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  • Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils by Fred Gettings

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    You will find signs and symbols and early chemistry that has not been seen or used by the mainstream public since the fifteenth century. This is worthwhile for any occultist or anyone interested in the history of alchemy.


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  • Alchemy Unveiled

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    Alchemy is the last and highest knowledge which can be committed to paper in the form of letters. Beyond that, another language is required, one which cannot be committed to paper. Most people confuse chemistry with Alchemy. When an Alchemist speaks of Mercury, Sulphur and Salt, he speaks of his spiritual, astral and physical bodies, not of the elements. Alchemy Unveiled describes the tribulations that a human being has to pass through in order to purify these three bodies. However, to achieve the level of an Alchemist requires daily study and strict daily mental, astral and physical exercises for many lifetimes. Many individuals have already achieved this goal. The purpose is not to convert a lower metal into gold, but to change an impure body into a pure body, namely the spirit, soul and physical bodies. An Alchemist is one who has passed the levels of a magician, spheric magician and Kabbalist. All these levels can be achieved without the help of a teacher! These Western writings are by those who have reached levels higher than an Alchemist. They have given us these writings, philosophically and practically. These sciences cannot be learned intellectually, but have to be approached with a clean heart. One's character has to be completely free of all negative characteristics. And for the one who embarks on this journey, the first thing to be learned is what a positive characteristic is and what a negative characteristic is. And the reader will be surprised what negative characteristics are, because many of these characteristics are considered by most as positive. Alchemy Unveiled will lead the reader on a journey of a complete purification of the body, soul and spirit, and for the first time the mystery of the Philosopher's Stone is openly explained. Much has been written about this subject, most of which is and remains incomprehensible for most. Many of the alchemical writings available were and are based on error and point the way to the wrong path. This is mainly due to the fact that many individuals do this for personal, material gain. Alchemy Unveiled begins with an explicit explanation of the symbolic language of Alchemy, which is a must for any further clear understanding of the entire text of this book. It explains the errors of many who were not in possession of the true knowledge regarding this art. It takes the reader on a journey through the ancient mysteries of Initiation, the Osiris mysteries, the Eleusian Mysteries, the Mysteries of Israel, the Christ-Mysterium and the Mystery of Alchemy. An excellent addition to the Franz Bardon books on Hermetics.

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  • Rosie Crucian Secrets by John Dee

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    The Rosie Crucian Secrets exists only in one known copy, which is No. 6485 of the Harleian MSS. It purports to be a copy of a manuscript by Dr John Dee, the celebrated Elizabethan mathematician, physician, astrologer, magician and alchemist, and is credited to him in Cooper's Athenae Cantabrigiens is.


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  • Basic Voodoo Audio Course

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    The Astonishing Secrets Of The Most Respected, Knowledgeable, And Powerful Voudon Sorcerer The World Has Ever Known! Yes, These Are THE Controversial Methods That The Voudon, Underground Has Concealed For Years. In these recordings, you'll discover exactly how "Real Magick" works and how you can put it to work for you ... in any situation, including a course in Voodoo History, the KEY to How to perform Voodoo Magic with an assortment of beginner spells. With this "Secret-Revealing Voodoo Course", you will finally be able to master the same stealth magick being used by the underground for years

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  • Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece

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    Rare, remarkable, and imbued with thought provoking concepts on esoteric mysticism. A must have for the serious occultist.


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  • Magical Techniques of Tibet: Secret Practices Of Himalayan Magic

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    A great esoteric tradition developed in the Himalayan vastness of the Tibetan plateau. Over centuries of isolation, this unique culture investigated the mysteries of mind and magic to a degree never before attempted.

    Today, as Tibetan spirituality spreads across the world, the practices of Tibetan magic have scarcely been investigated by Western occulties. Magical Techniques of Tibet presents this body of techniques, based partly on Tibetan Buddhist practice and partly on shamanic Bon (the aboriginal religion of Tibet).

    Learn about authentic Tibetan magical practices, including: tumo, the ability to stave off the cold by stimulating the chakras and energy channels of the body; light trance states to recall past lives; manipulation of energies via sound, rhythm, chanting, and drumming; and the spiritual practice of dream yoga. The book brings the ancient magical techniques of Tibet to the magicians of the West.

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  • Lives Of The Necromancers

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    Partial list of Contents: Ambitious Nature of Man; Examples of Necromancy and Witchcraft from the Bible; Greece; Rome; Revolution Produced in the History of Necromancy and Witchcraft Upon the Establishment of Christianity; History of Necromancy in the East; Dark Ages of Europe; Communication of Europe and the Saracens; Revival of Letters; and Sanguinary Proceedings Against Witchcraft


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  • [ recommended ] The Book of Vodou: Charms and Rituals to Empower Your Life

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    Vodou is magic. But it's also much more! It's a religion of charms and rituals intended to empower life and bring good fortune to those who practice it. Vodou is a deeply spiritual and visually dazzling religion encompassing rituals, songs, and dances evoking spirits that believers recognize as part of nature. This engrossing account traces its origins in Africa to its full development in the West Indies island of Haiti. It also presents ways readers can use Vodou to enrich their own lives in terms of love, luck, and prosperity. The Book of Vodou covers all-important aspects of its intriguing subject, and brings many Vodou spirits fully alive with vivid, often humorous descriptions. Readers learn how to build their own magic altar and invoke Vodou spirits, how to make charms and amulets, and how to work spells and read signs of divination. More than 120 full-color illustrations.

