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Shows: 379 - 399 of 407, Page: << < 2 4 7 9 12 14 17 18 19 20 > >>

Donald Michael Kraig

  • Evocation of Spirits by Donald Michael Kraig

    Downloaded: 109 times | Size: 30 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    With evocation, you can learn how to improve your financial situation, bring love into your life, and achieve the success you desire. Evocation are a safe way to call on a god, goddess, or other nonphysical entity to obtain information or ask for help.

    This comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide explains what magick is... how its practice can enhance your life... the various types of spiritual entities... the difference between evocation and invocation... how to do an evocation... how to communicate with spirits... and more!

    - How to call on an entity, step by step:
    Preparing the seer
    The welcome
    The payment
    License do depart

    - How to construct and use a magick mirror
    - How avoid potencial problems
    - How to prepare and purify your area
    - How to enter into an altered state of consciousness
    - How to record the information and answers you receive in your magickal diary

  • Donald Michael Kraig - Modern Sex Magick

    Downloaded: 26 times | Size: 397 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Master a variety of powerful practices that heighten and amplify magickal energy raised during sexual activity, and discover how to use the energy to transform your magick and your life.

    This one-of-a-kind book is the first to clearly reveal the secrets of Western sex magick without relying on Tantric theory.

    Straightforward and accessible, this illustrated guide to sex magick shows you how to take your magickal rituals and sexual abilities to amazing new levels.

  • Tarot & Magic by Donald Michael Kraig

    Downloaded: 24 times | Size: 175 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Perform life-changing magic with nothing more than your favorite Tarot deck. Tarot and Magic, the third book in Llewellyn's Special Topics in Tarot series of advanced and specialized Tarot techniques, shows you how.

    Straightforward and respectful of all spiritual paths, this guide teaches you how to create your own Tarot spells and rituals, and use the magical power of the cards as talismans. It reveals the secret connection between the Tarot and sex magic, and presents three methods for exploring this connection. You'll learn how to enter and work in the astral plane, using the Tarot as a map. You'll even rediscover the time-proven but little-known magic technique of dancing the Tarot, developed by respected magicians Denning and Phillips. Each chapter concludes with questions designed to trigger your own magical abilities.

    Your Tarot deck is a powerful magical tool�use it to create the changes you desire in your life.


Anna Riva

  • [ recommended ] Anna Riva's Candle Burning Magic: A Spellbook of Rituals for Good and Evil

    Downloaded: 51 times | Size: 98 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    Spell Book of Rituals for Good and Evil. Candle burning is the most-used and most simple of the magical arts, and this book is chock full of any kind of candle burning spell one could want.

    From attracting love, luck, money or power to solving problems and learning secrets through dreams, its all here.

    This little volume contains 409 rituals to make things happen in your life.

  • Anna Riva - Secrets of Magical Seals: A Modern Grimoire of Amulets, Charms, Symbols and Talismans

    Downloaded: 45 times | Size: 65 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    For those who wish to master the art of magical achievement, there are numerous occult aids which may be of value. Some of these tools are amulets, fetishes, charms, symbols, talismans.

    These are objects inscribed with a magic incantation or sign that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship, association, convention or accidental resemblance - a visible sign of something invisible. They are worn or carried to avert harm, ward off misfortune, protect against danger, to bring good, insure fortunate events and attract love, luck, and favorable conditions.

    The seals herein are only the most popular or readily available talismans. The suggestions for uses have been modernized, shortened and simplified to suit the modern user.

  • Anna Riva - Magic with Incense and Powders

    Downloaded: 73 times | Size: 128 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    This book will provide a much-needed guide to many occult incenses and powders being used today and the various methods of employing them to gain one's objectives.

    Within these pages you will find over 850 rituals for almost that many different objectives.

    Included are about 250 incenses and over 300 powders, with an index for locating the various subjects which interest you. There are magical procedures here for love, protection, resisting evil, increasing wealth, staying out of jail, and easing pain.

  • Anna Riva - Powers of the Psalms

    Downloaded: 70 times | Size: 130 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @150 credits

    The perfect prayer book - that is what the Book of Psalms has been called. Written over a period of about eight hundred years, these one hundred fifty poems and hymns are the most important existing collection of Hebrew national and religious poetry.

    375 ways to use Psalms for love, power, revenge, success, blessings, prosperity, protection etc. All 150 psalms included.

  • Anna Riva - Devotions to the Saints

    Downloaded: 17 times | Size: 111 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @150 credits

    A treasury of Meditations, devotions, gems of wisdom, verses, etc. for daily help. This books gifts an introduction to what is a saint, lives of the saints, patron saints, prayers, Quotes of the saints and much more.

