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Donald Michael Kraig

  • Donald Michael Kraig - Using Modern Magick

    Downloaded: 63 times | Size: 42MB zipped MP3s | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    The author of Modern Magick gives instructions on how to do real magick along with a relaxation exercise and correct pronunciation of difficult magickal words.

    About the Author: Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He has also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ten years of teaching courses in the Southern California area on such topics as Kabalah, Tarot, Magic, Tantra, and Psychic Development. He has been a member of many spiritual and magical groups and is an initiated Tantric.

  • [ recommended ] Donald Michael Kraig - Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts

    Downloaded: 209 times | Size: 528 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    For over two decades, Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magick has been the world's most popular step-by-step guide to working real magick. Tens of thousands of individuals and groups have used this course as their primary instruction manual. Now, greatly revised and expanded, this set of lessons is more complete and relevant to your life than ever.

    Written with respect for the student, Modern Magick will safely guide you - even if you know little or nothing through a progressive series of practical exercises and rituals, complemented by the knowledge, history, insights, and theory you need to become a successful ceremonial magician. Firmly rooted in the Western magickal tradition yet designed to be fully compatible with your contemporary practice, this book will help you attain full mastery of all core topics in magick:
    - The inner mysteries of the Kabalah
    - The most powerful rituals of magick
    - How to create and perform your own rituals
    - True meditation
    - Magickal ethics
    - Astral projection
    - Tools of magick
    - Evocation of spirits
    - Pathworking
    - Tantra and sex magick
    - The importance of the Tarot
    - Talismans and amulets
    - Secrets of visualization
    - Alchemy
    - Psychic self-defense
    - Healing rituals

    Filled with personal stories and helpful illustrations, along with updated and brand-new material, this new edition of Modern Magick features a completely new lesson that reveals the concepts, techniques, and rituals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Chaos Magick, and Postmodern Magick. Ideal for beginning, intermediate, or advanced students, and perfect as a manual for magickal temples, this is essential reading for every true magician.

    "Modern Magick is a modern-day classic. It has become the standard textbook of practical magickal knowledge for magicians all over the world. We highly recommend it to beginner and adept alike." - Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero, authors of Experiencing the Kabbalah and Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition

  • Evocation of Spirits by Donald Michael Kraig

    Downloaded: 109 times | Size: 30 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    With evocation, you can learn how to improve your financial situation, bring love into your life, and achieve the success you desire. Evocation are a safe way to call on a god, goddess, or other nonphysical entity to obtain information or ask for help.

    This comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide explains what magick is... how its practice can enhance your life... the various types of spiritual entities... the difference between evocation and invocation... how to do an evocation... how to communicate with spirits... and more!

    - How to call on an entity, step by step:
    Preparing the seer
    The welcome
    The payment
    License do depart

    - How to construct and use a magick mirror
    - How avoid potencial problems
    - How to prepare and purify your area
    - How to enter into an altered state of consciousness
    - How to record the information and answers you receive in your magickal diary

  • Donald Michael Kraig - Modern Sex Magick

    Downloaded: 26 times | Size: 397 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Master a variety of powerful practices that heighten and amplify magickal energy raised during sexual activity, and discover how to use the energy to transform your magick and your life.

    This one-of-a-kind book is the first to clearly reveal the secrets of Western sex magick without relying on Tantric theory.

    Straightforward and accessible, this illustrated guide to sex magick shows you how to take your magickal rituals and sexual abilities to amazing new levels.

  • Tarot & Magic by Donald Michael Kraig

    Downloaded: 24 times | Size: 175 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Perform life-changing magic with nothing more than your favorite Tarot deck. Tarot and Magic, the third book in Llewellyn's Special Topics in Tarot series of advanced and specialized Tarot techniques, shows you how.

    Straightforward and respectful of all spiritual paths, this guide teaches you how to create your own Tarot spells and rituals, and use the magical power of the cards as talismans. It reveals the secret connection between the Tarot and sex magic, and presents three methods for exploring this connection. You'll learn how to enter and work in the astral plane, using the Tarot as a map. You'll even rediscover the time-proven but little-known magic technique of dancing the Tarot, developed by respected magicians Denning and Phillips. Each chapter concludes with questions designed to trigger your own magical abilities.

    Your Tarot deck is a powerful magical tool�use it to create the changes you desire in your life.


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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Mastering Soul Travel

A Field Guide To Unlocking Astral Gateways, Traversing The Planes, And Reuniting With The Source Of Consciousness Itself.


Learn How To: - Soul Travel To Any plane - Apprentice With Ascended Masters - Experience Supreme Godhood

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Universal Circle

Summon absolutely ANY TYPE of spirit to full physical appearance, including angels, demons, gods, elementals, planetary intelligences, dead humans, and more.

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Mastering Divination: Omniscience

Learn Magick Rituals That Awaken Your Clairvoyance, So You Can Perform Deadly Accurate Divination Readings, And Communicate With Spirits

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The Ultimate Guide To Performing Magick And Experiencing Godlike Power

I'll show you the exact steps and specific pathworkings to help you be more successful with ritual magick and your Ascent to Godhood - and you don't need special genetics or fancy initiations to do it...
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Circle of Solomon

The Most Famous And Respected Magick Circle In Occult History... Harness The Spiritual Power Of The Circle Of Solomon And Evoke Angels To Physical Appearance

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Interviews With A Magus

Watch interviews of the most powerful magicians in the world, as they tell "war stories" and reveal closely-guarded occult secrets.

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Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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Attract Studio
... Create your own Attraction Movies - and manifest your ideal life!


Five Rituals

 ... Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!


Quantum Cookbook

 ... Discover the untold secrets of manifesting!


Advanced Cosmic Ordering
... Discover the hidden secrets behind Cosmic Ordering!


Manipulative Psychology 101 - I'm Popular You're Not

Manipulative Psychology 101

... Uncover the powerful secrets of social control, from Mr X







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