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  • Finbarr - The New Autosuggestion By Jason Pike

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    You can release the mighty power of your deep mind through this simple self-psychology technique! In minutes you can learn how to: Lose weight!... Find lost objects!... Receive psychic protection!... Become clairvoyant!... Receive money!... Improve your health!... Find a true and loyal lover!... Make your guardian angel appear!...You will also find precise instructions for: Ending insomnia... Quitting smoking, drinking and other bad habits... Banishing agoraphobia or claustrophobia... Crating a balanced state of mind... getting others to see your point of view... Improving memory... Receiving visions of past lives... Communicating with the dead... Mentally moving objects... Expelling negative influences from your life... becoming more positive and self-confident.Watch your circumstances improve with the aid of simple yet effective NEW AUTO-SUGGESTION

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  • If Caterpillars Can Fly So Can I

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  • The Seven Secrets Of Learning

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  • The Art of Talking to Anyone

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  • The Art of Possibility

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  • Jeffrey Spier - Medieval Byzantine Magical Amulets and Their Tradition

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    A diverse yet distinctive group of magical amulets has periodically attracted the attention of scholars from Renaissance times to the present. The amulets take many forms, including engraved gems and cameos, enamel pendants, die-struck bronze tokens, cast or engraved pendants of gold, silver, bronze, and lead, and rings of silver and bronze. All share a common motif-an enigmatic representation of a face from which radiates a varying number of serpents-and this device is usually accompanied by a Greek inscription, often abbreviated or blundered, beginning ('womb, black, blackening...'). The formula makes explicit that the amulets were meant to aid the 'hystera' (womb) in some way, but what is meant by hystera and what sort of aid is intended are in need of clarification. The identification of the image itself, the date and place of origin of the amulets, and the magical tradition to which they belong, are all controversial.

    There appears to be little interest again in the group of medieval amulets until the 1800s. Comments on them appear sporadically until the end of the century, when several learned articles were written independently in both western Europe and Russia. The Russian articles derive both from an intense interest in Byzantine texts, including magical tracts, and from the use of similar amulets in medieval Russia. In the West a parallel interest in magical gems and amulets led to a brief article by Wilhelm Froehner, a study of a number of bronze and lead amulets by Gustave Schlumberger, and an important article by Wilhelm Drexler on a variety of magical amulets, gems, and texts and their survival in later European culture. A further gem, found in Poland in 1897, was published by the Byzantinist Vitalien Laurent, who expanded on Drexler's article, adding several unpublished lead examples.

    Yet to date there has been no comprehensive survey of the amulets. Many of them have remained unpublished, a number of others are now lost, and no doubt more remain unnoticed in public and private collection

  • 57
  • Journal Number 06

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    A Possible Origin for the Enochian Calls - Geoffrey James
    Hermetic Meditation No 6
    Memoir of E.J.L. Garstin - Ithell Colquhoun
    Notes on the Colouring of the Homer's Golden Chain Diagram - Ithell Colquhoun
    The Forty Worlds of the Holy Lamb - Michael Becket
    Bacstrom's Rosicrucian Society - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No 6
    Robert Fludd's Spiritual Task - Adam McLean


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  • Journal Number 07

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    Ceremonial Magick : Part One - Hans Nintzel
    The Crowning of Nature - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No 7
    Hermetic Meditation No 7
    Towards Occult Christianity - Joe Kelley
    Spiritual Contact with an Alchemical Master - Kenneth Rayner Johnson
    Alchemy in the Open - Nancy Ogle
    Robert Fludd's Temple of Music - Translated by Todd Barton Reviews and Book Notices


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  • Journal Number 09

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    Palingenesis - Kenneth Rayner Johnson
    An Experiment to Grow a Tree of Silver - Adam McLean
    Hermetic Meditation No 8
    The Mirror of Wisdom - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No 9
    The Ethers and the Fundamental Forces of Physics - Adam McLean


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  • Journal Number 11

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    The Astral Light, the Prime Material and the Universal Mercury - Michael Watson
    Whither Magic? - Stephen Skinner
    Some Hermetic Reflections on the "Earth Mysteries" - Swami Prem Sudheer
    The Rosary of the Philosophers - Adam McLean
    Constructing a Magical Mirror according to The Art Of Cyprian - Adam McLean
    Squaring the Circle of 13 - Patricia Villiers-Stuart
    Some Notes on the Work of Louis Kervran - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No. 11
    Hermetic Meditation No 10

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  • Journal Number 12

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    Alchemy and Qabalah - Hans Nintzel
    Rasayana : The Natha School of Alchemy - Lokanatha
    Jane Leade's Revelation of Revelations - Adam McLean
    A Kabbalistic-Alchemical Altarpiece - Adam McLean
    Muller's Process
    Hermetic Meditation No 11
    Heinrich Khunrath - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No. 12


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  • Journal Number 13

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    An Interview with Arturo Schwarz
    Splendor Solis - Adam McLean
    The Confessio of Heinrich Khunrath
    A Lullist Alchemical Illustration - Adam McLean
    The Reversed Lord's Prayer - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No 13
    Advances in Physical Alchemy -
    Modern Taoist Transmutations - Mobius Rex
    Archibald Cockren: Modern Alchemist - Patricia Tahil
    Hermetic Meditation No. 12
    Meyrink's Der Golem: A Study in Alchemical Transformation - D. M. Cooley

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  • Journal Number 14

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    Alchemical Principles in Agriculture: An Outline - Adam McLean
    Man and His Souls - Nicolas N. Tereshchenko
    A Key to the Letters of the Q.B.L - Violet Smyth
    The Aurora Consurgens - Simon Seligman
    Jacob Boehme - Adam McLean
    De Cabala Alchymica or The Alchemical Tree of Life - Rafal T. Prinke
    Working with Practical Alchemy No. 1
    Alchemical Mandala No. 14


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