  • Anna Riva - Prayer Book

    Downloaded: 30 times | Size: 130 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @150 credits

    Within the pages of this Prayer Book by Anna Riva you will find selections of prose and poetry selected from over 2,500 years of inspirational literature. Over two hundred authors are represented.

    The subject index will help you find the assistance you need quickly...from Acceptance, Adversity, Blessings, Protection, Wealth and Youth.

    Hundreds of simple prayers, verses and inspirational pieces from authors old and new.

  • Anna Riva - Golden Secrets of Mystic Oils

    Downloaded: 62 times | Size: 176 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @150 credits

    This A to Z guide by Anna Riva details over 550 of the most popular oils available from occult supply houses. Find the oils you need to help solve problems or assist in the situations you face.

    Golden Secrets of Mystic Oils by Anna Riva tells how to use oils for every purpose- love, luck, success, peace, power and more. A to Z arrangement, from Abra-Melin to Zula Zula. How to anoint candles, charms, one's body and other uses. Over 550 oils and over 1,300 spells. Easy to read, understand and use!


Basil E. Crouch

  • Secrets of the Black Temple - Basil Lacroix aka Basil Crouch

    Downloaded: 23 times | Size: 121 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Black magic grimoire. Warning this book can be dangerous. Persons in ill health or suffering any mental illness should not have access to this book. Be warned this is a not fiction book it can lead into dark waters if the instructions are not followed. I cannot be help responsible for any damage or ill health through reading this book. You alone are responsible for your actions (Basil E. Crouch)

  • Basil Crouch - The Power of the Logos [aka The Egyptian Magic Box]

    Downloaded: 27 times | Size: 49 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    It seems like something out of a fantasy, BUT THIS IS TRUE. Now in his late 80s, Basil LaCroix (a.k.a. Basil Crouch) has decided to reveal the secret of The Egyptian Mystical Box a device that can change -the course of life! But this is not simple magic it requires time and commitment. You are asked to call upon powerful Egyptian deities who will operate through your Mystical box. This is not for the easily intimidated! This is raw, potent magic for the person who desires power and riches!

    Mr LaCroix reveals the secret rites and invocations of the Egyptian powers, and how to find the magic words that make them do your bidding! At last, you can invoke the cat-headed Bast and the cow-headed Hathor of ancient Egypt! Invoke the Eye of will Horus! These powers bring what you want through the Mystical box. The making of the box is simple. The effect comes in imbuing it with cosmic power. You can do this if you have the will and the box will become a power more potent than any lucky charm. Through their pyramids and invocations of the powers within, the magicians of ancient Egypt were able to command miracles of health and healing! YOU CAN NOW POSSESS REAL POWER. The power to heal yourself of disease. The power to win. The power to make money. Power over another person. The power to heal and help others. Sex. Gratification. Whatever you seek it is within your reach when these awesome powers are awakened. This is not mumbo jumbo dreamt up by an old man. Many will recall Basil LaCroix's mail order courses in magic and voodoo, not to mention his healing groups in South London. He is descended from a long line of gypsies the occult is in his blood. He has studied and practiced all his life. He has now decided to reveal this most potent form of magic of all. His previous occult revelations have incurred the wrath of the occult community, primarily because of the belief that such powerful knowledge shouldn't be made public. But at his age he now has nothing left to lose. 'This is my legacy. Occult initiates will recognize that the mystery of the Mystical box is strong stuff, but that is no reason why it should not be made public.'

  • Basil Crouch - Doll Magic

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    Here is rare information on a subject most occult books do not tackle - doll magic. The late Mr LaCroix claimed doll magic became the source of his wealth and good fortune after a rich lady gave him a set of dolls in return for a favour in the late 1940s.

    Doll Magic is a primitive art. Through the doll the subconscious connects with Universal Mind. Such magic is potent!

    The instructions are mainly concerned with (a) acquiring riches; (b) obtaining secret information; (c) curing the body of illness. And it is easy. All that is required is the will to make what you want happen. The doll transmits your will to the Universal Mind and it is fulfilled, so says the author.

    Information on genuine doll magic is hard to come by. maybe it is because 'those in the know' don't want others to know. Not anymore; all the information you need is here. The only admonition in the authors text is not to reveal its contents or your magical work with dolls, lest you be thought mad or lest you lose the power.

