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Shows: 295 - 312 of 312, Page: << < 1 3 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 > >>


  • Melchizedek Drunvalo - The Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life

    Downloaded: 25 times | Size: 235 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • [ recommended ] Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock

    Downloaded: 33 times | Size: 490 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    The bestselling author of The Sign and the Seal reveals the true origins of civilization. Connecting puzzling clues scattered throughout the world, Hancock discovers compelling evidence of a technologically and culturally advanced civilization that was destroyed and obliterated from human memory. An exciting journey of discovery that spans continents and centuries, seeking evidence of humanity's first great civilization

  • Hierarchies: The Ladder of Life

    Downloaded: 7 times | Size: 29 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Theosopical Manua

  • The Astral Light

    Downloaded: 13 times | Size: 17 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Theosopical Manua

  • Occult Glossary: A Compendium of Oriental and Theosophical Terms by G. de Purucker

    Downloaded: 12 times | Size: 149 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    A compendious glossary of commonly used Oriental and Theosophical terms to be helpful for students of esoteric philosophy

  • Nature of the WIll

    Downloaded: 26 times | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    17 pages (Mysterium Pansophicum)

  • Heidelberg Catechism

    Downloaded: 2 times | Size: 66 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • The Enchiridion of Indulgence

    Downloaded: 5 times | Size: 75 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • The Canon

    Downloaded: 7 times | Size: 418 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • How to use a Pendulum

    Downloaded: 104 times | Size: 4 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    to help you predict the winners of horse & greyhound races, lotto & lottery, stock market, ball games, football pools, sporting events & more

  • The Pendulum

    Downloaded: 33 times | Size: 3 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

  • A Course in Time Travel

    Downloaded: 87 times | Size: 408 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Multidimensional Consciousness

  • Spells and Spellcrafting

    Downloaded: 694 times | Size: 46 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

  • Demonolatry Blends: A Formulary

    Downloaded: 18 times | Size: 106 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    Compilation of recipes for oils and incenses for all sorts of different demons including those in the Goetia.

  • A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science

    Downloaded: 16 times | Size: 379 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    The Universe May Be a Mystery,
    But It's No Secret

    Michael Schneider leads us on a spectacular, lavishly illustrated journey along the numbers one through ten to explore the mathematical principles made visible in flowers, shells, crystals, plants, and the human body, expressed in the symbolic language of folk sayings and fairy tales, myth and religion, art and architecture. This is a new view of mathematics, not the one we learned at school but a comprehensive guide to the patterns that recur through the universe and underlie human affairs. A Beginner's Guide to Constructing, the Universe shows you:
    Why cans, pizza, and manhole covers are round.
    Why one and two weren't considered numbers by the ancient Greeks.
    Why squares show up so often in goddess art and board games.
    What property makes the spiral the most widespread shape in nature, from embryos and hair curls to hurricanes and galaxies.
    How the human body shares the design of a bean plant and the solar system.
    How a snowflake is like Stonehenge, and a beehive like a calendar.
    How our ten fingers hold the secrets of both a lobster and a cathedral.
    And much more.

  • Memories of Franz Bardon by Lumir Bardon

    Downloaded: 14 times | Size: 105 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    This much-anticipated memoir provides fond remembrance and heart-warming tales from those who knew Bardon best. Insights into Bardon's personal likes and dislikes and habits will bring his readers closer to his persona and give them a more accurate idea of Bardon the man, father, and teacher. Aspiring adepts will enjoy 22 photos of Bardon with his family and friends. You'll also find fresh teachings from Master Bardon on the subject of Hermetics - a welcome addition to a classic series of occult books.

  • The Necromantic Ritual Book

    Downloaded: 27 times | Size: 59 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    For many, ritual is a way to formally connect with specific currents of energy. The rituals in this book are intended to align one's soul with the "Death Energy". One might ask, what is "Death Energy"? Simply expressed, it is the current of transition. The workings in this unique book will permit the magician to bask in the "lifeforce" of the Angel of Death. Successful working of any of these devotions will enable you to share consciousness with the Angel of Death on an intimate level, as well as becoming "one" with your own death. Chapters include; "Getting To Know You", simple exercises to get comfortable in Death's presence, "Connecting With the Death Energy", "The Summoning of Shadows", "A Note on Temples", (the finest temples call to us, we need not erect them in a physical sense.) "Accessing The Gates", "Ritual Sculpting", (creating the perfect golem and animating it through empowerment rituals) and "High Necromancy", not for the faint of heart nor the fearful. These are rites of passion and devotion for the accomplished and sincere practitioner. The Necromantic Ritual Book is a lamp unto the realm of shadows, dispelling fear with understanding.

  • Mediunship Basics: 101 Things to know about Talking with the Dead

    Downloaded: 16 times | Size: 127 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Talking with the Dead/Connecting with the Other Side/communicating with Spirit - has been fascinating people throughout the centuries. Can we really connect to deceased ones in Spirit? Can they connect with us? Can everyone talk to the Dead? Are there Spirits left behind? What to do when experiencing paranormal? What if I am scared when I see Spirits? Basic questions answered in a short, straight to the point way, in this pocket-size book about Mediumship.


Shows: 295 - 312 of 312, Page: << < 1 3 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 > >>




* These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.







Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Mastering Soul Travel

A Field Guide To Unlocking Astral Gateways, Traversing The Planes, And Reuniting With The Source Of Consciousness Itself.


Learn How To: - Soul Travel To Any plane - Apprentice With Ascended Masters - Experience Supreme Godhood

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Universal Circle

Summon absolutely ANY TYPE of spirit to full physical appearance, including angels, demons, gods, elementals, planetary intelligences, dead humans, and more.

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Mastering Divination: Omniscience

Learn Magick Rituals That Awaken Your Clairvoyance, So You Can Perform Deadly Accurate Divination Readings, And Communicate With Spirits

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The Ultimate Guide To Performing Magick And Experiencing Godlike Power

I'll show you the exact steps and specific pathworkings to help you be more successful with ritual magick and your Ascent to Godhood - and you don't need special genetics or fancy initiations to do it...
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Circle of Solomon

The Most Famous And Respected Magick Circle In Occult History... Harness The Spiritual Power Of The Circle Of Solomon And Evoke Angels To Physical Appearance

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Interviews With A Magus

Watch interviews of the most powerful magicians in the world, as they tell "war stories" and reveal closely-guarded occult secrets.

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Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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Attract Studio
... Create your own Attraction Movies - and manifest your ideal life!


Five Rituals

 ... Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!


Quantum Cookbook

 ... Discover the untold secrets of manifesting!


Advanced Cosmic Ordering
... Discover the hidden secrets behind Cosmic Ordering!


Manipulative Psychology 101 - I'm Popular You're Not

Manipulative Psychology 101

... Uncover the powerful secrets of social control, from Mr X







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