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  • Journal Number 16

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    Four Basic Patterns of Indian and Western Alchemical Thought - Arturo Schwarz
    Johannes Trithemius - Adam McLean
    Dr Rudd's Treatise - Some New Insights Into the Enochian System
    Rosicrucian Aphorisms and Process from a Manuscript of Sigismund Bacstrom
    Working With Practical Alchemy No. 3
    Alchemical Mandala No. 16


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  • Journal Number 17

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    Light on the Castle Path - Deirdre Green
    Dew and Dew Ponds - Paul Baines
    The Mythology of the Qabalah - P. Harrill James
    The Brave Old World of Alchemy - Patricia Tahil
    Robert Fludd's Great Treatise of Rosicrucian Science - Adam McLean
    Working with Practical Alchemy No. 4
    Alchemical Mandala No. 17


  • 66
  • Journal Number 18

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    The Teaching of Gurdjieff - Nicolas N. Tereshchenko
    Alchemical Mandala No. 18
    An Hermetic Interpretation of the Tarot - Adam McLean
    The Alchemical Tarot - Rafal T. Prinke
    The Myth of the Fall and Goethe's Fairy Tale - Adam McLean
    Working with Practical Alchemy No. 5


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  • Journal Number 19

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    Was Jacob Boehme a Paracelsian? - Russell H. Hvolbek
    Alchemical Mandala No 19
    The Naometria of Simon Studion - Adam McLean
    Fundamental Physics: Recapitulation of the Archetypes of the Ancient Alchemists - Adam McLean
    The Triple Goddess - Adam McLean
    Working with Practical Alchemy No. 6


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  • Journal Number 20

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    Freher's Mystical Emblems - Adam McLean
    The Metaphysical Implications of Quantum Theory - Adam McLean
    An Early Rosicrucian Text : Cabala: Mirror of Art and Nature - Translated by Gisela Kirberg
    Alchemical Mandala No. 20
    The Cosmological Structure of the Zohar - Paul Krzok
    Messenger of the Rosy Cross - Adam McLean
    Working With Practical Alchemy No. 7


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  • Journal Number 21

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    The Retrieval of Alchemy - Elemire Zolla
    The Balance of Gold and Silver - Michael Jones
    An Hermetic Origin of the Tarot Cards? A Consideration of the Tarocchi of Mantegna - Adam McLean
    The Second Little World - Andrew Mouldey
    An Alchemical Gate in Rome - Adam McLean
    The School of Gerona : Restoring an Ancient Kabbalistic Centre in Spain - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No. 21
    A Look at Alchemical Transmutation from the Viewpoint of Fundamental Physics - Adam McLean

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  • Journal Number 22

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    A Look at The Bahir - Paul Krzok
    The Inner Geometry of Alchemical Emblems - Adam McLean
    Pathworking and Inner Journeys - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No. 22
    Passages to the Otherworld - Deirdre Green
    Edward Kelley - Adam McLean
    Otto, Eliade, Jung and the Sacrality of Matter - Andrew Mouldey


  • 71
  • Journal Number 23

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    1484-1984 500th Anniversary of the Building of the Vault of Christian Rosenkreutz - Adam McLean
    The Magical "Art" - Robert Ellaby
    Charity of Light: A Zoroastrian Re-Reading of the Grail Romances - Elemire Zolla
    Alchemical Mandala No 23
    Quantum Consciousness - Adam McLean


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  • Journal Number 24

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    Microcosmic Reflections - Andrew Mouldey
    The Kundalini Enigma - Lokanath Maharaj
    The Ripley Scroll - Adam McLean
    The Phoenix and Cinderella - Wolfe van Brussell
    An Esotericist Looks at Cosmology - Adam McLean
    Meditation : Balancing our Inner World - Adam McLean


  • 73
  • Journal Number 25

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    The Symbolism of the Rosicrucian Vault - Dr. Deirdre Green
    Early Symbolism of the Rosy Cross : Searching for a Link with Tradition - Rafal T. Prinke
    The Fourth Rosicrucian Manifesto ? The Mirror of Wisdom of Theophilus Schweighardt
    Computers and Occultism - Lokanath Maharaj
    Alchemical Mandala No. 24


  • 74
  • Journal Number 26

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    Obituary for Frater Albertus
    Homo Quadratus - Andrew Mouldey
    Hermetic Allegory No. 1
    The Search for a Sound Philosophical Basis for Esotericism - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No. 25
    The Alchemical Emblems of Mylius - Adam McLean
    A Glimpse of a Western Lineage


