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Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence

Learn How To Evoke Any Spirit To Full Physical Appearance.

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Five Rituals

 Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day!

Complete Works of E.A. Koetting

Enjoy all the critically-acclaimed grimoires by the master sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, in the world's most powerful books of the Left Hand Path.

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Shows: 463 - 483 of 500, Page: << < 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 22 23 24 > >>



  • [ recommended ] Charles Haanel - The Master Key System

    Downloaded: 48 times | Size: 178 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    The Master Key System is simply one of the finest studies in self-improvement,mind-stuff, and higher consciousness ever written. Covering everything from how to get wealthy to how to get healthy, Charles F Haanel leaves no stone unturned. With precision, he elucidates on each topic with logic and rigor that not only leaves you feeling good, but also thinking good. The book was banned by the Church in 1933 and has been hidden away for decades.


  • 464
  • Ilmu Khodam: Occult Art of Aquiring Spirit Servitors

    Downloaded: 48 times | Size: 20 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 465
  • Denning & Phillips - The Aurum Solis Initiation Ceremonies and Inner Magical Techniques

    Downloaded: 48 times | Size: 230 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Both above the level of rationality and below it, there exist for us vital and purposeful areas of psychic activity which are frequently termed "unconscious", not because they are unconscious at their own levels but because the rational mind is unconscious of them. One of the major results to be sought, whether in magical training, in meditation, or for the matter of that in psychotherapy, is to push back the misty boundaries of unconsciousness, both higher and lower. That achieved, the conscious mind is more widely able to recognise the influences which affect it, to understand them and very frequently control them, and so is able to take more intelligent responsibility in the life of the person. In this book, the keys to this process as employed in the initiatory rites of the Order Aurum Solis are revealed in detail for the first time. These ceremonies of initiation, together with inner magical techniques required for proper performance of the works, are capable of leading the aspirant from the portal of the mysteries to the heights of magical attainment. The structure and consecration of an Aurum Solis temple are likewise presented, together with details of vestments and regalia; and the major inner symbolism of the Ogdoadic Tradition of the Western Mysteries is set forth. This significant work, prepared by the Grand Master of the Order, is a full and vital revelation of the outer and inner initiatory technology of the Aurum Solis, and stands as a guide to the magical potential and the power of the Ogdoadic Tradition.

  • 466
  • [ recommended ] The Goetia of Dr Rudd: The Angels and Demons of Liber Malorum Spirituum Seu Goetia Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis

    Downloaded: 48 times | Size: 445 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @500 credits

    The Goetia (Lemegeton) is perhaps the most famous grimoire after the Key of Solomon. This volume contains a transcription of a hitherto unpublished manuscript of the Lemegeton includes four whole grimoires: Liber Malorum Spituum seu Goetia Theurgia-Goetia Ars Paulina (Books 1 & 2) Ars Almadel This manuscript was owned by Dr. Thomas Rudd, a practicing scholar-magician of the early seventeenth century who knew Dr. John Dee. There are many editions of the Goetia, of which the most definitive is that of Joseph Peterson, but this volume shows how the Goetia was actually used by practicing magicians in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, before the knowledge of practical magic faded into obscurity. For example, to evoke the seventy-two demons of the Geotia, or the many other spirits listed here, requires more knowledge than is included in the grimoires themselves. It was well-known in times past that invocatio and ligatio, or binding, was a key part of evocation, but in the modern editions of the Goetia this key technique is expressed in just one word "Shemhamphorash," and its use is not explained. This volume explains how the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash are used to bind the spirits, and the correct procedure for safely invoking them using dual seals with the necessary angel seal and Psalm. Also, for the first time, the exact form and use of the breastplate and Brass Vessel is explained.

  • 467
  • Voodoo Sex Magick from Haiti By Michele Tolouse

    Downloaded: 48 times | Size: 4 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @200 credits

    Strong sex magick of African & Creole origin; but easy enough for the individual to use.

    Not to be read by the easily offended. Rituals for arousing the passion of another.


  • 468
  • Dick Sutphen - Spirit Guides Course

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    74-Minute Course WithTwo Altered-State Meditations. A condensed version of a workshop Dick Sutphen has conducted all over the world. Learn about ? Spirit Guides, ? Support Guides, ? Overguides, ? Master contact, plus ? Dos, ? Don?ts, and ? Warnings. Dick explores the limits of what your spirit guide can and can?t tell you, why they appear in physical form, having the guide you deserve, and even replacing an incompatible guide. Much more. Two powerful altered-state meditations are included. The inductions invoke a chakra balancing and energizing technique to charge your aura. 1. Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation: Dick has refined this process over the years to make it effective for everyone. You will meet your spirit guide face-to-face, learn their name and communicate directly using ?thought language.? 2. Combined Energies Spirit Guide Meditation: This powerful meditation is structured to be used regularly. Deep in an altered state of consciousness, you?ll meet your spirit guide and combine your energies on whatever you want to work on: programming, reprogramming, accelerated learning, healing, expanded awareness, or esoteric explorations. Tracks: 1. Spirit Guide Introduction. 2. Altered-State Preparation. 3. Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation. 4. Working With Your Guide. 5. Combined Energies Spirit Guide Meditation

