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Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Five Rituals

 Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!

Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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  • Yog-Sothoth

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    From a MS found among the papers of Michael Calmar (an obscure 16th century magician, who after fleeing Ipswich in Suffolk is believed to have setup shop as cunning man in a Warwickshire village, and thereby made a living while pursuing researches into the more recondite aspects of the magical arts.


  • 380
  • William G. Gray - Magical Ritual Methods

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    The first sentence in this booksays it all: "There is probably more rubbish written about magicthan anything else..." Then Gray proceeds to build a very workablefoundation of magickal practice. His deep detail is something thatis painfully missing from most of these recent-vintage magickalmanuals. The reader learns about proper grounding and centering,constructing workable psychic shielding, the use of sound inchants and rites, and the proper construction and use of ritualtools. The various parts of a working rite of Magick areexplained- even down to the postures of the celebrants. The bookis oriented more towards the temple-style of practice, but itsmethods can be employed in Wiccan and other paths, too. This bookis not really for beginners, but it needs to be on the shelf ofevery serious practitioner and magickal teacher. Throughout theages, the workings of magical ritual have been shrouded in moresecrecy than probably any other subject. The peculiar secrecysurrounding magical practices is not altogether intentional--howcan mere description of the purely physical aspects of ritualismpossibly convey its deep significance? Knowing this conciously orinstinctively, practitioners of magical rites have maintainedsilence or given such vague descriptions of their activities thatlittle practical use can be made of them. Now there is aguidebook, intended for the Western student on the path ofspiritual consciousness. William Gray pulls all the "hows's" and"why's" of ceremonial magic together in one volume and providesthe student with practical means for its proper operation andstudy. People are drawn toward ritual practice because it fulfillsa need on a deep spiritual level that nothing else will fill. Grayshows us how to arrange and direct our own studies, and gives usthe basics to make magical ritual work for us, to extend our humanconsciousness toward Truth and Light.

  • 381
  • The Techniques of Astral Projection By Dr. Douglas M. Baker

    Downloaded: 55 times | Size: 23 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 382
  • Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor

    Downloaded: 55 times | Size: 79 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 383
  • The Magical Revival by Kenneth Grant

    Downloaded: 55 times | Size: 158 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 384
  • [ recommended ] David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating: What Every Man ShouldKnow About How To Be Successful With Women

    Downloaded: 55 times | Size: 90 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    An absolute mustread for any man, no matter where you?re at in the datinggame.Here are some secrets you will learn inside Double YourDating:- The simple thing you can do at the end of a conversationwith a woman that leaves her eagerly waiting for more and getsHER to make the next call.
    - How to give a woman that same feeling of "I have to havehim" that she gets from a guy who is rich, famous, or goodlooking… without being any of those things yourself -pg. 12
    - The thing almost all men do to try to keep a womaninterested that actually repels her twice as fast… andoften drives her into the arms of another man - pg. 14
    - A proven exercise to develop a stone-cold, unshakable innerconfidence that allows you to approach a woman in anysituation without getting nervous and without fear ofrejection - pg. 26
    - 5 things you can do in the crucial first 10 minutes with awoman that instantly let her know you're "in her league" (Whenshe realizes you're a "rare catch" she'll do whatever she canto impress you) - pg. 45
    - The deadly mistake too many men make when trying to sleepwith a woman that all but guarantees they end up in "thefriend zone" (If you only read one thing in this book, makesure it's this) - pg. 34
    - The Flake Test" - A simple tactic to use when setting up adate that cuts the chances of a woman "standing you up" downto ZERO - pg. 83
    - Why the so-called dating "experts" are dead wrong in theirridiculous theories of "rapport" - Here's how you can create apowerful, instant connection with a woman by doing the exactopposite of what these "wannabe gurus" tell you - pgs. 45 & 46
    - The 9 words that make a woman feel totally comfortablecoming back to your place… even if it's the very firsttime you are together - pg. 87
    - What to do when a w0man tries to play "head games" with youthat quickly makes her stop and instead focus on impressingyou (One of my favorites!) - pg. 46
    - And More...

  • 385
  • Qabala: Vol 2

    Downloaded: 55 times | Size: 176 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    by Jean Dubuis. Consists of 72 lessons in 3 volumes. The material is largely practical instruction, and differs from most information found in popular books on the subject. This course is rather concentrated and does require some work, however, it provides teachings that are often spread out over a period of thirty or more years. Clear and concise theoretical presentation of the Qabalistic world view, The manipulation of the Universal Energy to produce an energetic and spiritual evolution of the body, The use of rituals which allow one to act selectively on the psychic energies to reestablish the preliminary balance needed for Inner Initiation, The study of the paths of the Tree of Life to assist the individual in understanding their level of Inner Initiation and to progress further on their Path, Practical aspects of Qabala

