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Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Five Rituals

 Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!

Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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  • Gain Power Beyond Belief with Viking Magick Chants

    Downloaded: 211 times | Size: 15 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    Looking for real Odinist rituals? Here they are! Very easy to do rituals. No special tools needed, only a few candles and the special words of power. These rituals allow you to access the great power of the Norse Gods. Few writers know the correct words of power to call upon the powerful Gods of the North. Beware, use the correct chants or you could pay the price of a fool.

    Learn the Odin power ritual to master any blockage in your life. Need money call uponFrigga and watch the money pour in! ... Need Luck.. Odin can help you here as well. Need Love or Healing? Freya is famous for her power to heal and bring love into your life. The great Goddess SIF has brought fertility to many couples. A couple tried for five years, spent ten thousand dollars on doctors and were still unable to have children. Within ten days of doing the SIF Ritual, she was with child!!! Send a curse back using the Sun God Balder Ritual..Your enemies will never bother you again. If they are still alive!! The Thor revenge ritual is so powerful I cannot speak about it here. Let Tyr protect you from general harm... Need super-human strength? The very rare Fenrir the Wolf ritual can help give you power you never dreamed of.... Probably the rarest of all rituals is the Mimir Ritual of Hidden Knowledge. When you seek the unspeakable... this ritual will give you the answer.. if you dare!

  • 44
  • [ recommended ] Donald Michael Kraig - Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts

    Downloaded: 209 times | Size: 528 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    For over two decades, Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magick has been the world's most popular step-by-step guide to working real magick. Tens of thousands of individuals and groups have used this course as their primary instruction manual. Now, greatly revised and expanded, this set of lessons is more complete and relevant to your life than ever.

    Written with respect for the student, Modern Magick will safely guide you - even if you know little or nothing through a progressive series of practical exercises and rituals, complemented by the knowledge, history, insights, and theory you need to become a successful ceremonial magician. Firmly rooted in the Western magickal tradition yet designed to be fully compatible with your contemporary practice, this book will help you attain full mastery of all core topics in magick:
    - The inner mysteries of the Kabalah
    - The most powerful rituals of magick
    - How to create and perform your own rituals
    - True meditation
    - Magickal ethics
    - Astral projection
    - Tools of magick
    - Evocation of spirits
    - Pathworking
    - Tantra and sex magick
    - The importance of the Tarot
    - Talismans and amulets
    - Secrets of visualization
    - Alchemy
    - Psychic self-defense
    - Healing rituals

    Filled with personal stories and helpful illustrations, along with updated and brand-new material, this new edition of Modern Magick features a completely new lesson that reveals the concepts, techniques, and rituals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Chaos Magick, and Postmodern Magick. Ideal for beginning, intermediate, or advanced students, and perfect as a manual for magickal temples, this is essential reading for every true magician.

    "Modern Magick is a modern-day classic. It has become the standard textbook of practical magickal knowledge for magicians all over the world. We highly recommend it to beginner and adept alike." - Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero, authors of Experiencing the Kabbalah and Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition

  • 45
  • Java Sex Spell

    Downloaded: 208 times | Size: 2 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits


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  • Chinese Taoist Sorcery: The Art of Getting Even

    Downloaded: 206 times | Size: 174 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    This is one of those rare times when a publisher is proud to present an interesting book to the public. The author is an expert in several fields of Chinese knowledge such as military strategy, the I Ching, metaphysics, and other branches of study still unknown in the West. Having had the opportunity to study with famous military and religious teachers in China, he wishes to share his knowledge with others.


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  • Combat Magic

    Downloaded: 206 times | Size: 9 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    Practical techniques to bring harm to another person/s through magical operations and countermeasures


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  • Sacred Babylonian Words of Power

    Downloaded: 203 times | Size: 66 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    This famed text covers Gods of Ancient Babylon; Six Steps to Prosperity; Ritual to Open Your Seven Power Centers; Gula Ritual; more. This text is wanted all over the world by practicing Occultists for its simplicity and effectiveness.