  • Basil Crouch - Fairy Gold

    Downloaded: 11 times | Size: 24 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    Basil Crouch A.K.A. Basil LaCroix is one of those old-time great Magicians who learned by the pragmatics of worldly travels in lieu of the theoretics found in most books. Basil spent his youth in a circus amongst the main artistes who were pure Romany, all members of the Manouche Tribe who revere Sara the Black Virgin & Jacques deMolay (GrandMaster of the Templars). The leading Witchdoctor taught him many trix of Magick. He also learned many strange Spells from an Australian Aborigine Witchdoctor. In the late 1960's he masterminded 'coven-style' Occult groups consisting of 6 or 7 women, reaching very advanced stages of development, like producing actual Apports using thoughtform entities, just mindblowing stuff. His teachings excited alot of jealousy within Occult Societies who wanted this kind of thing kept secret.

  • The Darkside of the Moon - A Complete Course in Magic and Witchcraft

    Downloaded: 213 times | Size: 119 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    Rare text that gives a variety of insights into creation of Thralls, secrets of Gypsy Sorcerers, dark Necromantic practices, potent magic and much more! The data in this book is authentic, many of the ceremonies were undertaken by young female witches and male students of the occult, under the supervision of an Occult Master. The results they established, and which are recorded in this book, can be achieved by anyone, providing that they have the nerve, patience and the ability to carry out the written instruction exactly. The phenomena, or magic, is the result of certain phase of mind. The ceremonies help to achieve this, much sought after, state of mind. It can only come through practice, incantation or ritual. In very rare case it can be spontaneously evoked by the subconscious mind. However, such spontaneously action can not be controlled, which is dangerous, whereas the achievement of the necessary phase of mind, through ceremony, is the result of a disciplined mind that is under control at all times.

  • [ recommended ] The Hallowed Genie - Basil LaCroix a.k.a Basil Crouch

    Downloaded: 10 times | Size: 63 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

  • [ recommended ] Basil Crouch - The Secret(s) of A Lifetime: The Power of Mentative Mind

    Downloaded: 30 times | Size: 99 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    The following are extracts from Mr Crouch's introduction in the book, edited to fit this advertisement: 'The power of mind is electrical by nature and can be scientifically measured with instruments. I Call it "Mentation". 'I have encountered those who could make flowers bloom in less than five minutes. 'I have seen people crippled made whole by Mentation. 'I have met and talked with men and women who could cause the phone to ring and what is perhaps more wonderful, I have seen these people command that a certain person (who was named by me) call happen through Mentation. 'This power is avaiable to all. It is the Secret of a Lifetime.'It is in fact an invisible servant there at your call whenever you need it. 'Whilst I have held positions of authority and ran my own businesses, for most of my life I haven't had to work at all - for the money comes to me as and when I need it. 'Since discovering Mentation... I have never lacked money; I have not wanted for anything. 'I have explained Mentation to young people in positions of hopelessness whose circumstances then changed out of all recognition. I have watched them go from poverty to affluence in a matter of months.

  • [ recommended ] The Book of Forbidden Knowledge by Basil LaCroix a.k.a Basil Crouch

    Downloaded: 43 times | Size: 40 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    This work is so dark, potent and lethal, containing arcane rites which have never been in print and surely will never be again. In fact the author writes that he gives the information ‘under pain of death’. I can see why he was ‘under pain of death’ to reveal these secrets, and whoever may seek to use them will certainly not want to share with others! At least there are no human and animal sacrifices here; but otherwise this volume travels through some very dark territory indeed. This book is strictly for the daring and darkly adventurous. It is a book of pacts and ceremonies, promising GREAT WEALTH … POWER … PRESTIGE … destruction of enemies. The author ran his own coven for many years, his followers benefiting greatly from his knowledge. In his brand of dark magick he says, ‘No belief is required’, not even faith.

    Follow the instructions: ‘The ceremonies work first time and every time. They always have, they always will.’ This book, he says, ‘can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams’.‘Whoever starts on this pathway stays forever, beyond death and eternity’, he says.

    Keep your promises to the gods invoked – which seem small compared to the rewards – and you will be protected. But this is not kids’ play. Contents include: Thought-forms – Super-mind – Lucifer – Passing Exams – Causing Chaos – The Snake God–Beelzebub – Infernal Necromancy – The Lurk – The Ultimate Black Mass.

  • The Making of a God by Basil Crouch

    Downloaded: 14 times | Size: 32 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    The Lost Writings of Basil Crouch

    James Finbarr writes:

    Let me make it clear straight away: this is a booklet of black magick. Essentially this is a work of atavistic African magick and European demonic evocation. At its core is the making of what he calls ‘The Fetish’, which anyone of average intelligence can make.



Damon Brand

  • Adventures In Sex Magick: Control Your Life With The Power of Lust

    Downloaded: 80 times | Size: 209 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    This is not a book about sexual technique or seduction. It's about attracting money, power, love and success through the power of sexual energy. Acclaimed author Damon Brand lays bare a fast, thrilling method for getting the results you deserve. Whatever you lust for can be yours.