  • 386
  • AwakeningKundalini

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    Awaken the divine life force energy within you. For centuries secret techniques for awakening Kundalini have been taught in ashrams and Tantric mystery schools. Now you can practice these powerful meditation techniques in the privacy and comfort of your own home. You simply lie back, relax and follow the guidance. With only 30 minutes a day of practice, you'll feel the creative life force energy that is called Kundalini begin to flow and regenerate the very core of your self. In Eastern traditions, Kundalini is the name for the extraordinary powerhouse of cosmic energy that resides within you.According to many respected researchers, it is the source from which all creativity, genius, and psychic gifts spring. Other known benefits of Kundalini meditation are increased sexual energy, heightened creativity and greater vitality. When Kundalini awakens, your entire life will awaken with insights, energy and creativity. As Kundalini travels upward through the chakra system it removes inner and outer obstacles to living your highest potential. In this remarkable program, Theta waves are harmonically layered in music based on ancient Tantric traditions to open the flow of energy to your chakras. As you experience the gifts Kundalini brings, your life will flourish with opportunitiesto enjoy and express more of who you really are.

  • 387
  • Magical Tools and the Daoist Altar

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    Acting as a bridge between the human and spirit worlds, the traditional role of the Daoist priest has been to continually renew the good relationship between the people of his or her community and the celestial powers of the gods.

    The various esoteric symbols, colors, and items used in Daoist magical rituals serve to further focus the sorcerers intention. Likewise, the use of incense, music, magical tools, and other materials are sometimes included to intensify the sense and empower the energy used in the magical rite.

    This book describes the Daoist mystics clothing, altar, magical tools, and magical rituals needed to summon the supernatural powers of the Celestial Immortals as used in the ancient esoteric training of the Zheng Yi Branch of Daoist mysticism. Topics include Ritual Clothing, Daoist Ritual Altar and Magical Tools, Establishing the Altar Room, Establishing a Meditation Room, Understanding Daoist Magical Rituals, A Working List of Daoist Immortals, and Classical Zheng Yi Magical Rituals (i.e., Using Thunder to Transform, etc.).

  • 388
  • Daoist Magical Incantations, Hand Seals, and Star Stepping

    Downloaded: 55 times | Size: 138 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @1000 credits

    This book includes the following information:
    Introduction to Training in Daoist Magic, History of Daoist Magic, Training the Mind Secret, Training the Speech Secret, Words and Magic, Incantations, Breath Incantations, Imprinting with Incantations, Enchantment, Trance Induction, Training the Body Secret, Daoist Magical Hand Seal Training, Introduction to Hand Seals, Types of Hand Seals, Specific Functions of the Hand Seals, Combining Hand Seals and Incantations, Double Handed Seals, Forming the Ba Gua Hand Seals, Eight Trigram Double-Hand Seals used for Yi-Jing Divination, Eight Trigram Double-Hand Seals for Gathering Power, Hand Seals and Rituals, Hand Seals Related to the Perfected Immortals of Anterior Heaven, Animal Hand Seals, Magical Instrument Hand Seals, Hand Seals and the Martial Generals, Daoist Esoteric Double-Hand Seals: Hand Seals Used for Worship, Hand Seals Used for Summoning, Hand Seals Used for Attacking and Defending, Hand Seals Used for Protection, Obstruction, Attacking, Binding, Imprisoning, and Sealing, Single Hand Seals, Five Element Organ Pattern, Daoist Three Dantians Single Hand Seals, Magic Square and Divination, Earthly Branches and Daoist Alchemy, Mao Shan Hand Seals Used for Healing or Protection, Seven Stars of the Big Dipper #1 Single Hand Seals, Seven Stars Pattern of the Northern Dipper Single Hand Seals, Seven Stars Pattern of the Southern Dipper Single Hand Seals, Daoist Esoteric Single Hand Seals, Hand Seals Used For Worship, Hand Seals Used For Summoning, Hand Seals Used For Attacking and Defending, Hand Seals Used For Protection, Obstruction, Attacking, Catching, and Sealing, Daoist Magical Star Stepping Patterns, Cycles of the Stars, History of Daoist Star Stepping, the Steps of Yu, Ancient Daoist Stepping Patterns, Introduction to the Big Dipper, Angle of the Big Dipper, Spiritual Power of the Big Dipper, the Stars of the Big Dipper, the Nine Dark Stars of the Big Dipper, the Pole Star and the Big Dipper, Big Dipper Stepping Patterns, Pacing the Big Dipper and Hand Seals, Seven Star Stepping Patterns, Nine Traces of the Big Dipper, the Nine Palaces of Heaven, Incantations For the Nine Palaces of Heaven, Offering Incense with "The Dipper of Bright Stars and Pearls" Incantation, Nine Palace Stepping Patterns, Twenty-Eight Star Constellations Stepping Patterns, Gathering Energy from the Twenty-Eight Star Constellations, Introduction to the Bagua: Eight Trigrams, Ba Gua Stepping Patterns, Introduction to the Wu Xing: Five Elements, Five Element Stepping Patterns, Three Pace Stepping Patterns, Summoning the Spirits of the Dead, "Gathering the Hun" Stepping Patterns, Magical Esoteric Star Stepping Patterns for Summoning Celestial Immortals, and the Five Animal Protection Incantation.

