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Esoteric Daoist Magic

  • Chinese Taoist Sorcery: The Art of Getting Even

    Downloaded: 206 times | Size: 174 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    This is one of those rare times when a publisher is proud to present an interesting book to the public. The author is an expert in several fields of Chinese knowledge such as military strategy, the I Ching, metaphysics, and other branches of study still unknown in the West. Having had the opportunity to study with famous military and religious teachers in China, he wishes to share his knowledge with others.

  • Daoist Magical Talismans

    Downloaded: 128 times | Size: 409 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @1000 credits

    This amazing book contains a comprehensive Introduction to Magic Talismans, Applications of Magic Talismans, Types of Magical Talismans (i.e., Talismans for Making Spirits Appear, Talismans for Obtaining a Spirit Servant, Talismans for Shape Shifting, Talismans To Make a Dead Person Walk, Talismans for Invisibility, Talismans To Heal Sickness, Talismans for Protection, Talismans for Destroying Friendships, and Talismans for Creating Sickness), The Origin of Magical Talismans, The Secret Teachings of Magic Talismans, Constructing a Magic Talisman, The Translations of Several Ancient Zheng Yi Daoist Talisman Books, Talismans used to Summon Spirits of the Dead, Talisman Used For Commanding Demons, Talismans used to Break into Hell and Free the Souls of the Dead, The Incantation for Summoning the Magical Powers of the Right, The Magic Skill of Celestial Master Zhang for Expelling Evil and Curing Diseases, The Heavenly King’s Magic Talismans for Alleviating Disasters, Magic Seals for Energetically Activating Spirit Money, Talisman for Making Peace, Talisman and Incantation for Killing Pain and Stopping Bleeding, Talisman Seals Used For Binding and Containing Ghosts and Evil Spirits, Mao Shan Talismans Used To Induce Infatuation In Order to Keep a Mate, Mao Shan Protection Talismans Used For Fighting Against Black Magic and Psychic Attacks, and much more!

  • Magical Tools and the Daoist Altar

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    Acting as a bridge between the human and spirit worlds, the traditional role of the Daoist priest has been to continually renew the good relationship between the people of his or her community and the celestial powers of the gods.

    The various esoteric symbols, colors, and items used in Daoist magical rituals serve to further focus the sorcerers intention. Likewise, the use of incense, music, magical tools, and other materials are sometimes included to intensify the sense and empower the energy used in the magical rite.

    This book describes the Daoist mystics clothing, altar, magical tools, and magical rituals needed to summon the supernatural powers of the Celestial Immortals as used in the ancient esoteric training of the Zheng Yi Branch of Daoist mysticism. Topics include Ritual Clothing, Daoist Ritual Altar and Magical Tools, Establishing the Altar Room, Establishing a Meditation Room, Understanding Daoist Magical Rituals, A Working List of Daoist Immortals, and Classical Zheng Yi Magical Rituals (i.e., Using Thunder to Transform, etc.).

  • Daoist Weather Magic and Feng Shui

    Downloaded: 59 times | Size: 146 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @1000 credits