    Better still, this potent sex magick works whether you are single or in a relationship. Damon Brand explains why magick often fails, and shows you a no-nonsense approach to make your vision a reality.

    Most sex magick books force you to learn obscure breathing and discipline, but this book is smoldering with pleasures of the flesh. Damon Brand has created new magick that can work for you the very first time.
    - Discover how to achieve several magickal goals at once.
    Use a secret sigil to access angelic sexual power.
    Learn the unique secret of The Major Process.

    As Damon Brand says, 'Some of the magick described here may seem absurdly simple, but even the simplest methods have worked for myself, and for many others. In fact, it was the success of these simple methods that led me to suspect that sexual energy was often the missing key in magick.'

    Sex magick is a shortcut to success. If you enjoy sex, take the first step to a more rewarding life now.

  • Magickal Angels: Instant Contact With The Angels of Power

    Downloaded: 81 times | Size: 332 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    Damon Brand reveals the secrets of angelic power. The angels are ready to listen and ready to work for you. All you have to do is ask in the right way.

    He says, 'This is the book everybody has been waiting for. I get messages every day asking me how to contact angels. The good news is that you can contact them instantly.'

    When you contact the angels listed in this book you will have the power to dominate success and fortune, obtain what you wish, protect yourself and stop enemies. These mighty angels can be contacted easily, instructed directly and will gladly fulfill your desires.

    You don't need to believe anything or belong to any religion. You don't need to be pure or worthy. All you need is a strong desire for something to change in your world. If you have that desire, the angels will take you where you want to go. It is their purpose to give you the power to express the life you dream of living.

    The angels in this book can help you to carry out difficult tasks, strengthen your willpower and increase your popularity. They can work to attract friendship and love, prevent arguments, keep partners loyal and recover lost love. They will protect, uncover truth, stop liars, help you find work and increase your success in the areas of fame and fortune. There are angels that can inspire artists and attract wealth, spreading the word about your creative works. Debtors can be made to pay up. You can turn enemies into friends. Whether you are making deals, learning a trade, trying to pass exams or working to increase your income, these angels can bring the help you need.

    Damon Brand works with a group of occultists called The Gallery of Magick. They have been working together for over thirty years. This book reveals some of the most important secrets discovered by The Gallery. These secrets give you the fastest possible access to angelic power.

    You will discover:
    Two rare Talismans that open the gateway to angelic contact.
    The Words of Power that establish an angelic connection.
    The way to contact a Gatekeeper Angel.
    Twenty-four unique sigils for contacting angels.
    Over seventy angelic powers that can be used in thousands of ways.
    Ancient secrets for contacting angels that can't be found in any published book or anywhere on the internet.

    Damon says, 'There are a few key secrets that get magick working, and they are all included in this book. Magick is about making choices, and impressing those choices on reality, rather than being subject to the whims of chaos or the decisions of other people. The angels let you take back control of your life.'


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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Mastering Soul Travel

A Field Guide To Unlocking Astral Gateways, Traversing The Planes, And Reuniting With The Source Of Consciousness Itself.


Learn How To: - Soul Travel To Any plane - Apprentice With Ascended Masters - Experience Supreme Godhood

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Universal Circle

Summon absolutely ANY TYPE of spirit to full physical appearance, including angels, demons, gods, elementals, planetary intelligences, dead humans, and more.

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Mastering Divination: Omniscience

Learn Magick Rituals That Awaken Your Clairvoyance, So You Can Perform Deadly Accurate Divination Readings, And Communicate With Spirits

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The Ultimate Guide To Performing Magick And Experiencing Godlike Power

I'll show you the exact steps and specific pathworkings to help you be more successful with ritual magick and your Ascent to Godhood - and you don't need special genetics or fancy initiations to do it...
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Circle of Solomon

The Most Famous And Respected Magick Circle In Occult History... Harness The Spiritual Power Of The Circle Of Solomon And Evoke Angels To Physical Appearance

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Interviews With A Magus

Watch interviews of the most powerful magicians in the world, as they tell "war stories" and reveal closely-guarded occult secrets.

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Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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Attract Studio
... Create your own Attraction Movies - and manifest your ideal life!


Five Rituals

 ... Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!


Quantum Cookbook

 ... Discover the untold secrets of manifesting!


Advanced Cosmic Ordering
... Discover the hidden secrets behind Cosmic Ordering!


Manipulative Psychology 101 - I'm Popular You're Not

Manipulative Psychology 101

... Uncover the powerful secrets of social control, from Mr X







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