  • 389
  • Enochian Goetia Calls

    Downloaded: 54 times | Size: 35 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Frater AHYHHGYG


  • 390
  • Manual of Occultism - Sephariel

    Downloaded: 54 times | Size: 237 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Contents: The Occult Sciences; Astrology; Palmistry; Thaumaturgic Art; Hypnotism and Mesmerism; Divination; The Tarot; Cartomancy; Crystal Gazing; Visions; Geomancy; Casting; Psychometry; Dreams; Alchemy.


  • 391
  • Earth Correspondences

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  • 392
  • New Energy Ways by Robert Bruce

    Downloaded: 54 times | Size: 61 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    How to Raise and Manipulate Energy + Self Healing


  • 393
  • Notes on the Lesserand Greater Ritual of the Pentagram

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  • 394
  • Invocationof Horus

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  • 395
  • [ recommended ] W.E. Butler - The Magician: His Training and Work

    Downloaded: 54 times | Size: 170 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    A very good book on magicaltheory and practice from the basis of magic, magnetism, thesubconscious, visualisaton, words of power, talismanic magic tothe tree of life, and in this it is accesible even to absolutenew-commers to the subject, although technicalities make it alittle dense even to the experienced reader. A must for studentsof the occult and arm-chair and practical magicians alike!


  • 396
  • Raymond Bucklands - Complete Book Of Witchcraft

    Downloaded: 54 times | Size: 261 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    This 1986 classic is not only an excellent introduction to the Wiccan religion and earth-based religions in general, it's also a workbook that can take the serious student to the equivalent level of third-degree Gardnerian. Though Raymond Buckland was a student of the late great Gerald Gardner, this manual does not adhere to a specific branch or denomination of witchcraft, but rather seeks to teach the elements and philosophies common to all, whether Celtic, Saxon, Finnish, or what have you. Buckland is credited with bringing the "old religion" to the U.S., and covens and solitary witches practicing the craft in the U.S. today have him to thank for getting it out of the closet. While Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft is a must-have for any serious Wiccan practitioner, it is full of down-to-earth spiritual wisdom, which makes it a wonderful addition to the library of any broadminded seeker on the path toward the One.

  • 397
  • Starr - Old Style Conjure

    Downloaded: 54 times | Size: 99 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    Old style Conjure is a 99 page, in depth down to earth lesson book on Hoodoo basics. Over 30 years of conjure experience is collected in this volume with topics like: How to cleanse yourself and others, using eggs, baths, chicken foot, protecting yourself, family, client or home. How to lay down and dispose of tricks. How to write petitions, conjure work recipes for oils and salts, working on controlling , dollies, jar spells, hot foot recipe, tying knots, making wax dollies, bringing things to you, bring a lover back, altar setups, oil lamps, Mojo jars, conjure hands, dominations, control and bend over, master hands, nail your man down and more. It also goes into the darker crossroads works. Nail the enemy, be rid of unwanted persons, block, bind them. How to Shut your Mouth stopping gossip, cause confusion, war water, prayers of every sort. Recipes for washes, oils, incenses, conjure hands and more, a vast collection in a tiny package. This book will become an invaluable reference for your hoodoo library, download yours today.

  • 398
  • Herman Slater - Magickal Formulary Spellbook Book II

    Downloaded: 54 times | Size: 158 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    A companion volume, to the Magickal Formulary Spellbook I to assist in the devising of spells and rites. Written for use by all traditions - any practitioner will find it an invaluable resource. For the beginner and advanced student there are simple and advanced spells and rites. The information and research presented will surely advance you along your path.
    Detailed Ritual Procedures & Exact Diagrams
    290 Classical Voodoo Formulas
    110 Herbs & Their Magickal Meanings
    62 Magickal Herbs and Illustrations
    Voodoo Special Herbs
    How to make your own incense
    14 Spells for Passionate Love
    9 Spells for Romantic Love
    6 Spells for Soothing Love Problems
    5 Spells for Controlling Infidelity
    Talismans & Seals
    Candles & The Colors of Magick
    Specialty Candle Oils & Rituals
    Love Attraction Spell
    2 Spells to Bring Back a Lover
    Envy & Jealousy
    Bring Peace to a Troubled Home Spell
    Keep a Man or Woman Faithful Spell
    Dealing with an Unwanted Lover Spell & Ritual
    Enhance the Romance of a Relationship Spell
    Protection of Love - Spell & Ritual
    How White Magick can be an Alternative to Black

  • 399
  • Wicca for Couples - Making Magic Together

    Downloaded: 54 times | Size: 225 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits


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