    This book includes the following information:
    Introduction to Feng Shui, History of Feng Shui, the Original Schools of Feng Shui, the Form School, the Compass School, Pattern (Li) and Energy (Qi), the Four Animals, Observing the Landscape, the Location of the Mountain , the Movement of the Water, the Topography Flow, Normal and Abnormal Landforms, the Location of Sha Qi, the Location of the Residence, Tthe Location of the Dragon's Lair, Earthly Qi, the Five Element Pattern of Earth, Yin and Yang Dwellings, Heaven Acting Upon Earth, the Earth's Energetic Grids, Introduction to the Three Treasures of Earth, Three Realms of Earth Energy, the Earth's Yin and Yang Interactions with Heaven, Gathering Qi From Mountains, Caves, Valleys, and Deserts, Five Element Mountain Formations, Four Mountain Dragons, Sacred Mountains, Five Sacred Mountains of Thunder Magic, Patterns of the Nine Star Mountains, Mountain Spirits, Mountain Spirits and Sacred Spots, Interactions with Mountain Spirits, Summoning Mountain Spirits, Finding and Entering into the Power Spot, Communicating with Mountain Spirits, Before Leaving the Power Spot, If Things Go Wrong, Returning to the Power Spot, Gathering Energy from Valleys, Gathering Energy from Deserts, Summoning the Earth God to Remove Malevolent Spirits, the Energy of Wind: Feng, Wind, the Music of the Earth and Voice of Heaven, the Wind as Messenger of Change, the Stars Affecting Wind and Rain, the Wind's Energetic Application, the Yin and Yang Nature of Wind, the Eight Directions of the Wind, Whirlwinds, Gathering Qi from the Four Winds, the Energy of Water: Shui, the Voice of Water, Energetic Qualities of Water, the Water Dragon, the Water Dragon Classics, the Four Animal Water Patterns, Gathering Qi From Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, and Streams, Invisible Watercourses, Sacred Watercourses, Waterfalls and Energetic Portals, Common Water Spirits, Five Element Water Formations, Practical Application of Feng Shui, Daoist Weather Magic, Performing Weather Magic, Daoist Magical Theory, the Laws of Daoist Magic, Daoist Sorcery Techniques, Techniques of Natural Power, Techniques for Attacking and Defending, Techniques of Divination, Understanding Daoist Weather Magic, Weather "Sense," Weather "Tools," Weather Stones, Weather Talismans, Rainmaking, Weather Magic Rituals, Summoning a Storm, Gathering Qi From Clouds and Mist, Training Cloud Qi, Calling the Wind, Wind Divination, and Calming a Storm.

  • Daoist Plant and Animal Magic

    Downloaded: 66 times | Size: 183 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @1000 credits

    This ancient manual includes many esoteric practices traditionally used in ancient Daoist sorcery.

    Its contents are as follows:
    Introduction to the Alchemical Transformations of Plants, Superior, Medium, and Inferior Herbs, Gathering Energy from Nature, the Magical Properties of Trees, Gathering Qi from Trees , Locating Tree Power Spots, Precautions, Tree Spirits, Forest Spirits, the Magical Properties of Plants, Visionary Plants, Gathering Qi From Plants, Gathering Energy from Bushes, Suffumigation, Meditation for Absorbing the Plant's Essence, Plant Spirits, Chinese Historical Encounters with Plant Spirits, Communicating with Plant Spirits, Harvesting the Magical Essence of the Plant's Spirit, Ancient Chinese Plant Alchemy, the Magical Art of Plant Alchemy, Creating a Magical Plant Tincture, Plant Ens (Creating Immortal Elixirs), Plant Stones (Creating Immortal Pills), Using Herbs to Create Talismanic Paper, the Study of the Realm of Animals, Introduction to the Alchemical Transformations of Animals, Animal Images of Ancient China, Chinese Totem Animals, Using Animal Masks For Protection, Animal Magic (Familiars), Types of Familiars, Interacting with Animal Familiars, Daoist Bagua Animal Totems, Daoist Celestial Animal Totems, Animal Shapeshifting, Animal Sacrifices, the Energetic Power of Blood, the Blood Ritual, and Creating a Blood Spirit.

  • Daoist Mineral Magic

    Downloaded: 52 times | Size: 150 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @1000 credits

    This ancient manual includes many esoteric practices traditionally used in ancient Daoist sorcery.

    Its contents are as follows:
    Study of the Realm of Minerals, Introduction to the Alchemical Transformations of Minerals, History of Magical and Medicinal Rocks, Formation of Minerals and Crystals, Minerals in Traditional Chinese Pharmacology, Absorbing the Healing Properties of Gems, Creating Gem Ens Elixirs, Cleansing the Crystal With Sunlight, Moonlight, Flowing Water or Earth, Ritualistic Cleansing and Incantations, Charging a Stone, Storage and Care of the Gem Elixir, Dose and Administration, Toxic Stones, Planetary Gem Elixirs, the Categorization of Planetary Gem Elixirs and Specific Powers, Lapidary (the Secret Powers of Rocks and Gems), the Magical Qualities of Gemstones and Minerals, Magical Defenses Using Minerals and Stones, Ritual Cleansing, Purifying the Altar Room, Summoning the Celestial Immortals, Using Breath Incantations to Open, Imprint, and Activate a Magical Stone, Ending the Ritual and Closing the Magical Ceremony, the Magical Energetic Properties of Gemstone Formulas, Divination Using A White Jade Ball, Healing With Crystals, Prayer Beads (Malas), Using the Prayer Stone Beads, Types of Prayer Beads, Using Malas As An Oracle, Using Malas to Ward Off Ghosts, Magical Stone Rings, Imprisoning a Spirit in a Magic Ring, Other Techniques Using Magical Rings, Magic Stone Talismans, Secret Powers of metals, Planetary metals, Spirit Rocks, Good Energetic Rocks, Evil Energetic Rocks, Element Rocks, Energy Regulators, Sacred Stone Formations, Gathering Qi from Caves, History of Cave Meditation, Preparation for Cave Meditation, and Guidelines for Cave Training.

