Instructions. This is the corrected and revised edition issued by 'Black Flag & Naughty Nun New Media', in 2006.


  • 140
  • Invokation of the Holy Spirit ISIS

    Downloaded: 110 times | Size: 4 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


  • 141
  • Evocation of Spirits by Donald Michael Kraig

    Downloaded: 109 times | Size: 30 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    With evocation, you can learn how to improve your financial situation, bring love into your life, and achieve the success you desire. Evocation are a safe way to call on a god, goddess, or other nonphysical entity to obtain information or ask for help.

    This comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide explains what magick is... how its practice can enhance your life... the various types of spiritual entities... the difference between evocation and invocation... how to do an evocation... how to communicate with spirits... and more!

    - How to call on an entity, step by step:
    Preparing the seer
    The welcome
    The payment
    License do depart

    - How to construct and use a magick mirror
    - How avoid potencial problems
    - How to prepare and purify your area
    - How to enter into an altered state of consciousness
    - How to record the information and answers you receive in your magickal diary

  • 142
  • [ recommended ] David Goddard - How to Protect Yourself from Psychic Attack

    Downloaded: 108 times | Size: 187MB, 1 Scan OCR, 1 CD - 2 PDF, 15 flac | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    With psychic attacks (and their various manifestations) increasing worldwide, knowing how to protect yourself and your family is becoming critical.

    How to protect yourself was common knowledge amongst tribal people, ages ago. But as societies lost their connection to the spiritual realm over time, they also opened themselves up to all kinds of bizarre psychic attacks. The scariest part is there are people putting themselves up for hire, like assassins do, to attack other people for a price.

    Don't be a victim You can protect yourself with mystical wisdom (only shared inside mystical schools - since these are the only people usually open to discovering the forgotten sciences of spiritual protection.) Today you can discover the same Psychic Self-Defense methods, previously only shared with initiates of these sacred mystery schools.

    Why is this information coming out now?

    It's becoming critical for people everywhere to start protecting themselves on the spiritual plane, as much as they do on the physical plane. And your chance to protect yourself and your family is here today. In How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack you will discover vital tools and methods for self-protection.

    This includes:

    - Discover How to Prepare and Bless Holy Water

    - What St Michael the Archangel has to do with Psychic Protection
    (and how you forge a bond with this mighty Archangel through this magic)

    - Uncover your personal Armor of Light and how to be sure you're always protected

    - The Seven Mystical Prayers for Daily Protection (use these every day to add extra, powerful protect if you feel threatened)

    - How to use the Litany invoking Protection against Evil

    - What is The Adamantine Tower and how you use it to protect your home and place of work from psychic attacks

    - Hear the Psalms of Protection used to create an invisible, protective shield around yourself

    You will also discover every step you can take to ensure life-long safety for you and your family.

    You can imagine the power and intensity of this guide. Realistically speaking, this guide's information can be.. Life-Saving

  • 143
  • The Book of Ceremonial Magic

    Downloaded: 107 times | Size: 266pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    The Secret Tradition inGoetia, including the rites and mysteries of Goetic therugy, sorcery and infernal necromancy. Antiquity ofMagical Rituals; Rituals of Transcendental Magic; CompositeRituals; Key of Solomon; Lesser Key of Solomon; Rituals of BlackMagic; Complete Grimoire; Preparation of the Operator; InitialRites and Ceremonies; Descending Hierarchy; Mysteries of GoeticTheurgy; Mystery of the Sanctum Regnum; Method of Honorius.Firstpublished in 1911, Arthur Edward Waite's The Book of CeremonialMagic is well-known for being a rather enigmatic text. The first hald of the book offers an analytical and critical account of manymagical rituals. The second can be considered an illustratedgrimoire. Contemporary occultists may find Waite's language andstyle at times archaic, but perception and persistence will showthat this tome is a most useful reference.

  • 144
  • [ recommended ] Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming

    Downloaded: 106 times | Size: 201 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @150 credits

    NLP is an explicit and powerful model of human experience and communication. Using the principles of NLP it is possible to describe any human activity in a detailed way that allows you to make many deep and lasting changes quickly and easily.

    A few specific examples of things you can learn to accomplish are: (1) cure phobias and other unpleasant feeling responses in less than an our, help children and adults with "learning disabilities" (spelling and reading problems, etc.) overcome these limitations, often in less than an hour, (3) eliminate most unwanted habits - smoking, drinking, over-eating, insomnia, etc., in a few sessions, (4) make changes in the interactions of couples, families and organizations so that they function in ways that are more satisfying and productive, (5) cure many physical problems - not only most of those recognized as "psychosomatic" but also some that are not - in a few sessions.

    Actually, NLP can do much more than the kinds of remedial work mentioned above. The same principles can be used to study people who are unusually talented in any way, in order to determine the structure of that talent. That structure can then be quickly taught to others to give them the foundation for that same ability. This kind of intervention results in generative change, in which people learn to generate and create new talents and behaviors for themselves and others. A side effect of such generative change is that many of the problem behaviors that would otherwise have been targets for remedial change simply disappear. We are on the threshold of a quantum jump in human experience and capability.

  • 145
  • Meditation with the Archangel Auriel

    Downloaded: 105 times | Size: 2 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


  • 146
  • [ recommended ] Hoodoo Conjuration Witchcraft & Rootwork Vol 1

    Downloaded: 105 times | Size: 998 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Harry Middleton Hyatt was a minister who collected folklore and spells throughout the American South from the 1950s through the 1970s. His wife, Alma, typed up all Harry’s notes and they were assembled into the five volume set called Hoodoo, Conjuration, Witchcraft and Rootwork.  These volumes are much more than a collection of spells and hoodoo tales.  They are a remarkable snap shot of African American culture, captured by a an unassuming minister who greatly loved the folks he spoke to and who was willing to travel, at his own expense, to speak with them about their lives, their stories and their histories.

    "Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork" (HCWR) is a 5-volume, 4766-page collection of folkloric material gathered by Hyatt in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia between 1936 and 1940. Supplementary interviews were conducted in Florida in 1970.

    The "Hoodoo" collection consists of 13,458 separate magic spells and folkloric beliefs, plus lengthy interviews with professional root doctors, conjures, and hoodoos. All but one of Hyatt's 1600 informants were African-Americans, but several narrations by European-Americans (collected for his earlier book, "Folklore From Adams County, Illinois") were also included

    The collection of volumes were produced in five different print runs.  The earliest book was the titled Folklore from Adams County, IL (FACI) and it featured many snippets of stories, spells and magical incantations from all kinds of people. Hyatt was exploring his hobby and talked to African Americans as well as Europeans. Hyatt appeared to be cataloging stories from everyone he could locate within a specific area. There are two volumes in this little collection - if you can call over 10,000 entries little! The first edition was printed in 1935, followed by a second edition in 1965. Both of these copies are rarely offered on the public market today and are virtually nonexistent outside of a library or private collection.

  • 147
  • The 6th and 7th books of Moses

    Downloaded: 104 times | Size: 133 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Weimar Bible Alternate version. The Key of Solomon, save for a cultailed and incomplete copy published in France in the seventeeth century, has never yet been printed, but has for centuries remained in Manuscript form inaccessible to all but the few fortunate scholars to whom the innermost recesses of the great libraries were open. The fountain-head and storehouse of Qabalistic Magic, and the origin of much of the ceremonial magic of Midieval times, the "Key" has been valued by Occult writers as a work of the highest authority.

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