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  • Journal Number 27

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    A Door will Open for Europe - Marcel Messing
    Alchemical Mandala Number 26
    Spiritual Cosmology in Modern Science - Adam McLean
    Hermetic Allegory Number 2


  • 76
  • Journal Number 29

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    A Context for Michael Maier's Atalanta Fugiens - Joscelyn Godwin
    Number in the Philosophy of the Hermetic Magus John Dee 1527-1608 - Chris Pickering
    The Magical Aphorisms of Eugenius - Thomas Vaughan
    Alchemical Mandala Number 27
    The Kabbalistic Diagrams of Knorr von Rosenroth
    The Lemegetton Revealed - Kevin Wilby
    Hermetic Allegory Number 3


  • 77
  • Journal Number 30

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    Lampado Trado: From the Fama Fraternitatis to the Golden Dawn - Rafal T. Prinke
    Enochian Chess: A Magickal Vehicle for the Twenty First Century - Steve Nichols
    The Four Angelic Tablets - Christian Wilby
    The Ritual of the Hieroglyphic Monad - Thomas R. Hall III
    Common Ground - Rab Wilkie
    The Dream of Poliphilus : A Source for the Allegory of the Chymical Wedding - Adam McLean


  • 78
  • Journal Number 31

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    The Seven Palaces in Early Jewish Mysticism - Dr Deirdre Green
    The Alchemical Vessel as Symbol of the Soul - Adam McLean
    A Method of Photographing Etheric Energy Without the need of Special Operator Properties - Michael Watson
    Alchemical Mandala Number 28


  • 79
  • Journal Number 33

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    The Conjurer John Dee : The Myth 1555-1608 - Chris Pickering
    Shakespeare and the Rosicrucians - Ron Heisler
    Alchemical Mandala Number 30
    The Practice of the Art of the Pyramid - Thomas R. Hall III
    The Equinoxes and Solstices : An Interpretation Part 2: The Autumn Equinox - Graham Knight Saint-Yves d'Alveydre and the Agarthian Connection: Part 2 - Joscelyn Godwin


  • 80
  • Journal Number 34

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    A Comparison of the Prayer of the Apostle Paul with the Hymns of Corpus Hermeticum and some Greek Magical Papyri - David R. Fideler
    Two Prayers for Alchemists - Karl von Eckarthausen
    A Threefold Alchemical Journey through The Book of Lambspring - Adam McLean
    A Note on the Paintings of N.K. Roerich - Elemire Zolla
    A Kabbalistic Interpretation of Hebrew Memorial Inscription - G.S. Bennett
    Alchemical Mandala No 31
    The Equinoxes and Solstices : An Interpretation Part 3: The Winter Solstice - Graham Knight

  • 81
  • Journal Number 35

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    The Key to Hermetic Philosophy - Joseph R. Ritman
    Speculations on the Monad and its Mathematics - Chris Pickering The Equinoxes and Solstices: an Interpretation Part 4 : The Vernal Equinox Graham Knight
    Introduction to the Hermetic Adepti - Ron Heisler


  • 82
  • Journal Number 36

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    The Fountain of Philosophers - Mark Haeffner
    Deeper Roots of the Golden Dawn - Rafal Prinke
    The Little Key to the Gate of the Palace of Pentagrams - Harald Sundt
    Fractal Universes, Recursion and our Inner World - Adam McLean
    Notes on the "Twelve Keys" of Basil Valentine - Adam McLean
    Alchemical Mandala No 32


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  • Journal Number 37

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    Notes on the 'Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine' Adam McLean
    Yeats and the Unknown Superiors: Swedenborg, Falk and Cagloiostro - Marsha Keith Schuchard
    The Name of God and the Covenant of Abraham - Gavin S. Bennett The Statue and the Seed - Graham Knight
    Altar of the Theraphic Brotherhood Fraternitatis Crucis Rose?
    The Sevenfold Kabbalah - Paul Krzok


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  • Journal Number 39

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    The Poetry of Alchemy - Mark Haeffner
    Kabbalistic Cosmology and its Parallels in the 'Big Bang' of Modern Physics - Adam McLean
    A Rosicrucian Emblem - Adam McLean
    Shaping the Cubic Stone : Masonic Symbolism in Lambert de Lintot's Engraving - R.A. Gilbert
    Symbolism of the Black Hole Egg - George Burnett-Stuart


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