  • Daoist Exorcism: Encounters With Sorcerers, Ghosts, Spirits and Demons

    Downloaded: 92 times | Size: 181 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @1000 credits

    This manual includes many esoteric practices traditionally used in ancient Daoist sorcery.

    Its contents are as follows:
    History of Exorcism, Three Realms of Daoist Mysticism, Interactions with the Spirit World, Two Schools of Daoist Sorcery, Understanding Psychic Influence, Principles of Psychic Interference, Psychic Attacks, Types of Psychic Attacks, Symptoms that Indicate a Psychic Attack, Defending Against Psychic Attacks, Encounters With Ghosts, Types of Hauntings, Communicating with Ghosts, Encounters with Spirits, Historic Classification of Spirits and Immortals, Seductive Spirits, Animal Spirits, Plant Spirits, Nature Spirits, Spirits of the Elemental Realms, Spirit Snakes and Spider Spirits, Sensations Attributed to the Presence of Spirit Entities, How and Why Negative Spirit Entities Attack, Self-Defense Against Spirit Entities, Protecting Children, Closing the Ghost Gate to Protect against Ghosts and Spirits, Encounters With Demonic and Evil Spirits, Demonology, Levels of Demonic Influence, Demonic Manifestation, Demonology According to Christian Mysticism, Historical Facts, Demonic Attacks, Encounters with Demon or Spirit Possessed Individuals, Demon or Spirit Oppression, Ten Reasons Why a Demon or Evil Spirit will Interact with an Individual, Three Stages of Demonic Assault (Demonic Infestation, Demonic Oppression, and Demonic Possession), History of Possession, Signs and Symptoms of Spirit Possession, Signs and Symptoms of Demonic Possession, Exorcism, Functionality of Exorcism, Four Primary Stages of Exorcism, the Ritual of Summoning Spirits for Interrogation and Exorcism, Binding and Banishing Techniques used to Remove Evil Spirit Entities, Treating Demonic or Spirit Oppression and Possession, Removing a Spirit or Demonic-Entity from a Individual, What to do After the Demon or Spirit Entity Leaves the Body, When the Demon or Spirit Entity Will Not Leave, Treatment for Phobia or Anxiety of Being Spirit or Demon Oppressed, Medical Qigong Treatment for Spirit and Ghost Hallucinations, Treatment using the Thirteen Ghost Points, the Magic Circle, and Three Stages of Daoist Exorcism.

  • Daoist Magical Incantations, Hand Seals, and Star Stepping

    Downloaded: 55 times | Size: 138 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @1000 credits

