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  • Daoist Exorcism: Encounters With Sorcerers, Ghosts, Spirits and Demons

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    This manual includes many esoteric practices traditionally used in ancient Daoist sorcery.

    Its contents are as follows:
    History of Exorcism, Three Realms of Daoist Mysticism, Interactions with the Spirit World, Two Schools of Daoist Sorcery, Understanding Psychic Influence, Principles of Psychic Interference, Psychic Attacks, Types of Psychic Attacks, Symptoms that Indicate a Psychic Attack, Defending Against Psychic Attacks, Encounters With Ghosts, Types of Hauntings, Communicating with Ghosts, Encounters with Spirits, Historic Classification of Spirits and Immortals, Seductive Spirits, Animal Spirits, Plant Spirits, Nature Spirits, Spirits of the Elemental Realms, Spirit Snakes and Spider Spirits, Sensations Attributed to the Presence of Spirit Entities, How and Why Negative Spirit Entities Attack, Self-Defense Against Spirit Entities, Protecting Children, Closing the Ghost Gate to Protect against Ghosts and Spirits, Encounters With Demonic and Evil Spirits, Demonology, Levels of Demonic Influence, Demonic Manifestation, Demonology According to Christian Mysticism, Historical Facts, Demonic Attacks, Encounters with Demon or Spirit Possessed Individuals, Demon or Spirit Oppression, Ten Reasons Why a Demon or Evil Spirit will Interact with an Individual, Three Stages of Demonic Assault (Demonic Infestation, Demonic Oppression, and Demonic Possession), History of Possession, Signs and Symptoms of Spirit Possession, Signs and Symptoms of Demonic Possession, Exorcism, Functionality of Exorcism, Four Primary Stages of Exorcism, the Ritual of Summoning Spirits for Interrogation and Exorcism, Binding and Banishing Techniques used to Remove Evil Spirit Entities, Treating Demonic or Spirit Oppression and Possession, Removing a Spirit or Demonic-Entity from a Individual, What to do After the Demon or Spirit Entity Leaves the Body, When the Demon or Spirit Entity Will Not Leave, Treatment for Phobia or Anxiety of Being Spirit or Demon Oppressed, Medical Qigong Treatment for Spirit and Ghost Hallucinations, Treatment using the Thirteen Ghost Points, the Magic Circle, and Three Stages of Daoist Exorcism.

  • The Roman Rite of Exorcism - 1952 A.D.

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  • Robert Ambelain - Spiritual Alchemy

    Downloaded: 151 times | Size: 103 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

  • Robert Ambelain - Practical Kabbalah Part 1

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    Introduction to the study of Kabbalah, both mystical and practical, and to using its Traditions and Symbols with a view to Theurgy. Translated by Piers A. Vaughan

  • Robert Ambelain - Practical Kabbalah Part 2

    Downloaded: 15 times | Size: 176 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Introduction to the study of Kabbalah, both mystical and practical, and to using its Traditions and Symbols with a view to Theurgy. Translated by Piers A. Vaughan

  • Ambelain - Le Martinisme

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    Martinism - History and doctrine. Occult and Mystical Freemasonry. Ambelain, Robert. 1946. Le Martinisme. PARIS: Editions Niclaus, Translation by Piers A. Vaughan, 200

  • Man, His True Nature & Ministry

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    Saint-Martin, Louis-Claude de. Man, His True Nature & Ministry. Orig. Translation by Edward Burton Penny, 1864. Partial Contents: On Nature: Man, not outward Nature, the witness of Divinity; Marriage-Man is God's book; Heaven taken by violence; man the mirror of God's wonders; The Universe in pain; Cause of Nature's groans; Birth of matter; Hypothesis of Jacob Bohme; Inhabitancy of Planets; Final Causes; Repose of Nature, the Soul, and the Word should come from Man; On Man: What is Spirit? man's origin; The Magism of God; Man, the continuation or recommencement of God; Door of Light and love in Man; How to attain God's Action; The Fall; Human institutions derive from above; Blood of clean animals; The Exodus; Law of Sacrifices; Three degrees of abominations; Mosaic law preparatory to spiritual law; Man delivered from prison of his blood; The Eucharist; Progress of individual man towards Canaan; The perfecting of our faculties hereafter requires sacrifice of all here; God's love and Man's insensibility; The work of the man of faith reacts on the whole tree of Man; On the Word: The Word sustains all things; The Words requires an apprenticeship; The true Cross; The substance of men's words; Power of the enemy during night; Duties, responsibilities, and misdirection of literary men; Religious literature; Gradations in Adam's fall; Demonstration of God and the soul; The sublime is God, and all that connects us with Him; Ministers of the Word withholding the key of knowledge; Desire, the principle of movement; Three degrees of the Word; Progressive names, states, and processes; Who should teach the deep things of God; Eternity in a point of time

  • The Natural Table

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    Saint-Martin, Louis-Claude de: Natural Table of the Correspondences between God, Man and the Universe, 1782, Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18, 19, Translation by Piers A. Vaughan, 2003

  • The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary

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    Eckartshausen's Cloud Over the Sanctuary is an announcement to "those capable of light" that there is still a "Community of Light,:" or a wisdom school, where the sacred mysteries are kept. Rosicrucians, Martinists, Freemasons, and Theosophists-read this essential book!

  • Robert Ambelain - Templars and Rose Croix

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  • Robert Ambelain - Freemasonry in Olden Times

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  • Robert Ambelain - Contemporary Martinism

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  • Eighty Aphorisms and Maxims of Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin

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  • The Ministry of the Spirit-Man by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin

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  • Ten Prayers by the Unknown Philosopher

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  • The Red Book by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin

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  • Michel de Saint Martin - Revelations: Spiritual Conversations

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  • History and Doctrines of the Rose-Croix by Paul S?dir

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  • Egyptian Magic by E.A.Wallis Budge

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    Sums up all that is known about magic in Ancient Egypt: the role of magic in controlling the gods, powerful amulets that warded off evil spirits, scarabs of immortality, use of wax images, formulas and spells, the secret name, much more.

  • Dark Night Of The Soul: A Masterpiece in the Literature of Mysticism by St. John of the Cross

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    As a Carmelite monk, the 16th-century Spanish mystic St. John of the Cross was well trained in the systematic theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. In Dark Night of the Soul, St. John's sharply organized mind gives clean shape to his mystical belief in a loving Being somewhere outside the realm of feeling, thought, or imagination, who can only be known through love. Dark Night of the Soul describes the process of purgation, first of senses, and then of spirit, that precedes the soul's loving Union with God. To quote from this book would detract from the coiled power of its tightly focused picture of the soul's progress; suffice it to say that there has never been a better book for discouraged Christians. When you cannot understand what or why you believe, but you find yourself unable to abandon faith, look to St. John for help

  • On the Nature of Things by Titus Lucretius Carus

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    Anyone and everyone interested in the history of science, Western intellectual history, and the non-hedonistic Epicurean way of life will find the rich material here both interesting and enriching. Lucretius is the only major thinker of antiquity to have a profound influence in the modern age, and his rediscovery after centuries of neglect is enlightening



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Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

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Attract Studio
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Advanced Cosmic Ordering
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Manipulative Psychology 101 - I'm Popular You're Not

Manipulative Psychology 101

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