  • 49
  • Norse Magic: Enter the Ancient World of the Norse

    Downloaded: 202 times | Size: 258 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    Elves. . .dwarves. . .gnomes. . .frost giants. . .Norse mythology is filled with tales of such supernatural beings, nature spirits, and powerful deities. Many people know that the Norse people were fierce warriors, but did you know that they were powerful magicians as well? Norse Magic has everything you need to learn in order to begin practicing Norse spirituality. Discover the history and religion of the Vikings, including Norse mythology, seasonal festivals, and magical techniques. If you are interested in practicing Norse Wicca, you'll learn about the three-fold goddess and the god, as well as how to celebrate the holidays, all from the perspective of Norse Paganism. Discover the secrets of herb magic, cauldron magic, cord magic, elf magic, dwarf magic, and more! These magical techniques are presented in a clear, step-by-step format. The practice of Norse magic enlists the help of the Asa-Gods, Light Elves and good Dwarves. It elicits aid from dead ancestors and the rulers of the Elements. It is an active magic, reserved for participants, not bystanders. In order to work the magic of this system you must attune yourself to the powers of the Elements, calling upon the Asa-Gods and other supernatural beings. Norse Magic includes complete instructions, exercises, and rituals for this technique. The Norse pagans were one of the last European societies to convert to Christianity, but their pagan mythology and magic survived and continues to thrive. Norse Magic is your key to the study and practice this powerful and ancient spiritual system.

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  • Demons of the Flesh: The Complete Guide to Left-Hand Path of Sex Magic by Nikolas & Zeena Schreck

    Downloaded: 201 times | Size: 486 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    Demons of the Flesh is a comprehensive and unflinching overview of the erotic initiation and sexual sorcery essential to the mysterious magical tradition known as the "Left-Hand Path." Part exploration of this taboo area, part manual detailing the actual mechanics of sex magic, the book draws on the pioneering studies of Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons to penetrate the veil of secrecy surrounding the ecstasies and dangers of these practices.

    The sexual and magical activities described in this book are intended exclusively for application by adults who have reached the age of majority, and should only be performed on a consensual basis by individuals possessing sound physical and mental health. Recommendations suggesting that the reader undertake proper training in physical activities that might prove injurious are intended seriously.

  • 51
  • The Mind Control Manual

    Downloaded: 197 times | Size: 6 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    Seducing others with the hidden power of your mind.


  • 52
  • The Magus or Celestial Intelligencer Book II

    Downloaded: 195 times | Size: 128 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    The Magus has proved to be the most sought after set of bookson magic and alchemy ever published. There is very good reasonfor this. These books are powerful, and were considered sodangerous that for many years, rare copies could only be foundin certain libraries, locked away from the general public andfrom those who would use (or misuse) its power. The originalset of books was first published in 1801 by its author,Francis Barrett, who had an extensive background in themedieval and occult sciences. He spent many years of diligentstudy before releasing them. His premise for the material,that is, before putting anything into these books, Barrettfirst subjected the various theories to certain tests that hadto be "substantiated by nature, truth, and experiment" first.They were written for those seeking the key to thephilosopher's stone and the powers of magic. The illustrationsin this book were taken from ancient and medieval texts,magical tables, planetary tables, talismans and images ofangels and demons. Book One covers natural magic, amulets andcharms, potions, precious stones, lights, candles, alchemy,the philosopher's stone, transmutation, the four elements,numbers, and planets. Book Two covers magnetic powers,Cabalistic magic, the names of angels and spirits, theperforming of invocations, conjuring spirits, magic circles,receiving oracles in dreams, positive and evil spirits, andconcludes with a major biographical section on the greatmagicians of history. 

  • 53
  • Practical Sigil Magic: Creating Personal Symbols for Success by Frater U.D

    Downloaded: 191 times | Size: 134 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Practical Sigil Magic is widely regarded as the definitive guide to the topic. Unavailable for a number of years and long sought-after by magicians, this classic work is now available once again.