    This book includes the following information:
    Introduction to Training in Daoist Magic, History of Daoist Magic, Training the Mind Secret, Training the Speech Secret, Words and Magic, Incantations, Breath Incantations, Imprinting with Incantations, Enchantment, Trance Induction, Training the Body Secret, Daoist Magical Hand Seal Training, Introduction to Hand Seals, Types of Hand Seals, Specific Functions of the Hand Seals, Combining Hand Seals and Incantations, Double Handed Seals, Forming the Ba Gua Hand Seals, Eight Trigram Double-Hand Seals used for Yi-Jing Divination, Eight Trigram Double-Hand Seals for Gathering Power, Hand Seals and Rituals, Hand Seals Related to the Perfected Immortals of Anterior Heaven, Animal Hand Seals, Magical Instrument Hand Seals, Hand Seals and the Martial Generals, Daoist Esoteric Double-Hand Seals: Hand Seals Used for Worship, Hand Seals Used for Summoning, Hand Seals Used for Attacking and Defending, Hand Seals Used for Protection, Obstruction, Attacking, Binding, Imprisoning, and Sealing, Single Hand Seals, Five Element Organ Pattern, Daoist Three Dantians Single Hand Seals, Magic Square and Divination, Earthly Branches and Daoist Alchemy, Mao Shan Hand Seals Used for Healing or Protection, Seven Stars of the Big Dipper #1 Single Hand Seals, Seven Stars Pattern of the Northern Dipper Single Hand Seals, Seven Stars Pattern of the Southern Dipper Single Hand Seals, Daoist Esoteric Single Hand Seals, Hand Seals Used For Worship, Hand Seals Used For Summoning, Hand Seals Used For Attacking and Defending, Hand Seals Used For Protection, Obstruction, Attacking, Catching, and Sealing, Daoist Magical Star Stepping Patterns, Cycles of the Stars, History of Daoist Star Stepping, the Steps of Yu, Ancient Daoist Stepping Patterns, Introduction to the Big Dipper, Angle of the Big Dipper, Spiritual Power of the Big Dipper, the Stars of the Big Dipper, the Nine Dark Stars of the Big Dipper, the Pole Star and the Big Dipper, Big Dipper Stepping Patterns, Pacing the Big Dipper and Hand Seals, Seven Star Stepping Patterns, Nine Traces of the Big Dipper, the Nine Palaces of Heaven, Incantations For the Nine Palaces of Heaven, Offering Incense with "The Dipper of Bright Stars and Pearls" Incantation, Nine Palace Stepping Patterns, Twenty-Eight Star Constellations Stepping Patterns, Gathering Energy from the Twenty-Eight Star Constellations, Introduction to the Bagua: Eight Trigrams, Ba Gua Stepping Patterns, Introduction to the Wu Xing: Five Elements, Five Element Stepping Patterns, Three Pace Stepping Patterns, Summoning the Spirits of the Dead, "Gathering the Hun" Stepping Patterns, Magical Esoteric Star Stepping Patterns for Summoning Celestial Immortals, and the Five Animal Protection Incantation.

  • Daoist Magical Transformation Skills

    Downloaded: 117 times | Size: 288 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @750 credits

    This new book contains the esoteric theories and secret training of the following magical skills:
    Transformation Skills of Daoist Sorcery, Two Types of Magical Transformation Skill, The Magical Transformation of Man, Observing the Present Meditation, Psychometry, Clairaudience, Transferring Thoughts, Clairvoyance, Perceiving a Person’s Destiny, Seeing Spirits and Having Visions, Dream Magic, Dream Magic Training, Herbs Used To Induce Lucid Dreaming, Mind Magic, Illusionary Magic, Invisibility, Three Types of Invisibility Skills, Suspended Animation, Walking Through Walls, Soul Travel, Teleportation, Bilocation, Shape-Shifting Magic, Methods of Shape-Shifting, The Magical Transformation of External Things, Defense Magic, Healing Magic, Sex Magic, Materialization, Telekinesis, Contracting the Land, Constructing a River by Drawing a Line on the Ground, Wrapping Up The Heavens, Weather Magic, Divination Magic, Corpse Magic, Transferring a Soul, Stealing the Soul of a Coma Victim, Rituals Used In Corpse Magic In Order to Obtain a Spirit Helper, Energy, Spirit, and Soul Projection, Qi and Thought Projection, Shadow Magic Training,Three Types of Soul Projection, Five Phases of Soul Travel, Soul Projection Training, Imagination Techniques, Respiration Techniques, Mantra Sound Techniques, Advanced Soul Projection and Shape-Shifting Techniques, Communicating in the Spirit World, Encountering Spirit Beings, Stages of Spiritual Development, Introduction to Daoist Sex Magic, Three Stages of Relationship, Levels of Intimacy, Applications of Sex Magic, Using Sexual Magic for Energy Cultivation, Sexual Postures and Techniques, Sex Magic Rituals, Deity Magic and Sex Magic, Sex With An Succubus or Incubus, Sexual Encounters With Walk-Ins, Group Sex Magic, Blood Magic and Sex Magic, Blood Sacrifices and Group Sex Magic, Tonic Herbal Formulas, Aphrodisiacs, and Ancient Chinese Love Spells and Hexes.

  • The Complete System of Self-Healing: Internal Exercises by Dr. Stephen T. Chang

    Downloaded: 64 times | Size: 215 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    The Ancient Sages who devised these exercises more than 6,000 years ago were very practical people: if something worked well, they used it; if it did not, it was discarded. A practical and immediately useable aid in the art of self-healing, the Internal Exercises are designed to energize the entire body, to balance the energy level, and to promote a more effective functioning of the internal organs. There are even exercises for approximately 30 common ailments, including headaches, colds, heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. Learn how to regulate your health in accordance with the natural laws.