  • 469
  • [ recommended ] Al G. Manning - The Miracle of Universal Psychic Power

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    According to AL G. Manning within a matter of minutes, you can begin to tap the untouched life force within you.Universal Psychic Power is the discovery that Manning claims establishes direct contact with the secret energy force hidden deep inside all of us, and draws it out like a magnet. Step-by-step, he guides you through a miracle program for mastery over all the adverse or negative conditions and influences in your life. Contents include: Pschic Thought and Action; Harness the Cosmic Light and Your Psychic Energy Centers; Turn Your Desires into Psychic Fields; Harness the Psychic Power of Ceremonial Magic; Establish Working Contact with Your Spirit Guide or Teacher; Use Psychic Healing Methods; Control the Psychic Power of attracting Money; Magnify Your Personal Power; Protect Yourself Against Secret Psychic Attack; Use Psychic Thought Transference and Telepathic Communication; Art of Astral Projection; Produce Practical Miracles; Gain True Personal Confidence; Regain Powers from Your Past Lives; .Amazing discovery instantaneously taps the Secret Life Force within you and unleashes a flood of riches, love and happiness! Manning reveals important principles and techniques related to Universal Psychic Power.Covers how to build a working foundation, how to harness your psychic energy, psychic healing methods, controlling life situations, attracting money and many other important subjects relating to actively bringing abundance into your life

  • 470
  • [ recommended ] Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer

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    Projecting out-of-body requires a delicate balance of mind, body, and spirit. Mastering Astral Projection offers everyone the opportunity to explore nonphysical dimensions and learn more about their spirituality.

    This practical guide to achieving conscious out-of-body experiences is based upon Robert Bruce's extensive knowledge of astral projection, Brian Mercer's methods for personal success, and valuable feedback from volunteers who have tested this program. Presented in an easy-to-follow workbook format, the thirteen-week program introduces astral projection methods and provides daily exercises that progressively prepares and trains readers for this incredible, life-changing experience.

  • 471
  • [ recommended ] Twenty-Five Doors to Meditation: A Handbook for Entering Samadhi by William Bodri

    Downloaded: 48 times | Size: 252 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @300 credits

    Twenty-Five Doors to Meditation is the first guide to provide extensive, comprehensive, and detailed information about a variety of meditation methods. Together, William Bodri and Lee Shu-Mei make sense of that seemingly conflicting information that exists today regarding the path to spiritual enlightenment.

    Each meditation technique is fully described as is the interrelationship between the different paths to enlightenment. The authors show how Buddhist techniques can be explained through Taoist principles, Christian techniques through Hindu principles, and so on.

    Each meditation technique is designed to help you attain samadhi, the crux of spiritual development. The Authors explore the scientific basis behind each technique, developmental stages of accomplishment, and each path's effectiveness for entering samadhi. Especially useful is an extensive list of recommended references for the further study of individual techniques. An indespensable book for individuals searching to find the meditation technique that is best for them.

  • 472
  • Dragon Tradition Wicca

    Downloaded: 47 times | Size: 64 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @5 credits

    Simon Craft


  • 473
  • Making a Pact With Satan

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  • 474
  • Masters of Body Language

    Downloaded: 47 times | Size: 10 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    Dr. Gabriel and Nili Raa


  • 475
  • [ recommended ] Egyptian Secrets of Albertus Magnus: Forbidden Knowledge of Ancient Philosophers

    Downloaded: 47 times | Size: 177 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @100 credits

    Of the Virtues of Herbs, Stones, and Certain Beasts, Also a Book of the Marvels of the World. The Book of Nature and the Hidden Secrets and Mysteries of Life Unveiled; Being the Forbidden Knowledge of Ancient Philosophers by that celebrated Student,Philosopher, Chemist, Naturalist, Psychomist, Astrologer,Alchemist, Metallurgist, Sorcerer, Explanator of the Mysteries of Wizards and Witchcraft; together with recondite Views of numerous Arts and Science-Obscure, Plain, Practical, etc. This book reveals magical formulas for health, protection, power, victory,medicines, etc

  • 476
  • Ritual 8 Invokation of the Holy Guardian Angel

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  • 477
  • Bend that Fork!

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  • 478
  • Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul

    Downloaded: 47 times | Size: 100 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 479
  • The Emerald Tablet of Hermes

    Downloaded: 47 times | Size: 22 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 480
  • True and Faithful Relation of What Passed for Many Years Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits

    Downloaded: 47 times | Size: 476 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits

    A fascinatingaccount of Dr. Dee's experience of speaking with spirits tounearth the laws of nature and creation. Scarce!


  • 481
  • Breathwork Yoga - Yogic Breathing by Brainvave Mind Voyage

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    This audios contains ten tracks that are specifically engineered to tune your brainwaves to different complex combinations of brainwave ranges (alpha, theta, delta) with a hypnotic soundscape for your listening pleasure. You can follow along on this guided breathwork yoga session to learn profound deep breathing techniques. You can use this audios to tune or synchronize your brainwaves to specific frequencies. Your brainwave frequencies determine your mindstate, your awareness and your mood. By tuning them into specific frequencies, you can effectively induce states of consciousness that are beneficial for breathwork, deep relaxation and optimal mental and physical health. This BMV Series uses hypnosis, hypnotic trance induction techniques, autogenic training, embedded brainwave beat frequencies including the 40 Hz frequency, subliminal messages and split-ear scripted vocal guidance that target the appropriate hemisphere of your brain, either right or left depending on the message. It teaches you, the listener, several deep breathing techniques and you can use this to implant beneficial subliminal messages aimed at developing positive deep breathing throughout your entire day.

  • 482
  • A Treatise on Astral Projection by Robert Bruce concise version

    Downloaded: 47 times | Size: 36 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


  • 483
  • Egyptian Book of the Dead translated by E.A. Wallis Budge

    Downloaded: 47 times | Size: 72 pages | Add to wishlist | Download for @50 credits


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