    Sigil magic is one of the most efficient and economical of magical disciplines. It can be performed without complicated rituals or paraphernalia, is independent of philosophical and dogmatic premises, and can be learned easily and quickly. Most important, it will give even beginning magicians the chance to work with the power of the Will and enhance their own abilities. This classic reference work will provide magicians

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  • The Vampire Bible

    Downloaded: 190 times | Size: 27 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    The Vampiric Philosophy, Rituals and Texts. This book includes the essentials to practice the Vampire religion


  • 55
  • Testament of Solomon

    Downloaded: 188 times | Size: 19 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    One of the oldest magical texts attributed to King Solomon, datingFirst to Third Century A.D. Includes a catalog of demons summonedby King Solomon, and how they can be countered by invoking angelsand other magical techniques.


  • 56
  • The Shemhamphorash

    Downloaded: 183 times | Size: 38 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    The 72 Angels Bearing The Mystical Name Of God - La Kabbale Pratique/Practical Kaballah


  • 57
  • The Demonic Bible

    Downloaded: 181 times | Size: 58 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    by Magus Tsirk Susej, Antichrist,Servant and disciple of the Dark Lord, revealed to him by the spirit Azael, his Unholy Guardian Demon. This book contains rituals for Crossing the Gates of Hell and becoming one with theForces of Darkness. It also contains rituals for the invocation of hundreds of demons and Dark Gods. This may possibly be the most evil book written.


  • 58
  • The Ancient Book of Formulas

    Downloaded: 178 times | Size: 62 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @250 credits

    Lewis de Claremont. The world?s only complete catalogue of occult recipes for use during ceremonial practice and in everyday life. Formulas include incenses, oils, sachet powders, perfumes and many others, as well as preparation instruction and guidance.


  • 59
  • [ recommended ] The Kybalion Digest

    Downloaded: 178 times | Size: 3 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


  • 60
  • Demonomicon by Angelus Degenero

    Downloaded: 175 times | Size: 427 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Compilation of demons, names, descriptions,sigils, and illustrations.


  • 61
  • The Tree Of Life: An Illustrated Study In Magic by Israel Regardie

    Downloaded: 169 times | Size: 282 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    The Tree of Life presents a massive amount of material thatbrings together ancient wisdom and modern magical experience.Israel Regardie wrote The Tree of Life, a book many considerhis magnum opus, in 1932. It has continued to sell fordecades. And no wonder. Up until the time this book waspublished, very little information about true high magic wasavailable to the public. In this book, Regardie reveals thesecrets of real magic. He begins with an explanation of whatmagic is and, just as importantly, what magic is not. Heexplains that it is a spiritual study and practice which,along with forms of yoga, forms the two branches of the treethat is mysticism. Magic is not being a medium or a psychic.Then he explains the tools of the magician, what they mean,and how to use them. He explains the techniques of evocationand invocation, skrying, and astral travel. He shows how theQabalah unites everything. He even gives a description of thesecrets of sexual magick. All of this is in a clear, lucidwriting style. This book is simply a must for anyone who is,or aspires to be, a real magician.

  • 62
  • The 21 Spells of Domesius

    Downloaded: 165 times | Size: 24 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    The 21 Lost Spells of Domesius is a rare collection of powerful, "High Magic", mystery spells with an inclination toward the dark side. It is recommended for experienced practitioners or the adventurous.

    This collection is based on writings discovered and attributed to a practitioner of the magical arts known only as Domesius. This is the first time these spells have ever been publicly published.


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  • The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism

    Downloaded: 165 times | Size: 65 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    This book teaches how to exert a powerful, irresistible influence upon the reason or will of another. A belief in the existence of a personal power, influence, or atmosphere, on the part of certain individuals, which enables the possessor to attract, influence, dominate or control others, has been held by the race from the earliest days of written history.


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