    Chang has devoted forty years of intensive research, experience, and meticulous selection to make sure that the techniques within this book are:

    1.) Absolutely true Taoist teachings
    2.) absolutely scientific
    3.) Proven to possess great healing value
    4.) Absolutely natural
    5.) Absolutely safe (no side-effects) and free from time or space limitations.

    This book was written only to introduce the internal exercises of Taoism as a gesture of good will. Since certain exercises, special techniques and teachings which are introduced may be new to certain societies, since human beings are complicated and delicate in constitution and since every individual is different, please consult your physician before you try any of the contents of this book for your own protection.

  • [ recommended ] Handbooks for Daoist Practice (10 Volume Set) by Louis Komjathy

    Downloaded: 46 times | Size: 10 PDF ebooks | Add to wishlist | Download for @1000 credits

    A bilingual (Chinese-English) translation series on Daoist practice consisting of 10 individual volumes and a slipcase. Translated and introduced by Louis Komjathy (Ph.D., Religious Studies, Boston University), Handbooks for Daoist Practice (Xiudao shouce) is a series of translations of nine important, representative, and practice-oriented Daoist texts. Each work has been selected for its relevance to self-cultivation.

    Each translation follows a standard format, consisting of a historical and technical introduction, the translation proper, and the original Chinese text.

    The handbooks are as follows: (1) Neiye (Inward Training); (2) Laozi (Book of Venerable Masters; select chapters); (3) Huangdi neijing suwen (Yellow Thearch's Basic Questions; chs. 1-2); (4) Qingjing jing (Scripture on Clarity and Stillness); (5) Laojun jinglu (Scriptural Statutes of Lord Lao); (6) Nei riyong jing (Scripture for Daily Internal Practice); (7) Yinfu jing (Scripture on the Hidden Talisman); (8) Chongyang shiwu lun (Redoubled Yang's Fifteen Discourses); and (9) Tianyinzi (Book of Master Celestial Seclusion). Handbooks for Daoist Practice consists of these nine booklets plus an introductory booklet discussing the translation series as a whole. The introductory booklet is intended to be a comprehensive introduction to the study and practice of Daoism (Taoism).

  • Taoist Dream Practice Audio CD

    Downloaded: 38 times | Size: 475MB (8 CD set - 11 hours) | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    Dream Practice vs. Dream Interpretation
    Dark Side vs. Evil Side, True Yin vs. False Yin
    Tao theory of Body Spirits at night
    Guided Meditations: body sleeps, Mind Awake
    Power Napping, Lucid Living, Dream Commands
    Shortcuts to higher soul contact
    (8 CD set - 11 hours)

  • Daoist Magical Talismans

    Downloaded: 19 times | Size: 409 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @1000 credits

    This amazing book contains a comprehensive Introduction to Magic Talismans, Applications of Magic Talismans, Types of Magical Talismans (i.e., Talismans for Making Spirits Appear, Talismans for Obtaining a Spirit Servant, Talismans for Shape Shifting, Talismans To Make a Dead Person Walk, Talismans for Invisibility, Talismans To Heal Sickness, Talismans for Protection, Talismans for Destroying Friendships, and Talismans for Creating Sickness), The Origin of Magical Talismans, The Secret Teachings of Magic Talismans, Constructing a Magic Talisman, The Translations of Several Ancient Zheng Yi Daoist Talisman Books, Talismans used to Summon Spirits of the Dead, Talisman Used For Commanding Demons, Talismans used to Break into Hell and Free the Souls of the Dead, The Incantation for Summoning the Magical Powers of the Right, The Magic Skill of Celestial Master Zhang for Expelling Evil and Curing Diseases, The Heavenly King's Magic Talismans for Alleviating Disasters, Magic Seals for Energetically Activating Spirit Money, Talisman for Making Peace, Talisman and Incantation for Killing Pain and Stopping Bleeding, Talisman Seals Used For Binding and Containing Ghosts and Evil Spirits, Mao Shan Talismans Used To Induce Infatuation In Order to Keep a Mate, Mao Shan Protection Talismans Used For Fighting Against Black Magic and Psychic Attacks, and much more!


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* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







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